Tapout XT



  • ssghandless
    ssghandless Posts: 3 Member
    TapOut Xt is crazy! The instructor is on the floor for most of the exercises and you will definately gain mobility if you stick with it. I can tell the difference between P90x, Insanity, and Tapout. Someone wrote an article online about it but here is a quick comparison:

    P90x = mainly strength training (muscle and definition) Tony Horton knows his stuff and he is calm. * This is a great place to start.

    Insanity= mainly cardio (cardio vascular system increase) Shaun T. will work you so you have to stick with it.

    TapOut Xt = between cardio and strength (mainly mobility) this is great prep for cross fit training without the fees. You will see fitness gains with everyday movements but not so much in muscle and cardio fitness. it's a great program for in between.

    Honestly, they all have a purpose and each one is different in its own way. There are some web sites that MIX these programs so you wont dont bored and have some diversity in your workouts.
  • Does anyone know how many calories you burn in the Tapout Yoga?
  • sherciara
    sherciara Posts: 7
    Hey guys! I just got this bad boy in the mail, I'm from Canada! I'm on day 4 week 1!
    I'm super pumped and who's on the same time fram as me? I'm going to see how much weight I loose during the first 30 days, anyone hit that time frame and care to share you results...
  • Tikamapa
    Tikamapa Posts: 2
    Sherciara, I'm on w1d5 today, so right on the same schedule as you! Not following the meal plan though, at least not yet..
    Super excited to see results, this is the first regime I've done in ages so it's really whipping my butt :D
  • Tikamapa
    Tikamapa Posts: 2
    Sherciara, I'm on w1d5 today, so right on the same schedule as you! Not following the meal plan though, at least not yet..
    Super excited to see results, this is the first regime I've done in ages so it's really whipping my butt :D

    Aaand apparently I can't count, (or it just feels like it's been longer already) in fact today is day 4 for me..
  • I have done the insanity, and i have done Jillian Michaels, now Tapout! I really like it. (i also love Shaun T). Tapout does use different muscles then insanity... I have only been doing it for a week. so results will vary. LOL i can already see a diffrence (not on the scale :( . I really do like the instructor he is a little cheesy but oh well makes me stick with it. I would like to say awsome job and stick with it to all the fitness pals!!!!!
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I do the Tapout XT workouts. I'm not consistent with it though but I love it. I do it on days I know I won't be able to go to the gym. :-)
  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
    I've started TapOut recently too, on Week 2 Day 3 (day 10 total). Anyone have results to share? I really enjoy the workouts but am super keen to see results! Already seeing some - I weigh myself regularly but waited to today to check for measurements. Looking forward to checking measurements again on Day 30 and seeing more changes!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    W1D4 tomorrow !
  • Hey guys, I've been doing Tap out XT and I love it. It's my week 5, but I dont know why I'm not losing any weight :((( anyone else have the same problem?