In your 30's and fabulous weight loss support



  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    The one thing I'll say about your thirties is that you feel a lot happier with your lot in life and far more confident in yourself.

    Albeit I am thankful that I got married right on the cusp of turning 30/31 and was therefore able to get into a tiny wedding dress. Haha.

    Anyway, adds welcome. :)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 35 in August, mum of three and feeling better than I did in my twenties :happy:
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Hello all! :o) I'll be 38 in July, and I'm here to get back to the weight I was in my early 20s, that is around 128 - 130lbs. I have 30 lbs to lose. Three weeks ago a guy I was seeing for 8 months broke my heart, and it gave me an unbelievable kick. I still miss him, but I started thinking totally about myself from that point on, and so far I'm going strong with motivation and I think I'm doing great! I lost 5lbs almost right away, then the weightloss stopped, but I've been exercising 3 times a week and I feel great, so hopefully more weight will budge soon.

    I just want to say - I don't think that it's harder to lose weight in your 30s, although it may seem that way! Of course metabolism slows down and all that, but there are things we can do right at every age and look amazing! :o)
  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    Tougher just means that you appreciate yourself more for it when it's said and done.

    36yr old here who has lost over 40lbs myself. =-)
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    34 here and in better shape now than i was in my 20's...or probably teens! lol. I am always on the path to better health and I am constantly in "youth maintenance".
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    I'll be 34 in August. Full time employee, part time college student, mom of four, wife of a full time seminary student. I have a good 60 lbs to lose. I'm having a breast reduction in three and half weeks. I can't wait! I could definitely use a supportive friend or two!
  • I'm 37, mom of one, and have a desk job. I'm hoping to lose 30-35 lbs--Even though I eat better and exercise a LOT more than when I was in my 20's.
  • capslockid
    capslockid Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 37 with 3 children at home and I also have a desk job that has me sitting all day and travelling 2 hours a day - not great as it doesn't leave a lot of time for much else! But where there's a will there's a way!

    Friend requests going out when I get home from work! :smile:
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    34 years old 6 kids. Lost 30lbs looking to lose 20-25 more :) I lift 4x a week at home.
  • LComp79
    LComp79 Posts: 9
    Hi, I'm 34 with a busy boy of 4. I've got lots and lots and lots to lose. I've been in it for just over 3 weeks and can't believe that I'm sticking to it. I've got a 8-5 office job sitting in front of a pc all day. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm nearly 34 and starting to lose the extra weight after a few years of it creeping on... ironically I'm starting to care less about my physical appearance with regard to what other people think, but at the same time pretty determined not to keep on going up weight-wise!
  • mrsappleblossom77
    mrsappleblossom77 Posts: 48 Member
    I just turned 36. Count me in! Any one feel free to add me, especially if you are a runner. I just started running and I need all the help i can get! My very first 5k ever is next week and I am crazy nervous!
  • 07JKGirl
    07JKGirl Posts: 45
    Almost 39 mother of a 19 year old here. I'm getting increasingly discouraged as I am working 2 jobs and find it harder to fit in gym time. I am an emotional eater so that's just compounding my current frustrations. The only plus is that my second job is as a server in a busy restaurant so I log a lot of steps each night. I could use all the support I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • my2kin04
    my2kin04 Posts: 69 Member
    I am 32 and could really use some support! Please add me.
  • playprettie1
    playprettie1 Posts: 66 Member
    Just turned 33 and working hard to be healthier. Please feel free to add me...and i'll do the same. Thanks!
  • nickerbokor
    nickerbokor Posts: 18
    Welcome all:smile: I realized support is the key even when I am tired I open the app see everyone's progress and get up and exercise
  • nickerbokor
    nickerbokor Posts: 18
    Is 29 close enough to add :) ill be 30 in July so close enough dont you think? Single mother weighing in at 242 @ 5'4 I am pretty desperate.. I am super excited and could use some motivation..
    yes you are soo welcome here support is support and I need it
  • nickerbokor
    nickerbokor Posts: 18
    I'm 37....... but not a lady! But I'm equally supportive and it's hard for us guys at over 30 too :p
    I know welcome aboard getting older is hard I use to sleep and lose weight in my 20's but not anymore lol welcome
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    i'm turning 35 in August, no kids, wonderful hubby and a desk job that i borderline despise. :) the hardest part about losing weight in my thirties is finding the time to exercise and cook and prep everything. but i'm more disciplined, confident, and determined now than i was in my twenties. i quit smoking a few months back (it was a very long process) and have since cut way back on alcohol as well and the the difference is astounding. i have more energy than i did years ago when i was doing both (a lot), but i can actually focus it now instead of just burning all the fuel all the time in all directions. feel free to add me, i'll be sending out requests as well. :)
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Im 32 with a long way to go, anyone is welcome to add me!