Medifast vs Ideal Protein Diet

Hi .... I'm trying to decide between Medifast (ordering online) and going to the Ideal Protein Center (an hour drive) .... they looks so similar to me so I'm stumped as to which to follow. Looks like Medifast has FRUCTOSE in the products, and I've heard that Ideal Protein doe NOT use Fructose.

Any good results with either of these two plans?? Any suggestions??

THANKS !!! Have a great day!


  • Hi!
    I am currently a Medifast user. I just started officially a week ago. I lost 9 pounds my first week. I really enjoy it and its pretty simple. You eat 5 medifast meals a day plus 1 of your own lean (meat) and green (veggie) meals. There is really great support on this site too to help you decide what meals to order and things like that. I struggled with hunger my first 2 days but now its very routine.

    Medifast is a little pricey, HOWEVER if you break it down daily I am spending less now then before on food. Message me if you need any more help with anything!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I haven't tried either, but I would think a healthy diet and regular exercise is as effective and cheaper.
  • Thanks !!!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    [quote: Very low calorie diets. These diets drastically cut your daily calorie intake, usually allowing you between 400 and 800 calories a day. These are sometimes called modified fasts because your food intake is so low and because they're generally liquid diets. Your doctor may recommend a very low calorie diet if you need to lose weight quickly before a medical procedure or if you have serious health problems because of obesity. Don't try a very low calorie diet on your own. You need close monitoring by your health care team to avoid complications and to make sure you're meeting your nutritional requirements. Examples of very low calorie diets include Optifast and Medifast. [/quote]


    Key point from the statement quoted above (I'd bold it if this forum allowed me to):


    There are safer ways to lose weight.

    Good luck.
  • Rebekah ... thanks!!! Yeah, my doctor is actually monitoring me on this plan. I'm doing the Ideal Protein Diet, which is very similar to Medifast. I do have LOTS to lose and my weight is causing me to have medical issues that will be reversed with weight loss. Plus, I have Fibromyalgia so I know that'll get somewhat better with a loss too!

    Thanks so much for the info!!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Rebekah ... thanks!!! Yeah, my doctor is actually monitoring me on this plan. I'm doing the Ideal Protein Diet, which is very similar to Medifast. I do have LOTS to lose and my weight is causing me to have medical issues that will be reversed with weight loss. Plus, I have Fibromyalgia so I know that'll get somewhat better with a loss too!

    Thanks so much for the info!!

    Good :) I'm glad to hear that. Well not that you're having medical issues... just that this is supervised.

    And I hope I didn't sound too snarky. I'm sorry if I did. I've just met too many people who hear about some gimmick and they're all over it without thinking about the consequences. They don't do any research. They just go with it. As long as you've got a doctor watching out for you, I'm totally okay with it. I sincerely hope it works for you.
  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been on IP for exactly 10 weeks today and have lost almost 55 lbs. This is the first "diet" I have ever been on and I expect it to be the last. I have followed the program strictly and have purchased everything through my doctor. It is kind of expensive, but to have my BP go from 150/100 (medicated with 2 pills/day for over 2 years) to 110/60 (no medication since starting) is completely worth it.

    Just a thought, is it possible the "it's not healthy to lose weight too fast" message that has been hammered into us is really just to make sure the multi-billion dollar weight lose industry can keep people on their program as long as possible ensuring financial gain?
  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    I have been on IP for exactly 10 weeks today and have lost almost 55 lbs. This is the first "diet" I have ever been on and I expect it to be the last. I have followed the program strictly and have purchased everything through my doctor. It is kind of expensive, but to have my BP go from 150/100 (medicated with 2 pills/day for over 2 years) to 110/60 (no medication since starting) is completely worth it.

    Just a thought, is it possible the "it's not healthy to lose weight too fast" message that has been hammered into us is really just to make sure the multi-billion dollar weight lose industry can keep people on their program as long as possible ensuring financial gain?

    PS...Good luck to you! I lost 15 lbs the first week which was a great way to kick things off...if you have any questions let me know!
  • Rebekah...oh yeah...I have definitely fallen for all the gimmicks! LOL You didn't come across as snarky at all. I'm glad you replied!!
  • Tyrog11 .... THANKS!! And, WOW!! Congrats on all that weight loss! That is really great progress in 10 weeks! I intend to do the same. I just started it on Wednesday 2 days on it and I'm down 3.4 lbs and I will sure take it!! Thanks for your reply, and stay in touch to keep me updated on your amazing results. I will say this ... so far I LOVE every thing I've eaten of their products. I've used packaged foods before like this, but they NEVER mixed well....always so lumpy....and nasty tasting. This stuff is REALLY GOOD! The Wildberry Yogurt Drink was totally awesome! Do you have any favorites??
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Just a thought, is it possible the "it's not healthy to lose weight too fast" message that has been hammered into us is really just to make sure the multi-billion dollar weight lose industry can keep people on their program as long as possible ensuring financial gain?

    I mean no offense in what I'm about to say. I think this particular mind-set is dangerous. It's good to be skeptical about anything the weight loss industry is pushing... but when their advice lines up with medical advice backed by years of science, you should probably give it credence.

    Rapid weight loss stresses the body. There's a concept in science- homeostasis- which pretty much governs your entire physiology. Homeostasis, in lay-man's terms, means keep everything the same (I'm over-simplifying, but I'd prefer not to write a novel). When given a choice, your body will maintain the status quo. Sudden changes will cause stress hormones to sky-rocket. Slow and gentle is better, almost always better.

