30 day shred- stuck :(

Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
So I did two days in a row of the 30 day shred and started to do it today and I could not. My thighs and butt hurt really bad. I kept trying to push myself but I think my body was just telling me to take a day off. Has anyone else had trouble with this? I really like the dvd and thought it was great at first but I didn't expect to be this sore.


  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    So I did two days in a row of the 30 day shred and started to do it today and I could not. My thighs and butt hurt really bad. I kept trying to push myself but I think my body was just telling me to take a day off. Has anyone else had trouble with this? I really like the dvd and thought it was great at first but I didn't expect to be this sore.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I haven't ever done that particular program, but I have had days when I'm so sore from exercising the day before that I just can't push it. I think you should maybe take a slow walk, so you get SOME exercise, but I wouldn't push it and do the video again if it has made you that sore. Get back at it tomorrow!!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I second the idea that a workout of some sort will benefit your sore muscles, even if it's a short walk. Moving the muscles will let them feel better. Maybe alternating the shred with another workout would give you greater overall benefit? Just a suggestion.

    I'm also a fan of good, old fashioned epsom salts in a hot bath. Also, an ibuprofen will help to relieve the muscle soreness. In fact, that sounds like a good idea for me right now. . .:flowerforyou:
  • fi-nz
    fi-nz Posts: 24 Member
    Hey that work out is intense eh ! lol just like Jillian intended it ! - is it the one from the dvd ? do you have the book as well ? as the book recommends rest days and it varies the muscles you work each day - especially at the start of it ! Your muscles do need recovery days to build and burn calories so don't get the guilts for taking a day off or just taking it down a notch or two !
  • kelrcasey
    kelrcasey Posts: 15 Member
    I just got it too and was really sore after Day 2. I decided not to do it that day and even though my legs were sore I went for a really long walk and did my upper body. I was surprised that I was so sore...I thought the moves weren't that tough. Clearly I'm not in as good of shape as I thought!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm a certified personal trainer and I LOVE Jillian's workouts. But because you work each muscle group it's important to give those muscles down time!! I alternate the shred with a more cardio specific dvd and the only thing I do daily is abs because your abdominals need less recovery time. Always at least take a walk & stretch when you're sore though.. you need to un-bunch those muscle fibres and metabolize the lactic acid!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I love the DVD, and yes I was really sore those first few times!

    But that is what you want, right? That means your muscles are responding. The pain is a result of lactic acid build up, which disipates with cardio vascular activity - so take a rest from any strength training that utilizes those muscles, and do straight cardio.

    Think of all the calories burned after the workout, while your body was repairing that muscle!!!

    I agree with the others - do this routine every other day, and do cardio in between to ease your msucles. Keep at it - soon you will be at level 2!
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Love the shred - I had a personal trainer and Jillian is way tougher.

    I'm hurting on day 5 but you gotta push push push it

    I modify some of the level 1 with 1 5lb weight instead of 2
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Love the shred - I had a personal trainer and Jillian is way tougher.

    I'm hurting on day 5 but you gotta push push push it

    I modify some of the level 1 with 1 5lb weight instead of 2

    Oh yeah - do whatever weight amount you are comfortable with! You could even start with no weights if you are new to strenght training. I use 8lb dumbells (16lbs total) but you could use any weight you want. Does Jillian recommend a weight amount to use? I always fast forward and never hear her intro!
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses. Turns out I ended up doing what everyone recommended today anyway. I always take my dog for a 45 to an hour walk everyday, so I did that. Plus I just got a bike so I went for a nice bike ride. So I did do something. I just really thought there was something wrong with me since they say to do it everyday. I think alternating is best. I did do the sit up portion today though because it actually feels good when my abs are sore... I love it!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses. Turns out I ended up doing what everyone recommended today anyway. I always take my dog for a 45 to an hour walk everyday, so I did that. Plus I just got a bike so I went for a nice bike ride. So I did do something. I just really thought there was something wrong with me since they say to do it everyday. I think alternating is best. I did do the sit up portion today though because it actually feels good when my abs are sore... I love it!

    You've got it right! You knew what your body needed. I know she says to do it everyday - with light weights. I prefer to alternate and use a slightly heavier weight, and that also negates boredom.

    Enjoy it!
  • cjjones58
    cjjones58 Posts: 44
    I would be a beginner in the exercise field. What dvd would you recommend for someone to start out on? Thanks for your help!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Try the Shred!!!! Just do it the first time without weights, then the next day push yourself with weights.

    I think most of the DVD's have pretty cheesy music, but this one is okay, and it moves quickly (it is a 20 minute work out). I used to LOVE the Cindy Crawford "Move Your Body" videos back in the 90's and that workout is still great! :flowerforyou:
  • christina31
    christina31 Posts: 124 Member
    One thing to make sure of before you start the shred...stretch! My husband and I do Jillian's workouts but we start stretching 15 to 20 minutes before we start. We also extend out the cooldown and sometime follow it up with a 1 mile walk. You may try stretching straight out of bed in the morning too. It's tough at first but it does get better. Keep at it and don't give up!
  • cjjones58
    cjjones58 Posts: 44
    I just want to make sure that whatever I get it is for a beginner! I need something that I can enjoy, that I can do and it works!
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    One thing I like to do too with the shred is to turn down the volume and plug in my ipod where I have my "no more fat a**" playlist of songs. That kind of gets me more pumped during the video.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    One thing I like to do too with the shred is to turn down the volume and plug in my ipod where I have my "no more fat a**" playlist of songs. That kind of gets me more pumped during the video.

    Could you share some song from this playlist? Mine are getting a bit stale. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    One thing I like to do too with the shred is to turn down the volume and plug in my ipod where I have my "no more fat a**" playlist of songs. That kind of gets me more pumped during the video.

    Here's what's currently on mine...
    - American Boy (Estelle & Kanye)
    - I Don't Want to Be in Love (Good Charlotte)
    - Mr. Brightside (The Killers)
    - Extradorinary (Liz Phair)
    - Promiscuous Girl (Nelly Furtado & Timbeland)
    - U and Ur Hand (Pink)
    - Don't Cha (***** Cat Dolls)
    - It's the End of the World As We Know It (REM)
    - Umbrella (Rihanna)
    - All These Things That I've Done (The Killers)
    - Somebody Told Me (The Killers)
    - Upgrade You (Beyonce)
    - Check Up On It (Beyonce)
    - I Like the Way you Move (Bodyrockers)
    - Tambourine (Eve)
    - Here I Come (Fergie)
    - SOS (Rhianna)
    - Please Don't Stop the Music (Rhianna)
    - Wind It Up (Gwen Stefani)
    - What are you Watiing For (Gwen)
    - The Sweet Escape (Gwen)
    - 4 Minutes to save the World (JT & Madonna)
    - Hang Up (Madonna)
    - Sorry (Madonna)
    - Stronger (Kanye West)
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    Have any of ya'll tried the Biggest Loser's Cardio Max dvd? How is it?
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max for 6 weeks. Dropped 11 pounds and 15 inches-tough but loved it. I've been doing Jillian's Shred for the past two weeks. Only did Level 1 twice, Level 2 six times and just completed day 7 of Level 3. I use five pound weights and although it's tough, I love the results. I've lost three pounds and am down two sizes since I started the Shred. I do it every weekday and add either a two mile walk or I ride my stationary bike on rainy days. LOVE THE SHRED!