friends needed

Hi im leah 25 year old mum of 3. I'm in the UK. I am currently on medication for a mental health problem which one of the side effects is increased appetite so really looking for some bossy friends to tell me off when I start to slip.

I'm not dieting I am making a lifestyle change I'm currently 171lb down from 181 I'm 5ft 10 and my goal is around 141lbs but to be honest I'm not too worried about weight I just want my body fat percent down to about 25%ish I'm 33% at the moment.

My long term goal is to get a great body nice and toned slight muscle definition. If I could get Zuzka or Jillian Michaels body then I would be a very happy lady but I am realistic and know its going to take a lot of work to get there and its not going to be an overnight thing :-)

The changes I am making in my lifestyle are nutritional changes and exercises. I used to be very lazy and would just sit about filling my face full of junk food lol.

Anyway ill shut up waffling feel free to send me friend requests and get ready to boss me about because I do eat some rubbish lol im still trying to get used to the whole eating clean concept :-/

Bye for now :-)


  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Added! Anyone can add me!

    Looks like you're looking at things the right way. Lifestyle change, long term, no quick change... you're starting off just right. Be prepared for lots of exclamation marks!
  • virgolee
    virgolee Posts: 9
    Hi I'm Virgolee and I am 38 years old and a junior at Western Kentucky University. I have struggled for about 15 years with my weight also. Due to health conditions aIso I gained most of my weight along with poor eating habits. Don't give up if all you
    can say is I did good today thats better than nothing and if you failed today its like riding a horse dust yourself off and get back on again. Remember success doesn't come to you you go to it. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Your new friend,
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    Added! Anyone can add me!

    Looks like you're looking at things the right way. Lifestyle change, long term, no quick change... you're starting off just right. Be prepared for lots of exclamation marks!

    Hi thanks for your reply feel free to peek at my diary and point me in the right way when I begin to slip I can be terrible I really should start to think more about eating clean as well as worrying about calorie intake :-/
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57