Anybody here severely obese?



  • oldmanrivererik
    oldmanrivererik Posts: 28 Member
    Its "Food Rules" by Micheal Pollan
  • amylite
    amylite Posts: 40 Member
    I find once I have started to exercise, I start to feel better about myself, and when I feel better about myself, I treat myself better, and when I treat myself better, I eat less crap :)

    ^^^ This!

    You're here, that's a HUGE start! :-)
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I started at 349. I lost almost 150 pounds, then gained almost 75 back. I'm now working on getting back to a healthy weight.
    Reading the success stories here really does help, but don't compare yourself to anyone else! Set a small goal to start, like 10% of your total body weight. Also, set daily "behavior" goals, like going out for a walk, drinking water, or eating more fruits & veg than you otherwise would.

    Just. Keep. Swimming.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    I am close to 400 pounds...ugh. Latest is 385, I am 5'10". I so badly want to lose weight and need to. I feel overwhelmed to even start. Every time I do, I end up losing motivation by the third or fourth day, if not sooner. I have looked through a lot of the success stories pictures because I thought they would motivate me but honestly it just made me so jealous of everyone because I would love to even look like most people's BEFORE pictures! I don't know how the hell I let myself get like this. I am 23 years old. I saw a pic yesterday of me when I was 15, I was around 215. At the time I thought I was a fat cow and wanted to lose weight and wanted just to be under 200. Now I think I look downright SKINNY in that picture and would kill to look like that again...UGH!

    Anyone started out very, very overweight? What has worked for you? Thanks :)

    While I have made the "obese" category, and I am improving, I haven't quite been there. I just wanted to voice my support! I've had a few friends and family members with a lot more to lose than me completely blow past me getting into shape! Just commit to memory what the benefits are of losing 10% of your current weight can be. Those "small" accomplishments are really huge in impact!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I am close to 400 pounds...ugh. Latest is 385, I am 5'10". I so badly want to lose weight and need to. I feel overwhelmed to even start. Every time I do, I end up losing motivation by the third or fourth day, if not sooner. I have looked through a lot of the success stories pictures because I thought they would motivate me but honestly it just made me so jealous of everyone because I would love to even look like most people's BEFORE pictures! I don't know how the hell I let myself get like this. I am 23 years old. I saw a pic yesterday of me when I was 15, I was around 215. At the time I thought I was a fat cow and wanted to lose weight and wanted just to be under 200. Now I think I look downright SKINNY in that picture and would kill to look like that again...UGH!

    Anyone started out very, very overweight? What has worked for you? Thanks :)

    Feel over-whelmed if you need to but don't let that feeling stop you from regaining your health. Just start by cutting calories and logging your food ( to see exactly what you are doing) and doing VERY Moderate exercise like a little walking and stretching. Be PATIENT with yourself...and while you are cutting calories you should do research as to whether you want a specific plan. Just get started, here, there are MANY who started wayyy higher weight than you and are now at their goal weights...and they did it with eating right and a little exercise...but give it time and commitment.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I am pretty sure I weighed over 400lbs at one point. What always got me going is setting up a plan and then sticking to it. Plan your meals/calories out ahead of time. Print them out if you want and post them to the fridge. Then, just take it day by day. Don't worry about exercise until you have lost some weight. I always felt like I had to do it all and got overwhelmed. I slowly added exercise and I still struggle with doing anything long term.
  • I was always like that aswell, I would start then give up a week or so into it. The last time I started though, about 6 months ago, I just went into it with a completely different attitude and I havn't given up yet. In the past if I ate something I shouldn't, that would be it, I would give up for the whole day or even the whole week and tell myself i may aswell eat what I want now and start again later. Or if I put on weight I would give up and think its pointless even trying. Now if I eat something I shouldn't (which still happens and probably always will) I start again right after I have finished. If I put on weight one week I just accept it and try and work harder the next week. I still put on occasionally but the losses far outweigh the gains. You just need to change the way you think about things. Just because you give in to eating something or make and excuse not to go for a walk one day does not mean you have given up on loosing weight, just enjoy what you had, dont regret it and get straight back into being healthy. I read something once and I have not been able to find it again but it said something like, If you were climbing a staircase and you got half way up then accidently went down one step, would you give up and go right back down to the bottom or would you just keep climbing?. Just give yourself a month, just do it, who cares if you hate it its only a month and if its really that bad you can just go back to normal, but I bet you will actually start enjoying it once you get into it and realise it is doable and start seeing results :)
  • acgreene
    acgreene Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting my journey at 335 pounds. It's hard to keep motivation and I'm only on my second week. I really hate filling out a calorie counter but its the only way I can keep track of what I eat and my progress. I like to watch the before and after videos because they give me hope that I can do it too, but I only watch the ones that have lost a lot of weight (100 pounds or higher). I have the same reaction to the videos of people who have just lost 30 pounds, which is, they looked good before. Nothing against those people but I want to see a person's weight loss journey who is near my size for motivation, because it shows me that I can do it. Also I am very picky in what I eat, no fish, no broccoli, and I can not give up my ranch dressing! I have started cooking more at home and find great low fat version of meals that I love. Check out it has some great recipes for the low fat versions of orange chicken, chicken fried rice and chick-fil-a nuggets. Also there are a lot of weight loss vlogs that can give you tips and inspiration such as, she lost 100 pounds and has kept it off. I know its hard I have battling my weight for all my life, but if you have supportive people around you can do anything. You can message me anytime if you need help. :smile:
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    Hey, I'm 5 foot 6 in and I started out at 336. I feel your pain!! I've lost 70 pounds through a diet of 1500 calories and exercise EVERYDAY. I do something everyday whether it is a walk, doing tons of house work, going to the gym... I do what I can, when I can. You CAN do it!
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    Club - I am the biggest I've ever been (298.1lb / 135.5Kg). Hopefully this time I will make the required changes stick.... The MYP community is great for help and more importantly support.

