Checking out/Getting checked out at the gym

I'm a extremely shy person... for as long as I can remember I've been a quiet person. Working at Publix broke me out of that shell a bit since they demanded it lol but I still get embarrassed waking to the water fountain :blushing: I can't help but notice guys that are really fit and good looking and girls too! And when it's the other way around I get so red from embarrassment lol Im no where near fit and Im far from my goals so I pale in comparison. I don't stare or focus on people but I'm not blind lol I'm fine during my workout, but that dreaded walk gets me every time. Does anyone else feel this way? What's your opinion on checking people out or getting checked out at the gym?


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I tend to look at everyone in the gym. Not necessarily assessing if they're cute, but more appreciating what they look like (or laughing at something crazy they are doing). But beyond that, I could care less if they're looking at me or thinking that what I'm doing is crazy. It is what it is, and I mostly try to focus on myself and getting my **** done.
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    I tend to look at everyone in the gym. Not necessarily assessing if they're cute, but more appreciating what they look like (or laughing at something crazy they are doing). But beyond that, I could care less if they're looking at me or thinking that what I'm doing is crazy. It is what it is, and I mostly try to focus on myself and getting my **** done.

    Yea I do that as well I just try to focus on pushing through but Im so shy and I go alone so when I walk up to the fountain looking like crap all red and dripping in sweat I feel silly and out of shape lol especially when Im running and breathing :laugh: There's been times where I wish I could come up to someone for some new exercises or for proper form because they look great!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i look at everyone, hot or not.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I don't get why the gym is supposed to be this sacred place where no one ever talks to each other.

    I check people out, flirt, get phone numbers (rarely), and get pepper sprayed (mostly).

    The gym should be fun.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Those good looking guys and gals had to start somewhere... Personally I have great respect toward anybody at the gym who is clearly giving it her best effort, sweating by the gallons. I look at them because I want to see how much they change in the next several months. I have no interest in people who do 10 minutes half hearted exercise on the stationary bike while browsing on their ipads or chatting with their bffs.

    I don't mind getting checked out, I used to be so pathetically out of shape that I was practically invisible to the cool people. Just be thankful that you're not so ugly that people would rather not acknowledge your presence.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't get why the gym is supposed to be this sacred place where no one ever talks to each other.

    I check people out, flirt, get phone numbers (rarely), and get pepper sprayed (mostly).

    The gym should be fun.


    I seriously do'nt understand the "i'm scared of XX room" syndrom. I never look "good" because I work super effing hard- but people like it- the hard work. I've had people tell me I look damn good working out (hysterical{) even the backs of my arms turn red- it's ridiculous how red and sweaty I get. Whatever- it is what it is- rather see that than someone just poking along barely breaking a sweat ever.

    But regardless.

    Bring a water bottle. Problem solved.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Think of it this way. You probably spend more hours at the gym then any other recreational activity you do. I'm not saying it's a social club but the more you get to know the people around you the more supportive and instructional the environment can become. When you talk to that guy who just squatted double his bodyweight for 5 reps and failed a 6th and is clearly upset, you realise that everyone is self-conscious and "shy" about these type of things.
  • WeakCalves
    WeakCalves Posts: 32 Member
    Those good looking guys and gals had to start somewhere... Personally I have great respect toward anybody at the gym who is clearly giving it her best effort, sweating by the gallons. I look at them because I want to see how much they change in the next several months. I have no interest in people who do 10 minutes half hearted exercise on the stationary bike while browsing on their ipads or chatting with their bffs.

    I don't mind getting checked out, I used to be so pathetically out of shape that I was practically invisible to the cool people. Just be thankful that you're not so ugly that people would rather not acknowledge your presence.

    ^^^^^ This :smile:
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    Those good looking guys and gals had to start somewhere... Personally I have great respect toward anybody at the gym who is clearly giving it her best effort, sweating by the gallons. I look at them because I want to see how much they change in the next several months. I have no interest in people who do 10 minutes half hearted exercise on the stationary bike while browsing on their ipads or chatting with their bffs.

