Fit for Christmas



  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Dreading weighing in today after having a rather naughty weekend (not MY fault I got free cake... Or we had a buffet lunch yesterday... inc. cupcakes...)
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Weigh-ins were yesterday morning. Down a little more in my weight, but weighed myself this morning (shouldn't have!!) and had gone back up. But oh well... what can you do.

    7/26/10 Weigh-in: 153.2 lbs
    8/2/10 Weigh-in: 152.4 lbs

    Hoping to be out of the 150's soon, but not getting my hopes up too high. Its been slow in progress, but at least I'm not moving the other way on the scale. Hope by next week to be down to 151 lbs. We have a family reunion this weekend with my husband's family and its gonna be filled with fatty foods and stuff I can't eat, better pack well. It'll be up in the mountains so I better plan for some hiking and get in some exercise.
  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    I'm back on track! I'm focusing on my goal to be down 30lbs. by Christmas! At that point I would be 17 lbs. away from my ultimate goal! I just got a call from my son and his wife this past Sat. and they are planning to come for Thanksgiving!! {they are from Virginia & I live in Indiana} I'm so excited
    will get to see my grandson too! {he will be 2 in Oct.} So I'm working towards being down approx 24 lbs by then and then that leaves 6 lbs. to make it to my total goal of 30 lbs. by Christmas!! I entered the food I ate today in my food journal and stayed on track, actually under the total calories for the day! Like I saw in someone's post the other day....I'd rather have the pain of discipline than the pain of regret! Good Luck to everyone on reaching your goal!! Next week I should be able to post a loss on my tracker.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Weigh in last week: 194lb
    Weiugh in today: 188lb

    That's 6lb in a week! I've lost a stone in 3 weeks!

    So, well on track to my goal...
  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I am down 2 lbs.!! I was so excited!! 28 lbs to go by Christmas!! Hope everyone has a great wk!!:flowerforyou:
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I would like to join y'all if it's not too late! I was at 180.8 this morning... I'm reallllllly hoping to be down to at least 180 by my next weigh in, but 179.something would be even better!! Down 15 or 20 lbs by Christmas would totally rock! I would like to be able to buy a cute new winter outfit instead of hiding behind fluffy sweaters....
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Stayed the same this week. My challenge this week is to stay within my calories and to think up clever ways to get my exercise in as hubbie is out of town and the kids are not in school yet so running is a challenge until next week. Also, I managed to mildly sprain my ankle in soccer last night so running is out for a little while anyway. Good luck all!!
  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    current wt : 186

    down 2lbs. since last weigh in :wink:
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Count me in too! I'd like to lose 30lb by Christmas if at all possible! 4.5 months... I'm hopeful that I can do it! I've lost 6lb in the last week and a half.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as I'm fairly new on MFP
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, I'm already at my goal weight/size but for me the hard work is staying here!!! so if its ok i would like to join you and aim to stay anywhere between 119 and 126 pounds (at the moment i'm at 121 pounds) and I know that the weekly weigh-ins will help keep me on track especially leading up to Christmas.
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    I would love to join in! I hope to be at my goal weight by then 135! I have lost 6 lbs. and have 9 more to go! It is harder for me because I am 52 years old and it seemed to be much easier when I was younger - Good luck to everyone!
  • Joining you!!!! I would like to be a comfortable size 12 by christmas
    Current... 14
  • WOW! Congratulations for meeting your final goal! That is so awesome!!!! I bet you feel amazing :flowerforyou:
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I would love to lose 30lbs by Xmas too...that would bring me under the 200lb mark...I'm in! I'm off for a walk now, I have some work to do-haha!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    7/26/10 Weigh-in: 153.2 lbs
    8/2/10 Weigh-in: 152.4 lbs
    8/9/10 Weigh-in: 151.8 lbs

    Down a little since last week, at least its something. Hope that within about the next two or three weeks to be under 150 lbs. That would be so awesome!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks Desireebutts, Yes it feels fantastic to have reached goal weight, I can not believe it, I have so much more energy and being able to put on clothes that are not too tight etc is a feeling you can not describe :love:
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I've lost another 1.3lb so I'm 8.1lb down so far... only another 21.9lb to meet my Christmas goal
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    7/26/10 Weigh-in: 153.2 lbs
    8/2/10 Weigh-in: 152.4 lbs
    8/9/10 Weigh-in: 151.8 lbs
    8/16/10 Weigh-in: 151.0 lbs

    Still, slow progress on my weight. Almost down below 150. Can't wait for the day the scale moves down below 150 mark. Trying to incorporate a little more cardio during the day and more veggies in my diet. Hopefully that will change it up enough for me. Also, gonna try and have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack every day too, not been very good at this.
  • ahannan
    ahannan Posts: 2 Member
    I want to be a size 12 by Christmas. I am looking forward to fitting into this cute little black dress I have and spending new years with my new husband!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    7/26/10 Weigh-in: 153.2 lbs
    8/2/10 Weigh-in: 152.4 lbs
    8/9/10 Weigh-in: 151.8 lbs
    8/16/10 Weigh-in: 151.0 lbs
    8/23/10 Weigh-in: 150.8 lbs

    So close! Almost can taste 149! That's my mini goal to get below 150 by the end of August! Let's see if I can do it, I have five days to go!
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