Feeling discourage

Last week I was on my butt most of the week rather then doing some form of work out because of my foot (I have bone spur in my foots and it gets to be too much for me some days) but I'm feeling better and I need to get back on the horse hard core. I'm always under my calories but since I haven't been moving I'm feeling rather lack luster about everything and needing some encouragement about this lifestyle change. My best friend is the only one who is still with me on this it seems like so I don't have a large of a support group as I had when I first started, but she's given me some great advice but other then her I feel alone. I've been super proud of myself because I've never done this for this long and I don't want to knock myself down. I'm almost at two months, I'm worried that I'm at my cutoff and I don't want to be. Looking for encouraging words and to meet new people who think we can help each other!


  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    The fact that you're worried about this shows me that you're NOT at your cutoff point! So you had a setback, but you're figuring out how to move past it. That is what you have to be able to do if you're going to commit to this for a long time, so I consider this a positive!!

    I kind of fell of the horse last week, and it feels like it would be shockingly easy to just stop altogether. Momentum seems to have a lot to do with this - when I'm doing the right things, it's easy to keep doing them; when I'm not, then it seems easy to just stop trying altogether.

    However, I have been trying to remember why I started doing this in the first place. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, from a health, fitness or appearance perspective, so I have to remind myself why it's important to me to reach my goals and just power through!! You can do it!!
  • PrettyLilPixie

    Momentum seems to have a lot to do with this - when I'm doing the right things, it's easy to keep doing them; when I'm not, then it seems easy to just stop trying altogether.

    This^^ right here. That's why we have to keep going. :) I'm here for you, and we will conquer this together. <3
  • writtingonthewalls
    You're not alone!! When you have what I call a " le bleh" day, it's really easy to get in the mindframe of "oh, I effed this up so there's no way I'm going to ever meet my goals". What I remind myself when I'm going through is this: if you tripped and scraped your knee on your way to work one day, would you just go home and never return to work? Of course not!! It's something you have to do to make a good life for yourself, so you keep going. Exercise is just the same way!! Don't look at the journey to weight-loss as a chore or something that won't be done because it takes a long time to do---think of it as a medication you HAVE to take daily because it really is if you want to live a long and healthy life. One day, after all the pain and sacrifice you made for this new lifestyle will be well worth it when you step on that scale and see a number you only once dreamed of. The most important thing is this: don't focus on how long it will take you to accomplish this goal...the time will pass anyway no matter what you do. Make the choice to eat clean, exercise daily, drink tons of water, and your body will repair itself! Always remember you have support up here. Feel free to add me if you need someone to talk to. :)
  • writtingonthewalls
    BTW, I forgot to post about your feet: If your gym offers personal training, I'd suggest to meet up with one and see what exercises would be best for you to do with that type of condition...trainers are excellent at catering to that to make sure you only do exercises that you're able to do comfortably considering whatever condition you may have. I made my trainer aware that I suffer from chronic back and neck pain so she created a workout plan on certain machines I can use that doesn't hurt those areas and I feel awesome!! Dare I say the exercising makes my pain go away completely or for the most part at least. Hope this helps, girl! :)
  • Vampgurl33
    Vampgurl33 Posts: 4
    Thank you for your responses, I know that I'm not alone in this personal fight but sometimes I just need to be reminded of that. All of your words were helpful and wonderful to read! I'm doing better on my cals today, my water intake and tomorrow I'm hitting up the gym after work (life happened today so I couldn't)