Advice on workout plan


I've been on MFP for about 6 months now and I've used it on and off. I'm on summer break and have more time to commit to working out. While at college, I mainly focused on cardio and ab exercises and I haven't really seen results. Now that I have the time, I would like to form a workout plan,but I need a little help figuring out what exercises I should be doing in order to get the results that I wanna see. If you wanna help a girl out, let me know!


  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Technically, most forms of exercise you do regularly will help you reach general fitness goals. What kind of activities do you enjoy doing and what are your goals?
  • mongolianfireoil
    I don't know what your goals are so it's hard to design a plan specifically for you. I personally started seeing good results after using a random workout generator that I found on google but at the same time, I started using this site to count calories so...

    If your trying to lose weight which I'm guessing your not from your picture, then I'd add a cortisol blocker to help prevent muscle loss while your in a calorie deficit.

    If your trying to gain or firm up certain areas, learn as many excercises as you can to target those areas and mix them up. For instance, for glutes, do 8-12 squats followed immmediately by 8-12 lunges and then by jumping on a 2 ft box 20 times Just as an example.

    Good luck. :)
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    What results do you want to see?
  • vzhang94
    vzhang94 Posts: 2
    I'm looking to lose about 10 pounds and tone my arms and make my butt bigger. I usually run every day and do some body weight exercises to whatever degree I feel like it. I want to form a workout thats more structured. I would like to do mainly body weight exercises or exercises with dumbbells.

    I already do lunges and squats, but I don't feel it at all in my hamstrings and glutes. For me, I only feel it in my quads. Is my form off or is this how it's supposed to feel?

  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    You could always add weights to lunges and squats if you've grown too accustomed to them. Secondly, the Stronglifts program just about everyone can handle. I made some sandbags in a gym bag to do it, or use 10 pound dumb-bells, whichever I feel like. I usually do 12 rather than 5 but, that is just what feels right to me.

    Circuit training will do a lot for you as well. The Nike Training Club app is a complete workout that has the structure it sounds like you'd enjoy. It mixes circuit and a little weight training to strengthen your core. Every lady I know who tries it absolutely loves it. Sounds up your alley with running and some fitness under your belt.
  • bwinsell77
    bwinsell77 Posts: 2
    I use and love it because it's free and I have seen results quickly. Plus, you don't get bored because they have so many videos to choose from. I usually do HIIT or a high intensity cardio every day for 20 to 30 minutes and pair it up with an hour of combined cardio and strength/toning. I switch off and do upper body one day and lower the next.
  • Ralph113
    Ralph113 Posts: 25
    Like you I too have kicked up my gym attendance. I have not used weights since high school and found a routine difficult to achieve until I found an app which listed tons of them and from there I have tweaked the exercises into a routine I can get into. A month in and I consulted with a trainer as a sort of status check but the app and it's many routines were a great starting point and my trainer thought so as well. More power to ya!