quick - help me resist an evening snack?!?



  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If you are hungry, go and get a piece of fruit.
    It's better to go over with a piece of fruit than a snack that is bad for you.
    Alternatively, drink 2 glasses of water and go to bed.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I cant because I am craving one myself. I am ravenous right about now! If I eat anything more than dinner, I will be over.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much as you have only just started. I found it helpful to just eat normally the first week or two but log everything. That gave me a good idea about my eating habits, portion size and time of day that I over indulged. Then I set about finding alternative lower calorie options and moved my meals around to make sure I had enough calories for the evenings when I was at my most hungry.

    You will sort it out so don't beat yourself up over a couple of cakes this early in the game :flowerforyou:

    For now I would eat something, some fruit or a plate of salad so you are not hungry and as other posters have said learn from the experience.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Load up on veggies. It takes time for your body to adjust. Just keep at it.
  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    What is hungry your mind or your stomach?

    Wait 20 minutes and it will wear off.

    Let your body switch to using the excess fat stores.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions. I might try a mug of hot water and lemon, which I find very soothing!
    I plan the evening meals for our family in advance, but think about health in general rather than fat content / loosing weight. So we have some meals that are nutritious, but high in fat. We have 3 kids 5 and under, so obviously they need richer foods, and my husband is very very active so he can eat a lot more than me!

    I don't plan my lunches, and I always have the same for breakfast.

    Interesting about protein - today I had milk (in tera / on cereal), small amount cheese (lunch), boiled egg (lunch) and soup with lentils in it (dinner). Is that not enough? It's hard as a veggie - can't eat beef jerky, that's for sure!! :0)
  • janerfitnesspal145
    janerfitnesspal145 Posts: 55 Member
    When we (husband and I) first started MFP, we used the first few days (maybe a week) to just track what we were eating. We were amazed that some of the foods we thought were healthy were really high in sodium or sugar. We've used MFP as a tracking tool to help us make better choices and plan our meals ahead of time. If we're having a dinner that is a little higher in sodium, we make sure the next night we have a lower sodium dinner, etc.

    So don't worry about the first few days or week, give yourself some time to track what you're eating, then you can start making better substitutions. Good luck!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yep-it's hard to break old habits. Snacking was one of the hardest for me. What I eventually did was keep my meals small so I could have snacks when I wanted. If you find you just don't want to give up evening snacks, eat a little lighter at lunch, or use skim milk instead of creamer in your coffee. Find where you can save calories elsewhere so that you can use them when you really want them.

    It takes time to figure out what works for you. Meanwhile, hang in there! Sometimes you just have to white-knuckle it, I'm sorry to say. Don't be too hard on yourself if you go over, it takes time to get used to new ways of doing new things.

    You got this!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I have a large glass of water. If I'm still hungry after that I have an ounce of cheese. It's the first day. Your body is just trying to make you cave. Don't let it!
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    And thank you for all being supportive :0)
    I am proabably expecting too much of myself right away. Today was a bit atypical as we were at family's house for lunch, so I had less control over what was available to me and when (and what temptations were in the way!).
    Tomorrow I am at home all day. What is a fast, healthy, low calorie, filling, high protein veggie lunch? Or is that asking too much all in one meal?!? :0)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi and welcome, it is your first day so good effort.

    I looked at your diary. My advice is to increase your protein at every meal to at least 30g adn reduce your sugar and refined carbs. Protein keeps you fuller for longer. Eat LOTS of fresh vegetables as well and drink water. If you fill up on water, fibre and protein you wont have room for sugary foods (which make you crave more sugary foods).

    Also - make a plan for the week. Plan all your food now and then tomorrow night you can do a cook up of some of the meals that you are going to pack for lunches. Planning makes all the difference some days between success and an average day.

    Losing fat is 80% diet, but try to incorporate a bit of weight training in as well. You could start now by doing some body weight squats, push ups, lunges, have a look on youtube if you need help with form.

    So here you are at night - feeling itchy.... Why don't you do some squats and push ups, then go and have a nice long shower or bath, pamper yourself, have a herbal tea or something like that and make yourself a plan for the week. Search the internet if you need suggestions, or look through the threads here.

    All the best!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    drink water
    go to bed
    eat it u are already over caleries
    get oon track tomorrow
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Tomorrow I am at home all day. What is a fast, healthy, low calorie, filling, high protein veggie lunch? Or is that asking too much all in one meal?!? :0)

    Omelette with 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites with mushrooms and spinach.

    Cook up a vegetable bake and divide into 4-6 serves for lunches ahead. No reason why the kids can't have that as well. Good for the whole family. Get them in the kitchen with you and they can help.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    My first day here. I've eaten over my calories today :0(
    Starving hungry and craving crackers and cheese.
    What am I doing wrong? Any encouraging words to help me stay strong?

    You are just learning. Looking at your diary your protein is way low and you need to drink more. To add a high protein snack would be fine you will not gain more weight with another 100-200 calories. Get some cottage cheese or Greek yogurt.
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    Try adding more low calorie veggies to your diet as well, I find a huge salad made of veggies with either a low calorie dressing or balsamic vinegar helps me,the more fiber you get in your diet the fuller you will feel, as well getting enough protein will help you stay fuller longer, welcome to mfp lots of help and great advice on these boards
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    It looks like you could stand to get some more protein in your diet. Protein, fat, and fiber all help to keep us feeling full. Ditch the crackers next time and go for hard boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, beef jerky, almonds, or anything with more protein.

    I was thinking more protein throughout the day, too. I am not a vegetarian, so I don't know what all to suggest, but nuts and greek yogurt are a start.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Omlette - great suggestion! We have some back-garden chickens, so we're always swamped in eggs. Are eggs high fat though?

    I eat brown / wholemeal bread, brown rice and wholemeal pasta - do they count as refined carbs? I heard that supermarket brown bread is just white bread with extra bits added back in, rather than proper unrefined flour. Don't know if that's true.

    I make vegetable bake type meals a lot, with kidney beans etc in. But I add lots of cheese on top, which i NOT a good idea...
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Vegetarian sources of protein: cottage cheese (love this stuff), raw nuts (especially almonds), and protein powder smoothies. :) I toss blueberries, spinach, and almond butter in with some chocolate protein powder and it tastes like a chocolate-peanut butter smoothie.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    I love greek yogurt with nuts - favorite snack. I cou;d have it for breakfast. I usually have some honey or maple syrup on it, but I could swap that for fruit I guess - better?
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Will definatly buy some almonds tommorrow!!