Think My dog is protesting walks.



  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    I still remember the first time I tried to walk my pom...the first few times. Her cute little face as she pulled as far away from us as possible. We eventually dragged her and she complied. So sad and hard to do though!
  • Storm_Wolf
    Storm_Wolf Posts: 24
    My dog (a 45lb siberian husky) loves her walkies! Yesterday I took her on a 6mile adventure! To make matters worse (in her mind) I made her carry her own water! She is super enthusiastic for the first half...after that she just kinda pokes along and slows me down. I have to keep encouraging her verbally or she will stop to an almost crawl! She is only 8 years old...not sure I understand why such and energetic breed is such a loaf! Lol!