    I don't mind getting checked out, I used to be so pathetically out of shape that I was practically invisible to the cool people. Just be thankful that you're not so ugly that people would rather not acknowledge your presence.

    There's definitely some inspirational bodies at the gym : ) Im more shy of the fact that Im so out of shape. But its true everyone has worked hard to be where they're at :drinker:
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't get why the gym is supposed to be this sacred place where no one ever talks to each other.

    I check people out, flirt, get phone numbers (rarely), and get pepper sprayed (mostly).

    The gym should be fun.


    I seriously do'nt understand the "i'm scared of XX room" syndrom. I never look "good" because I work super effing hard- but people like it- the hard work. I've had people tell me I look damn good working out (hysterical{) even the backs of my arms turn red- it's ridiculous how red and sweaty I get. Whatever- it is what it is- rather see that than someone just poking along barely breaking a sweat ever.

    But regardless.

    Bring a water bottle. Problem solved.

    I do have a water bottle lol I drink alot of water while Im working out so I have to refill often. I've even contemplated bringing two water bottles. I'm not angry about people looking Im not disgusted just embarassed. I hear alot of girls say they get angry if guys check them out but honestly it can be flattering to a degree just embarrassing. I think alot of girls feel that way but don't want to sound full of themselves. I really want to start lifting but I admit I do have that irrational fear of being around alot of guys overweight red as hell sweating like crazy lol
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    To some extent the gym is supposed to be social. If we don't want to interact with and potentially learn from other people, we should work out in the privacy of our own homes.

    I workout in the gym in my office building. At first I was a little nervous about it because there is a loss of anonymity. It's not random men seeing me in my tiny running shorts, it's the guy who sits at the table next to me in the cafeteria and is used to seeing me in my business attire. But now that I've been going to this gym for a year it's grown on me. I am talking to more people in my office building it makes work seem friendlier.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    If someone is working out in cute neon workout clothes, shirtless, in a sports bra, or in booty shorts, it is 100% okay to check him or her out. On the other hand, if someone looks uncomfortable, try not to let him or her catch you ogling.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I go to a friendly gym. It never hurts to say hello or give a nod, whether you're checking someone out or not.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I met my husband at a gym. He told me he'd been checking me out for a while but it wasn't until the gym held a social evening he approached me. We've been married 16 years.
  • speedgoose
    speedgoose Posts: 295
    Yeah, I look at everybody when I'm working out, and I know a lot of people look at me. Whether it's because they think i'm attractive or they are looking at what exercise I'm doing, whatever - it happens all the time. And the gym should be a social place. Before I moved where I live now, most of my friends were made at the gym.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    I met my husband at a gym. He told me he'd been checking me out for a while but it wasn't until the gym held a social evening he approached me. We've been married 16 years.

    Awwww. I think thats so cute lol
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    My friend that I work out with says the guys are always checking me out. I don't pay attention. I am there to work out but if I see a hot guy I will definitely check him out. I feel like I get more staring when I walk into the gym before I change into my gym clothes. Must be the heels. Most guys don't approach me, so I am left alone.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    I check out hot girls just as I am sure I get checked out at times. It happens whether in a gym, supermarket, work, or wherever. Fact of life. Doesn't mean I have to go talk to everyone I find attractive though.
  • mommylifter
    mommylifter Posts: 123
    I'm also super shy, so the gym can be an intimidating place for me as well. I am a people watcher, I love watching all walks of life around the gym, but the second someone looks at me, I want to hide. I do all my free weight workouts in the back of the gym hiding behind the cardio equipment out of fear of people watching me. Basically I can dish it out, but I can't take it.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I don't care as long it is discreet and polite. There is one guy who is at the gym every day and he follows me around while I'm doing free weights and keeps asking me for my number, even though I have very nicely asked him to back off several times.