    Of course, if you're morbidly obese, you're risking 'sudden changes' like stroke or heart attack, which will certainly disrupt homeostasis. Your body is SOMETIMES better off if you can lose that weight fast.

    And that's why it's best to trust your doctor on this... if you're morbidly obese and he/she says 'let's cut calories to 500/day'... well chances are he/she is concerned about something very serious that justifies a big calorie restriction.

    Alternatively, the doctor is a quack and you should find someone new (only you can make that judgement).

    One of the biggest problems that I have with a very low calorie diet is that you'll have a hard time getting the nutrients you need to function. That's why I strongly advocate you only try a very low calorie diet with doctor supervision. You need to watch for malnutrition.

    It sounds like both of you are... so kudos. :D
  • ilyml
    ilyml Posts: 1
    To Sassy Southern: How is the Ideal Protein diet going? I'm thinking about starting it.
  • okay so here's the deal, both will work, however they are expensive and i personally know from experience that when you get off the protocol, you can't go back to eating the way you did previously because you will just gain the weight right back. On both, unfortunately yes you will lose the weight fast, however your body will also be canibalizing on some of it's own muscle tissue (don't argue with me because yes it will and i've done my research and been through extensive counseling with nutritionists and medical doctors) along with also utilizing its fat storage. so yes you will lose weight, but you will not really have any muscle tone and yes once you throw back in your carbs and sugars and pizza or whatever, you will start to gain weight back. Sorry for the bad news, but the healthiest and safest way to take it off is the all natural way of exercise and proper nutrition. Medifast and Ideal protein strongly discourage working out while on the programs because you are eating so few calories that you don't even have the energy to work out.
  • __Karl__
    __Karl__ Posts: 45 Member
  • rowdygirl003
    rowdygirl003 Posts: 7 Member
    How does the IP taste? I've been doing body by Vi since February and haven't lost weight...thinking about going to the dr. For IP....
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    According to your ticker you have 68 pounds to lose. A healthy diet and moderate exercise should garner you at least a one pound loss per week...most likely more to start. Why would you pay all that money when you can accomplish the same thing with MFP for free. Neither of the plans you mention are sustainable for life so most people gain the weight back.

    Save your money! Eat healthy and move and the weight will come off.
  • wookiee2cu
    wookiee2cu Posts: 2
    I’m doing the Medifast plan, I’ve been on it for 8 months now and I’m down 90 lbs with 10 more to go to hit my goal and keep in mind this is without exercising. I have not tried Ideal Protein but have done some reading on it and it seems like the basic difference is with Medifast you have 5 of their meals a day and a lean & green meal. With Ideal Protein you do 3 of their meals a day and 2 salad or veggie snacks and then a lean & green meal. They are basically the same program but with Ideal Protein you get more salad and veggies. Both programs are based on a protein diet and put your body into a state of ketosis which is where your body turns to stored fat and burns it for energy.

    The first month I lost 20 lbs, the second month I lost another 20 lbs and then it started slowing down from there. It makes sense though because in the beginning the stored fat is abundant but as the body burns it and time goes on it becomes harder for the body to find it (this obviously depends on how much extra stored fat the person has and will vary from one person to the next). Once you hit your goal weight then you start reintroducing HEALTHY foods back into your eating. This will be a bit of trial and error as everyone’s metabolism is different so you will need to find out what works for you and then it’s maintaining your weight after that by eating healthy and exercise.

    If you go back to the way you ate before the program then you will go back to the weight you were before, this is just common sense. Sure you can have an unhealthy meal like pizza, pasta or whatever once in a wile like every other week but not every other day and you still need to monitor your weight. If you are not burning off the amount of calories you take in then you will gain weight, it’s simple math.

    For a month’s supply of Medifast it costs me $330, I tried searching Ideal Protein but it won’t show me the costs so I Googled it and people said they spent between $350-$415 for a month’s supply. Now this does sound like a lot of money but keep in mind you will no longer be dining out like you used to, hitting the fast food drive through or drinking alcohol (at least on the Medifast plan but I imagine you’re not supposed to on the Ideal Protein plan either). The only other food you will be buying is your salad, veggies and lean protein meat. I find I’m probably saving about $40-$60 a month compared to what I was spending before the program.

    I went with Mediafast because it has been recommended by over 20,000 dr.’s, been around for 20+ years, I was able to find more information/reviews on it and it seemed to be a little cheaper. I do know a few people who have done the Ideal Protein program and they had success so I don’t think you can go wrong with either one.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    My Dad did Ideal Protein 2 years ago and gained back almost all of the weight and is now going back there again. I did Medi-Weightloss (very similar to Medi-Fast) last year and lost 60 lbs in 6 months, got bored and then gained it all back when I stopped the plan. I'd suggest staying away from high priced fad diets and sticking with a sustainable plan.
  • djrn144
    djrn144 Posts: 21 Member
    what do you do once you have lost all the weight? do they gradually introduce real food and help you with this? that would worry me i guess but good luck and everybody is different so if it works great!
  • wookiee2cu
    wookiee2cu Posts: 2
    I did Medifast and there is a book called Dr. A's Habbits of Health and it will give example meal plans when going from weight loss stage to transitioning (re-introducing other foods) stage to maintenance stage. the book is a good read regardless of what program you choose to do. The thing is you need to know that your eating lifestyle is going to change after this program, you will be eating healthy foods and yes you will need to pay attention to nutritional labels. We all know we need to/should eat healthy but junk food and fast food tastes good... but it comes at a cost. You have to decide if you're willing to make the change; if you're not then honestly I wouldn't bother spending your money on any program because you will end up right back where you are sooner or later. May sound harsh but more than likely it's true.
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