Do You Weigh Yourself?



  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Sure do; nearly every day because I like data. It's helped me to learn that fluctuations are normal. As a result I'm not completely obsessed with ths number on the scale and when there is a jump I can understand what caused it rather than automatically assuming I've gained fat.

    This! I used to only weigh in weekly because I was scale obsessed and would get really depressed if the scale went up because I thought I had gained weight . Now that I do it daily and can see how much my weight fluctuates daily (sometimes by as much as 5 lbs!), it doesn't bother me if I'm heavier on my "official" weigh-in day and I'm no longer obsessed with the scale.
  • I have SO been there!! Have you seen a personal trainer? Many gyms offer training and I would suggest you include that in your regime. Trainers can create a weight-loss plan that is right for you and can also measure you!! It's VERY VERY IMPORTANT to get measured during a weight-loss journey, because you see much more results this way than on the scale...maybe you weigh yourself at the beginning of the week and weigh 'x' amount and by the end of the week, you weigh a little more than you did at the beginning...this could be due to lean muscle mass you're gaining which is good!!! because it burns body fat. I would definitely suggest this. Eat clean, train dirty!!
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    I weigh in once a week in the morning right after I get up. I started doing it on Fridays because I tend to go out for lunch with coworkers, so if I've counted my calories all week, any fast food weight gain won't be noticed right away. My boyfriend had been weighing in the same day and we were writing our weight on a whiteboard to try to motivate ourselves and each other, but lately he's been "forgetting" to weigh in. So I just keep doing what I can. I do get frustrated when I end up gaining weight, but then I take a deep breath, acknowledge that I didn't stick to my workout goals, and promise to do better in the next week. Knowing that I have another week to try to burn off more pounds before checking in again helps me stay motivated.

    Every day is a chance to start again. :wink:
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    It's very easy for me to become obsessed with weighing myself, so I know have multiple notes around my room saying "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WEIGH YOURSELF UNTIL ____ OR YOU CANT HAVE A BIKINI". I know I look good in them, but i'm using the threat of not buying them if I weigh myself obsessively.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I decided I would weigh myself on May 1 and not again until the 31. I was driving myself crazy and obsessing over it. I might just stick to weighing once a month just so I have an idea of progress.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I think different people need different kinds of feedback. I weigh every day, and it doesn't bother me if I gain a lb or 2, but I can definitely understand if this drives some people crazy. Everybody is different.

    This-I weigh daily, even though I'm in maintenance now. It keeps me accountable. But, different things work for different people :)
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    I weigh myself and for me its an encouragement more than anything else now. If let's say the number goes up (wich happened once i think in 3 months) but I know i did everything right, good food, exercise , water and all well ill just blame it on water weight , bloat and food waste.... You need to be honest with yourself, if you had a week off pizza, fries, cake and no exercise than yeah it's not just water and you will need to readjust so it goes down. Seeing pounds and inches go down is a big motivation for me.
  • i was weighing myself to much! it was making me crazy so i stopped doing it for a while! well see if it helps!
  • JDY36
    JDY36 Posts: 17
    I weigh myself daily in the morning. I record my weight weekly on myfitnesspal, and so long as the number is going down I am happy. Just starting out, but using the site has been a blessing. I discovered that I was only eating about 900 calories a day, so I am seeing a slow weight loss now that I have bumped up my calories consumed. Knowing that I am eating better and smarter is all reinforced when I see that one pound at a time loss.
  • once a week. no more, sometimes less
  • hjsmoons
    hjsmoons Posts: 3
    OMG my mentality is exactly the same. BUT...if i don't weight myself at least every other day, I tend to fall off track and not realize it until its too late. so for now I am trying to weight myself every couple days. Unless i wake up feeling really thin, then I jump on the scale too. But when I don't see a change, I still FEEL the change, so that keeps me going too.
  • emilyds
    emilyds Posts: 88
    I weigh myself every morning. I think it's important to note that weight will fluctuate a little bit from one day to the next, and it's okay if my weight goes up and down a little bit - I know I didn't eat a whole extra pound worth of food the previous day, so it's likely just water weight.

    I also like to record my weight here every day, that way, even if there are little fluctuations, I can still look at 1, 2, or 3 months total and notice an overall downward trend.

    I find that weighing myself daily helps me keep on track.
  • The batteries died on my scale a couple of years ago :) I go by measurement and how my clothes fit - and how often I get to shop!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I take measurements and use a caliper for bf% every 4 - 6 weeks.

    To me weight is just one small part of the puzzle and doesn't tell the full story, but I still want to know about where I'm at.

    Today, I'm 1.4lbs heavier than yesterday. I had a lot of sodium at dinner, ate later than normal, and my period started last night. Oh and I woke up at around 4 am to take some medicine (allergies) with a glass of water. So thinking about all that, I'm positive it's only water weight. I track my weight fluctuations in excel (along with everything else in excel).
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    I've found scales can be awful, I tend to just look at my body daily and shoot a video every 7-14 days of different poses to see how my body is changing
  • kmantic
    kmantic Posts: 5 Member
    I do weigh myself and I've got a cool withings scale that syncs to MyFitnessPal and iPhone to track progress. However, I've come to realize that the scale isn't your friend.

    "Problem area" measurements with a tape measure about 1 time per month are more useful.

    Think of it this way.. once per month, you get the tape measure out and the 27 days between measurements are all working towards that goal. If you fail to achieve any progress, you're disappointed 1 time. Or every day you're ignorantly hoping you burned off 3500 calories so the scale moves down a pound. You can be disappointed 4-5 times a week and happy 1-2 times a week (many times ignorantly because it's not fat you lost), when the scale, waste, water and *maybe* fat actually all sync up to make the scale move.

    Even more than that - if you are absolutely sure you're 1) Eating right and 2) Exercising .. both with consistency, then why obsess over the number on the scale? I saw a FB post yesterday.. "don't be mad at the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do." Do the nutrition right, get moving one way or another and train mentally on the 6 inches between your ears and results are a byproduct.
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    i weigh myself twice a day, everyday. once in the morning and once in the evening. i know some will see this as obessive, but it the way i stay on soon as i stop weighing myself EVERY DAY, thats when i start to put weight back on....when i stop weighing myself, it allows me to go into denial about making the wrong food choices. its how i stick to WOL helps to keep me conscious of everything i eat and motivated to excercise because...i know i have to answer to the scale twice a day.

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i weigh once a week in morning
    u need to way yourself to see progress and stay motivated
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm currently maintaining and weigh myself daily and take my measurements weekly to make sure nothing is really changing. I seem to be maintaining my scale weight, but I'm still leaning out a bit...dropped 2%ish BF in the last couple of months.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    I weigh myself daily, every morning right before I get in the shower. Its showing me that what I am doing is working and without it I would be too crazy and worried that I may be making bad choices....I don't want to wait a week to find out that something isn't working for me.