Need something for beginners

I am 24 years old, 5'10" and weight about 230lbs. I am way out of shape.

I want some kind of excercise routine or video I can easily do at home. I have two kids and on a tight budget, so no gym for me yet.

I would love to hear any and all suggestions. I do have some 5lb hand weights and one of those big workout balls.



  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I really love the Leslie Samsone Walk at Home Videos. They are easy to do and you can modify to make harder, ie: adding the hand weights. It isn't hard on the joints either. I know you can youtube for at home exercise videos as well, I just haven't because I have so many DVD's. Also, check out your library as you can usually check some out to see what you like.

    For a more advanced routine, I like the ones from Turbo Jam. Anything Jillian kicks me in the butt and is just too hard on my joints (bad knees/back) but lots of folks like them.

    Good Luck
  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    Here are some ideas for you!

    - walks with the kids
    - Jumping jacks
    - running in place
    - walking up/down stairs
    - Bicep curls with your weights
    - lay on ball and use arm weights for chest press on ball
    - front/side arms with weights (lift both straight ahead, then to the side)
    - Sit ups on ball - I find this is less hurtful then on the floor for me
    - wall squats - hard to explain, check YouTube for video
    - walking lunges - GREAT core exercise, just walk around the house performing the lunge and you can even add bicep curls with your weights (2 birds with 1 stone)

    I highly recommending googling and using YouTube to find workouts - it's free and there are some good ones. Also anything listed above you can find examples on YouTube.

    And you don't have to do everything at once, every little bit helps and adds up during the day.
  • lheaton
    lheaton Posts: 51 Member
    C25K app is free if you have 30 minutes/day...
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I really love the Leslie Samsone Walk at Home Videos. They are easy to do and you can modify to make harder, ie: adding the hand weights. It isn't hard on the joints either. I know you can youtube for at home exercise videos as well, I just haven't because I have so many DVD's. Also, check out your library as you can usually check some out to see what you like.

    For a more advanced routine, I like the ones from Turbo Jam. Anything Jillian kicks me in the butt and is just too hard on my joints (bad knees/back) but lots of folks like them.

    Good Luck

    I definitely second the Leslie Sansone Idea! Love her DVD's. Also I did Zumba on the Wii at my highest weight!
  • toridehaven
    toridehaven Posts: 95
    I really love the Leslie Samsone Walk at Home Videos.

    This is what I have done this week and I love it!
  • trobbins311
    trobbins311 Posts: 16 Member
    I am also a big fan of Leslie Sansone's DVDs. You might be able to find some on eBay that somebody is getting rid of cheap. Otherwise you can buy them at Target, etc.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Scour pinterest! Not even kidding :) There is so much information on how to exercise on the cheap while making those workouts still very effective. Also youtube has a lot of videos so if you can stream them to your tv or if you can do it in front of your computer it would be a good option as well, I would suggest for a beginner doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as it's a good starting point (especially her week 1 routine).

    Hope you find some good, useful options.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Here are some ideas for you!

    - walks with the kids
    - Jumping jacks
    - running in place
    - walking up/down stairs
    - Bicep curls with your weights
    - lay on ball and use arm weights for chest press on ball
    - front/side arms with weights (lift both straight ahead, then to the side)
    - Sit ups on ball - I find this is less hurtful then on the floor for me
    - wall squats - hard to explain, check YouTube for video
    - walking lunges - GREAT core exercise, just walk around the house performing the lunge and you can even add bicep curls with your weights (2 birds with 1 stone)

    I highly recommending googling and using YouTube to find workouts - it's free and there are some good ones. Also anything listed above you can find examples on YouTube.

    And you don't have to do everything at once, every little bit helps and adds up during the day.
