friends weighing over 200s please



  • ladycanman
    ladycanman Posts: 23 Member
    I am way over 200 lbs. It's hard but we can do it!!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 205, I started at 252 January 7th! Feel free to add me
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Hey there!
    I'm 23, just weighed in at 247 last weekend - I started at 268 in January, and I want to get to 199 by Summer 2014.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    I started at 225ish and I'm hovering at 200 now. I also would love some more friends.

    I love getting ideas from other's food diaries and just love the encouragement.

    Please add me, anyone who is interested. :D
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Currently 203.8 but started at 249.6. :smile:
  • If anyone wants someone to check in with, add me. I think it helps to share the highs and lows of the day with someone willing to listen. Rather than just push the weight loss, it's nice to reflect positivity. Hearing good recipes/fun activities is inspiring!

    I am a stay at home mother of two little ones and am tired of being tired of being overweight!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    I'm also looking for the same. I started at 275,now 265 amiing for 175. anyone can add me.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I'm 211.8 - anyone can feel free to friend me up - my target is in the 170's.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I started out at 244 in March and my heaviest was 252 so you are definitely not alone. feel free to add me I'm still trying to get under 200lbs :) good luck to everyone!
  • StephanieRiver
    StephanieRiver Posts: 1 Member
    Haven't weighed myself in over a month last I check I was 265. Anyone interested in adding me please do! =)
  • BeautifulBrownButterfly
    BeautifulBrownButterfly Posts: 113 Member
    feel free to add me!!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    209 currently... Always looking for new friends :)
  • MCMelRock
    MCMelRock Posts: 4 Member
    I am currently 290 lbs, though I have been told I don't look it. I definitely feel like it. I understand your pain. Starting back up after a few months of mild depression. Add me, I would like the support and encouragement.
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    feel free to add me too I'm in about the same place of my journey and yes it can be a bit discouraging but don't look at other's #'s focus on you.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm not there now but was there for a good portion (at least half!) of my life. Let me know if you have any questions :)
  • soopaang
    soopaang Posts: 27 Member
    This would not be a club I'm proud of but I am a member nonetheless. Hopefully I will be out of it in another month or so. Keep motivated!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Started at 251 now at 206 goal of 140 as well. You can add me if you're active on here and that you're doing this the right way.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hiya, i'm 194lbs now but i started at 304lbs , so i have been all through the 200s!!! Feel free to add me, Mandy xx
  • Hello all
    Just joined this site. I am a 43 old male weigh 294 wanting to get in the 245 if possible. Plus just want to feel healthy. Can not stand the way I look or feel right now. Just started the transformation process. Would love to have a couple of friends to go through this journey with
    Thank you
  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    feel free to add me. Currently 288 as of Monday and I started at 317 last October. I am a slow loser but I don't let it discourage me, I just keep doing what I know I need to be doing.