stress and alcohol

lately, I've had more stress than usual, and in the past alcohol makes it easier to deal, how does everyone else deal without the empty calories as they say...?


  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    hot bath
    i eat what i want , record it exercise
  • Chavellek
    Chavellek Posts: 20 Member
    a funny movie
  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    When I am stressed i actually don't eat.. which is an issue for weightloss ( but i drink way more calories)
    and Chavellek, I'm not really into the religious thing
  • kellyswitzer
    When I am feeling stressed I go for a run. An angry run seems to pound the negative emotions out into the pavement! I almost always feel better afterwards, whether the endorphins or having a chance to think things over or both.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Treating stress with alcohol is a dangerous practice.

    Have you done any reflecting to see what you feel is causing the stress?

    I have always done some simple exercising when I feel stressed, walks, punching bag, a little kenpo etc..etc...
  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    Things beyond my control cause my stress...
  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    but i suppose I will try exercising more than I have been.. Thank you.
    i didn't before because I worried about pushing myself too hard
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I go for a walk.
    Have coffee with a friend, but that won't work if that ain't your thing.
    Mow the lawn (yep, I'm weird)
    Sit on the beach
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    Meditation. I have a hell of a time getting things to slow down and more centred.

    I first ask myself if it is within my power to change. If the answer is no, then I put my focus on letting it go. If the answer is yes, I put my focus on what I need to do to change it.

    Either way, I must first calm my mind and my energy. try just taking a few very slow, deep breaths. As you breathe in through your nose imagine you are breathing in calm, and inhale as slow as you can until you can't take any more into your lungs. Then just as slowly, exhale through your mouth and imagine all your worries or stress flowing out with the air until you have nothing left in your lungs. Repeat about 5 times.

    You'd be surprised at how well this works to calm your body and your mind.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Meditation, hot tea, hot bath (I like epsom salts in mine), long walk, writing, drawing, painting, snuggling (a pet, friend, lover or child will do), gardening, dancing, music, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, yoga, talking with a good friend, spending time with pets, go someplace quiet (like a museum), exercise, play an instrument, repetitive work (like knitting, crocheting).

    Also, if you know what's stressing you try to find a plan to help ease that stress. For example if it's finances, try putting yourself on a budget and seeing where you can reduce your spending so you will have enough money for all your bills, if it's work related start thinking about ways to improve the work place, if it's a loved one try talking to that person about whatever the problem is, If you can do something to eliminate stress at the source you won't have to relieve it! Hope some of these suggestions help!
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Things beyond my control cause my stress...

    It may feel beyond your control, but remember you control how you react. You don't have to react with stress. This is a very hard and difficult thing to put into practice, but after working on it for several years it got easier for me. A lot of times if it's something little (i.e. running late for work) I think to myself how the stress I am feeling is not going to help the situation and how it's going to harm my body. Start thinking this way, and eventually even the big stuff doesn't seem so big anymore. There is no way to eliminate stressful situations from our lives, but we can choose to make them less stressful by how we react, how much we ruminate on things etc. Does that make sense? I'm trying to keep it short, there are entire books on this subject.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I feel you hun! Trust me I do!

    I have been battling my own anxiety issues, and it seems to go in spurts... Ill get all jazzed up about something, and worry and play every scenario in my head. I get depressed like or just overly anxious, sick feeling, and I drink to feel good for a while. But like everyone always has said.. the problem is still there the next day. When I feel enough energy to do it, working out really hard DOES help. Sometimes though I get so deep in it, I just kinda wanna lay around and drink all day, or sit and worry. I cant seem to put things out of my mind.

    I will be watching this thread.. I just wanted to offer my support.