Hello All

I just found this site on Saturday and really started using it on Sunday. I have been trying since July 12th to lose a few lbs and had only managed to lose 1.4 lbs. Since using this site to keep track of food and exercise, I've lost 2.8 lbs in 3 days. I find that being able to see all the nutritional facts laid out in black and white and to see the amount of calories I'm burning is a really good motivator for me. I don't need to lose a whole lot of weight but I need to tone up a bunch! At this point, I'm really excited about doing that and I find myself exercising more than I have to just because I feel like it. :smile: I am so happy with this site that I'm telling everyone I talk to about it.


  • julienamana
    Hi Julie Ann, Julie here lol. Good luck! yes it does help to see it all layed out. I eat alot of salads and it amazes me sometimes how many calories and fat can be in them
  • jdarden1963
    Hi, Julie.

    Thanks. =) I know what you mean, I was amazed to find out the things I thought were healthy sometimes aren't.
  • julienamana
    Can I ask you something, how are people getting those progress sliders on thier posts? I want one lol