Sorta New Here

I guess I first logged on and created my account in March and here it is in May and I haven't been back on to update. Really disappointed that time has gone by so quickly. It is time consuming getting on here to keep things updated with no friends or motivation to do so, so really I am hoping that I can stick to it this time. I would like to lose 30 lbs by the end of summer and get back to my size I was as a teenager! I have done it before, I just need the motivation to do it again and I haven't had much of that. :(


  • SmilinSue12
    SmilinSue12 Posts: 71 Member
    Same here... I had the account a year ago, and I got back in May... With the help of friends, I feel motivated to keep my log up to date and keeps me on the right track... You can add me if you like...
  • SpikezPunx
    SpikezPunx Posts: 2
    Hey guys I'm new to this too feel free to add me :-) :-) :-) :-)
  • cfonten
    cfonten Posts: 1
    i am ... sorta ... new here too.. i see i joined in May 2012... i just joined too.. did absolutely nothing on the site... but i have decided to make some short term goals that may be more easily attainable for me ... so this one is 8 days.. odd number.. oh well thats me... but i think i LOve this site.. i have been exploring and its AWESOME ... and i think it will really be a great help... i even loaded the app to my phone... well. here is wishing me well with my first goal... 8 days of 1500 calories a day... whew... i can do it!!!! :smile:
  • rentrag42
    rentrag42 Posts: 1 Member
    Today is my first day, I went to a dietitian today and she recommended I use myfitnesspal. I'm real excited to really try to lose weight this time, too many failed attempts to count. I have about 90 pounds to lose, so this has got to be more of a lifestyle change for me rather then a diet. Carrying around this excess weight is a real burden and I feel like my health is spiraling downhill real fast. I can't put it off any longer. I could use some support friends here on these message boards, so add me to your friend list, I'll give support too. Thanks.
  • Everyone is free to add me :))
  • subtract2add
    subtract2add Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm in my 3rd week (day 16 actually) here and have lost 6lbs already! I am always looking for more people to add and share positive encouragement. I'm 5ish pounds from 100 to lose (despite it being such a huge number, when taking it a pound at a time it just isn't!)
    Woo! let's lose it!