Am I doing something wrong?

I have just completed week 1 of my weightloss club. We weighed in tonight, I lost only 0.8lbs. I have been below calories all week except the 2nd and 3rd day, walked 6.5 miles... and all I got was 0.8lbs. Could it be due (TMI sorry.... that it's that time of the month?) I'm not giving up... just wondering if I'm doing something wrong...



  • Sinda
    Sinda Posts: 13
    about 1 pound a week sounds right. you're on track :) just have some patience.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    It can be many things but you mentioning your TOTM is probably why....I usually gain a couple pounds or don't loose during the couple days before ....but it could also be the things/combinations you are eating (even if you are under calorie), high sodium/not drinking enough water...on , and on , and on.....don't give up, stay strong and hope you have a better week next time.....:wink:
  • Lucindaq
    Lucindaq Posts: 25
    I would look at your sodium intake and if you are drinking enough water. And yes that time of month can make you retain water. Keep up the good work! You will get there!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Almost 1lb is not bad tbf

    And I put on three at the time of the month :( normally two come straight back off though.
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    Make sure your eating enough calories too or else your body will hold onto them. Keep up the good work though and you will see the results :o)
  • Angowen
    Angowen Posts: 22
    Are you getting all of your water in? In the past for me, if I don't get all my water in, I don't have nearly as big of a loss.
  • dawnsant
    dawnsant Posts: 44
    How much water are you drinking?
  • bonniecameron68
    I found when i first start to exercise I actually gain a little bit and then it seems to take a while before the weight loss kicks in. For me it was because I was building lean muscle tissue, which can cause some swelling and also you may be gaining muscle quicker than you are losing the fat. It will all equal out you'll see!!
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    Drink your water, and keep up the good work. I actually gain about a pound during that time, but after its over I see nice results! (Including having that pound go away!)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    ~ 1 lb a week is a good avg. Why do you think you are doing something wrong? Sounds like you are clearly on a good, sustainable, track.

  • andi93
    andi93 Posts: 13
    as everyone said, water and sodium intake is important to watch. but be sure to exercise for 30 minutes a day in you target heart range! i had a nutritionist tell me that my walking around manhattan all day wouldn't benefit me as much as the exercising within my heart range would. and u can google the formula to figure out your heart range. congrats on losing a pound- some people wouldn't lose that even with exercise at that time of the month :P. results may be slow, but if theyre steady its a good thing. 6 months down the line its better to say i took off a pound each week than having to say i gained one :) thats the thought that keeps me going. good luck :)!