    You are not alone, and you can do it. Just keep saying that over and over, even if you don't (yet) believe it. Remember the words of St Paul - act as if you have faith until it is given to you - or as we say today - fake it until you make it.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Just read this thread and I gotta say its one of the best ones I have read. Awesome support of one another and fantastic advice.
  • paigee_zee
    paigee_zee Posts: 4
    im 16 and i weight 235.6 pounds. im 5"6' ( anyone that wants to can see my bmi is way high) im doing my best to workout regularly and track EVERYTHING i eat, ever if its just a bite. feel free to friend me and to look of my food diary. i find it helps.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I can't help much but I started at 327 and have been having weigh ins around 304 lately after just two months. I started March 22. I am not even doing formal exercise yet. I will later on but I am not ready to do that yet I love tracking my food and knowing exactly what I should be eating. You can do it. Just do what you need to do it will be so worth it in every area of life, emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, relationally. You would be surprised how when you find a good program to work how quickly the weight will come off when you are bigger. I wish I had started back when I was your age. Do it so you will have the life you always wanted without the excess weight.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    Start out small and use a printed calendar. Maybe your first goal can be to cut out sodas and sugary drinks. Draw an X for every day that you make your goal. Once that gets easier, add another goal, like having a serving of fruit or veggies with every meal. Making small, manageable changes is a lot easier than trying to do everything at once, getting overwhelmed, and quitting. You can do it! If you don't make your goal one day, try harder the next day.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    I was at a whopping 354lbs (I still am at the highest level according to that bogus BMI chart, but I run like a gazelle! So I dont feel severely obese), but i've been there and fought the struggle.

    Keep your head in the game. There is no sugar coating it, you have a long and tough road ahead of you. 95% of that tough road is mental. The process of losing weight is actually easy, you just gotta get past all the mental blocks and keep things simple. Dont buy into any BS gimmicks--like pills, dr. oz, etc.

    Being overweight is hard, and staying in shape is choose the right "hard"!

    Good luck.
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    I am a little taller than you and started at 565. I absolutely have felt the same way you do.

    I can offer some advice. I have gone the route of trying to eat whole foods or non-processed foods as often as possible. Set small goals and try to pile up as many solid "healthy" days as possible.

    Do not underestimate even the most basic of exercise. Twenty plus years of carrying all that extra weight left me with back injuries that made it almost impossible to walk. I literally started out walking a block at a time and challenged myself to extend that each day. It led to being able to walk greater distances and to this day walking is the exercise I do the most.

    To give you some insight on where that can get you I will tell you that I am entering my final week of the couch25K program. Meaning I can now run 30 minutes at a time and even 6 months ago I never dreamed that was possible.

    Like others have said, try and log everything you can. It is important to learn as much about what you consume as you can. That way you will have the best chance to maintain your success that you will work hard for.

    Finally, this is a big one..............drink a ton of water. I currently consume 20-25 8oz glasses a day. It takes some getting used to and it is true that I often feel like a walking puddle but, it has some extreme benefits. it helps me control my hunger for one. It also helps release some of the sodium in the food that I eat which is a big deal. I was shocked to learn how much sodium is in food we eat even when we are trying to be healthy. It seems to me based on tracking and such that any slow times I have in losing usually can be linked to less water consumption.

    One more thing, try to find at least a few people on here you can feel comfortable talking to and getting support from. That is an invaluable asset that I cherish daily.

    Fell free to add me if you have interest in that.

