Can Diabetes Stop Progress in Lifting Heavy

If u have diabetes, would it stop u from seeing results from heavy lifting??? Is that even possible? Just wondering cuz im 2 months consistanly 3 times a week and i dont see anything.


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have been type one diabetic 28 years and lift heavy. I notice way more definition and my shirts fit different. Is it possible that u need to increase your weight? Give it a try.....
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    Much more information is needed such as what lifting program you are using and the sort of weight you use and how the amount you lift has increased. However, the long and short of it is diabetes won't prevent lifting heavy from working. There have been professional bodybuilders who have been diabetic.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Took a peak at your diary to check your protein and it is blank for the past fiew days. I went back a month and saw you were leaving 1/2 your protein on the table and going over in carbs. Strength training won't show results with out proper diet.
  • stephanieogle35
    I have had type one diabetes for 7.5 years now, and I do know that high levels of insulin can make it difficult to shed weight, and can also help to "bulk up" a person. However, when my blood sugar levels are in control and I'm taking the proper dose of insulin for me, I can lose weight and tone up just the way I'd expect to. Having said that, I'm not a lifter, so I can only speak for diet and running as a form of exercise. Good luck!
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    On average I have about 20g of protein at breakfast, lunch and supper. So roughly 60grams a day. I am doing Strong lifts. Here is my workout plans:

    Work Out A
    Tri/Lat Pulldowns 30lb on machine 5*5
    Bentover Rows 60lb 5*5
    Pectoral Fly 40lb on machine 5*5
    Deadlifts 100lbs on bar 3*5
    FrontBar Squats 60lbs on bar 5*5
    Lunges with dumbbells 10lbs 3*10
    Core on floor - 2 exercises of choice 3*10

    Reverse Fly 10lb dumbbells
    Pushups 3*10
    Deadlifts 3*5 100lbs on bar
    OHP 60lbs on bar 5*4
    FrontBar Squats 60lbs on bar 5*5
    Bench Press on gym set 40lb 5*5
    Core on floor - 2 exercises of choice 3*10

    I also an currently doing 30 day crunch challenge and I play badminton once a week and walk or jog 2 times a week.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    It's hard for me to increase every week because I only have 5lbers to work with so I have to up the weight by 10lbs each time. Next week I will try deads at 110lb and squats and rows at 70lbs. Everything else will stay the same.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Much more information is needed such as what lifting program you are using and the sort of weight you use and how the amount you lift has increased. However, the long and short of it is diabetes won't prevent lifting heavy from working. There have been professional bodybuilders who have been diabetic.

    Is THAT why they're shotgunning Insulin these days? Sorry... Little bb drug joke :)
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Much more information is needed such as what lifting program you are using and the sort of weight you use and how the amount you lift has increased. However, the long and short of it is diabetes won't prevent lifting heavy from working. There have been professional bodybuilders who have been diabetic.

    Is THAT why they're shotgunning Insulin these days? Sorry... Little bb drug joke :)

    The only thing insulin does for me is piss me off!!! Oh and keep me alive too... oh well!
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    The only thing insulin does for me is piss me off!!! Oh and keep me alive too... oh well!

    I have a friend who likes to joke that if she forgets to wake up and take her shot she might just not wake up at all. Always (never) gets a laugh :P