I need someone to yell at me!! Seriously!

I need friends who will yell at me if I haven't logged any exercise!! I'm doing great with logging in and have been watching my cals and all that but....I have been horrible about getting off the couch and going for a run!!

So please if you are on here daily and feel up to this task please, please add me and yell at me.

Be harsh. Be mean. Help me feel bad about not running.


  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    I like the motivation lol Im always on here as well and I exercise 4-5 times a week for 1 hr. We can workout out at the same time as if we were going to the gym together. Itd be cool to have a gym buddy lol
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    Add me... I wont yell but will seriously ask WTH you're not getting off your butt :grumble: LOL
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! You can add me, I'd love to have some support as well...After losing 30 pounds (slowly. very slowly), I've been stuck in the 160's for quite some time.

    Also, I just posted a new 50 day challenge called Spring Into Summer Challenge. It starts today and goes to July 12.

    Join the group "50 day challenge!"
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    I can try to yell at you...as long as you promise not to get/feel insulted! Have you spent any time thinking about activities you enjoy (where you can be active)? I swear that is one of the biggest keys to gettting off your butt and moving! Have you tried a trampoline park? How about finding a workout or walking buddy? Being accountable to others makes an honest woman out of you! Does your significant other workout? If not, would he do so with you?