    Good luck and please convince yourself that you can do this as I am positive that you can!
    OCTOBERLISA Posts: 38 Member
    Try to look at the weight loss in smaller goals instead of the overwhelming picture. Shoot for 25lbs first! After that goal is reached, you WILL want to keep moving forward. You can do it!
  • Sweet_Misery_
    Sweet_Misery_ Posts: 29 Member
    In the past if I ate something I shouldn't, that would be it, I would give up for the whole day or even the whole week and tell myself i may aswell eat what I want now and start again later.

    ^^^Yes, that is EXACTLY what I have always done. "Oh ok I ate some junk food for lunch on Tuesday so now I'll just eat whatever I want for the rest of the week and start again on Monday". Lol.

    I really cannot put into words how GRATEFUL I am for these replies!!! Thank you so so much!! I will definitely be getting a kitchen scale and checking out some of these websites. Everyone here is such an inspiration to me, THANK YOU for the support and motivation!! I had an awesome first day and ate well today and also walked a LOT...but I always tend to do well on my first day of trying to lose weight lol so I am just hoping I can stick with it. Thank you so much, really I cannot express how much I appreciate all of these replies and all the words of wisdom, this is a really great site!

    I am turning 24 in June and I just really don't want to live the rest of my life like this, I just don't. I have tried so many times to lose weight and failed miserably. I made a "promise" to myself that if I don't lose weight, at least get under 250, by my 25th birthday, then I am just going to get weight loss surgery. I would rather NOT have any surgery because I am really scared of it, and because I fear I'd put back all of the weight anyway if I don't learn the healthy habits myself. Anyway...I am really hoping MyFitnessPal will keep me going and sticking with it. Thank you so much for the motivation I am going to come back to read this thread everytime I get behind or want to quit!! Which will probably happen on Wednesday...LOL. Thank you all! :)
  • 3nchantress
    3nchantress Posts: 41
    I started at exactly where you're at back in January. Same height and weight. Something clicked for me in January - had this realization that I don't see any fat 80 year old people walking around. I love life and intend to be here for a long time yet so knew that something had to change. What changed? I eat less. The first week was rough - felt like my stomach was digesting itself - was soooo hungry! Since then it's been less of a challenge. I eat basically whatever I want. You can peek at my diary and see that it's actually kind of disgusting how I eat a lot of the time, and also how much drinking I'll do sometimes (yes, I log my booze when I go to the pub with friends). Basically I try to run a bit of an additional calorie deficit most days to cover when I do go out, or when I want ice cream or whatever it is I want to indulge in. When I go over, it's okay, just carry on the next day. Nothing is so terrible that it can't be overcome. I've hit a plateau along the way, did increase my exercise a bit to get past it, and just trust in the process. Still go through periods of feeling really hungry (genuine growly stomach hunger pain type of hungry), but can usually counter that with green tea and water. Most of all, it's just being committed and holding myself accountable. It can be done!
    I am close to 400 pounds...ugh. Latest is 385, I am 5'10". I so badly want to lose weight and need to. I feel overwhelmed to even start. Every time I do, I end up losing motivation by the third or fourth day, if not sooner. I have looked through a lot of the success stories pictures because I thought they would motivate me but honestly it just made me so jealous of everyone because I would love to even look like most people's BEFORE pictures! I don't know how the hell I let myself get like this. I am 23 years old. I saw a pic yesterday of me when I was 15, I was around 215. At the time I thought I was a fat cow and wanted to lose weight and wanted just to be under 200. Now I think I look downright SKINNY in that picture and would kill to look like that again...UGH!

    Anyone started out very, very overweight? What has worked for you? Thanks :)
  • danielleburwell97060
    danielleburwell97060 Posts: 257 Member
    Omg all these stories are so amazing. I probably can't add anything they haven't said already but I just want you to know you are not alone! I know my highest weight must have been around 360. I've been obese all my life. SO many times I've said I have to lose this weight! I am sad to say that even for my wedding which I planned for 3 years did not kick my *kitten* enough to help me. Finally this year I got serious. I don't know what changed but I've been on MFP for 100 days now, tracking food and exercise. I just hit 100 miles walked and on the elliptical. I've lost 15lbs in 14 weeks.

    All I can say is that you really need to understand that it's a slow process because quicker weight loss usually just results in it coming back on. That and to take things slow. Tackle one thing at a time. One new change or habbit at a time. It's hard and overwhelming to make so many changes. Something that's helped me is knowing I can still eat whatever I want, I just can't eat the same amounts I used to and I can't eat multiple bad choices on the same day! Tracking my calories has helped me so much. If I am not tracking I do not even give a second thought to how many calories I am putting in my mouth. But seeing it in black and white, or green and red as it were, really keeps me accountable and in line.

    You just have to know that you can do whatever you set your mind to and then set your mind to getting healthy and losing weight.