Anyone play WOW



  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Horde 4 Lyfe; Undead lock; Dalaran
  • faithnna
    faithnna Posts: 42
    I used to. Now I don't have time. :(

    This! I'll still pop on every couple weekends but not as frequently as I'd like to
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I played Everquest for years....

    I was in the original WoW beta in 2003...Played it all the way from Vanilla, through BC, WotLK, Cata...then stopped.

    I had about 40 characters spread over 6 or so realms, depending on who I was playing with at the time.

    Now I occasionally play on private servers (mainly because a buddy of mine plays on one, and we stay in touch that way.)

    Doesn't have the luster it used to have for me.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I do Borderlands II right now. I used to play Mindcraft all the time. Never did WOW, which is weird consdiering I was a D&D dice game geek for YEARS.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Bunch of toons on a few relms

    but main is on Exodar, alliance side, i run a fairly large guild there, have for over 6 years now.

    we are a guild of busy people, people with kids, wives, jobs, school, etc so we're pretty laid back.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I played until the first expansion. I couldn't get into the "end game" stuff. Way too much of a time sink. I think I had as much as I could take of people yelling at me on Ventrillo too haha.

    Also you show up to a raid once drunk, forgetting you respecced shadow priest when you were supposed to be main healer and you become enemy number one.

  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    used to play a bit. i like DDO better.
  • I do. what server are you on.
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    I admit it I am a geek. I play. I am even a lame geek and play a human paladin as my main

    I do, and I am trying to cut back because I am playing a lot more than should be considered healthy.
    My main is a NE Hunter, Mysticwinds, on Kargath.

    Any other Kargathians out there?
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I play wow, and if anyone is interesting in raiding we have spots open but it's Horde and Thunderlord is the server, My Male Tuaren is Tacostuffing and you can msg me.
  • avvalynna
    avvalynna Posts: 32
    hI! Don't tell but I'm raiding as I type this! 523i Mage on Stormrage named Avvalynna. I even livestream and have a youtube channel. One rule I cannot break: NO WOW UNTIL I'M DONE WITH MY WORKOUT! Game is addicting and time sink. Whats great is playing wow afterwards is like my rest period. Anyone out there on Stormrage?
  • used to play a bit. i like DDO better.

    Liked WoW back in 05 through 08 - they changed then and up to now made it blow goats.
    I actually beta'ed DDO for Turbine! I still enjoy it, but the PvP is broken and I can only suffer the same quest lines so many times.

    Recently I went back an oldie but a goodie - Diablo II, LOD!
    Don't tell my strength coach I'm playing games...
  • I play WoW - undead rogue (lvl 90). Don't play as much as I used to, realised I needed to get out in the real world a bit more...haha!
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