New to MFP

Alisarg Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
hi all!

I am really hoping this works, new to calorie counting, my goals tell me to do 1200 calorie diet, does this mean I can eat all I want just dont pass 1200? Can anyone stir me in the right direction on a good 1200 calorie diet that will work and that I wont starve, I have the worse sweet tooth also, some days I get the shakes and I need to eat a little peice of chocolate to get the shakes to go away. Please help as I am totally lost! I need to lose 45 pounds.


  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
  • sparis88
    sparis88 Posts: 30
    Hi! Welcom to MFP!:wink:
  • Alisarg
    Alisarg Posts: 6
    Thank you!
  • dd55
    dd55 Posts: 3

    Im new also with a similar amount to lose xx i dont know about a choccy substitute but frozen grapes are good for the sweet craving hope this helps xx
  • dd55
    dd55 Posts: 3

    Im new also with a similar amount to lose xx i dont know about a choccy substitute but frozen grapes are good for the sweet craving hope this helps xx
  • Alisarg
    Alisarg Posts: 6
    All try that, my mom always tried to get me to eat frozen fruit and I thought she was crazy, I hear alot of people eating them????
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Hey! If you exercise, your daily calorie intake is going to increase, and you should eat most of the extra calories it adds so that your body doesn't think you're starving. Here are some meal ideas:

    The important thing though is that you become familiar with your body and your food. Ask where things come from. What's in season? What ingredients are in what you're eating? Eat as many whole, seasonal, even local foods if you can. Exercise but don't go overboard - just staying active and on your feet most days is more helpful than you think. Good luck!
  • Alisarg
    Alisarg Posts: 6
    Thank you, I will look at those sites.
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