Anybody else doing Slim Series (follow-up to SI6)?

PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
I've done a bazillion Beachbody programs, and this is hands down my favorite. Is anybody else doing it? How are you using it? I'm doing a hybrid of Slim in 6, Slim Series, and P90X, but predominantly Slim Series. I'd love to hear what others are doing!


  • andi93
    andi93 Posts: 13
    I've been doing TurboJam for the summer, and now after a good month, i'm looking for something new. I haven't tried any of these, but its great to hear you like them- i should switch it up! Also, I've been going to zumba- LOVE IT! if you have not tried a zumba class and you love dancing/music, give it a go :) if i weren't a broke college kid, i'd pay for a class every day :P. i'll definitely have to take a look at the slim series!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Love music, hate dancing. LOL. More accurately, I'm too uncoordinated to dance, so Turbo Jam wasn't a great fit for me. That's why I really like the Slim in 6 and Slim Series workouts. You don't have to be particularly graceful to be able to do them. :happy:
  • oakesgina
    Hi PJilly,

    I lost 45 pounds doing Silm in 6 by beachbody . . . It seriously changed my life !! I took a long break from it to run and to train for a sprint triathlon. I am back at it with a mix of Chalean Extreme for weight training. I was looking at your profile and I am turning 50 in August. It is not bothering me because I am in better shape now then when I was 30 : ) I also agree with you that the Turbo Jam was to hard for me . . . I just could not master the moves in that DVD. The slim in 6 helped me loose the weight and is helping me keep it off for the last year and a half !
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Hi oakesgina, and welcome to MFP!

    Isn't it awesome to welcome 50 with open arms? (Well, mostly anyway. LOL.) I'm in better shape than I've been in my entire adult life. I lost my weight with Slim in 6, and then I added Slim Series to get some variety and a little more focus on strength training. It sounds like you're doing the same thing with CE. That's one I haven't tried, but I've heard great things about it.

    Keep up the great work!
  • mandy2128
    I love beachbody programs as well! I lost 12 pounds with slim in 6. I have very much enjoyed turbo jam, slim series, and P90x. Im currently doing Turbo Fire. I just had a baby 10 weeks ago, so Im really hoping this is going to take away that extra weight!! :)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Congrats on the new baby, Mandy! Let us know how you like TurboFire.