I will NEVER use a microwave again!!

So I was doing a little research on my laptop today and I found a fascinating article. I am considering living a raw vegan lifestyle so I was looking up on Google, "Can cooking food change nutritional value?" and I learned more than I expected! I highly recommend you take a second out of your day and read the article. Hopefully it will change your way of heating up food like it changed mine! It's for your own safety!



  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Couldn't read it because a subscription box popped up, had no way of closing, and wouldn't move out of the way. But just the title sounds like a load of crap. You're lying when you say you'll never use a microwave again. :)
  • hannahlang85
    hannahlang85 Posts: 18 Member
    Haha your wrong. If you would've read the article then you would agree with me. I PROMISE to never use one again unless its to steralize something...
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    Yeah, I didn't read it either because the box popped up and I didn't want to subscribe. Oh well :wink:
  • slim4lyf
    slim4lyf Posts: 33 Member
    . Breathing is dangerous, drinking water is dangerous, eating can kill you. Also the studies go back to way back when ,and technology changed a little in the past 20 years.I still wanted to follow up on reading this, since i like to be informed. Just googles the subject and there is penty Info outthere.

    Here is a website that does not bring the pop up. BTW I had no problem closing it.


    Definitely sobering. Thanks for posting
  • SaveTheDrama
    Just something else to add to the list of things people say might be harmful. The list is getting so long I don't know how any of us are even walking around anymore!:tongue: I should say I did not read the article. From the pop up I gathered it was trying to sell me something. No Thanks!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I read the article and I do not agree w/ it. Hots spots? Yes. Exploding eggs? Been there, done that. But leaking microwaves? Only if your micro is from 1980 or earlier. Nowadays they are made solid, they just don't leak. Sounds like articale was written by someone trying to sell me the next best gadget for cooking. The whole tone was a sales pitch for the raw food movement. i don't buy it. I don't use the MW for everything but it is a neccessity in my house no doubt. You can throw your out if you like, but I am quite content w/ mine.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    and p.s. for the people who couldn't read cuz of pop up, I just scrolled around it, reading above the box as the window was still active behind it. tricky tricky .:tongue:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    and p.s. for the people who couldn't read cuz of pop up, I just scrolled around it, reading above the box as the window was still active behind it. tricky tricky .:tongue:

    Haha. I didn't have the patience for that. :)
  • hannahlang85
    hannahlang85 Posts: 18 Member
    It actually had nothing to do with raw eating. Just a random article I found about cooking food. They weren't selling anything, I read the whole thing :) And thank you slim4lyf for taking a look. It really sobered me up to. It does make since to me the "WAY" it heats food up. It's just not the safest... not that it'll kill you. I'm just going to use a pot or oven the next time I need to heat something up :)
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Thanks for sharing :) Very informative. I already knew the one about not heating up things in plastic, makes total sense. :)
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    just remember not to use a pot with teflon!
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    I feel so violated!!!!!!!! Nothing is safeeeeee :(

    Just looked this up, also interesting.

  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member

    "In 1991, there was a lawsuit in Oklahoma concerning the hospital use of a microwave oven to warm blood needed in a transfusion. The case involved a hip surgery patient, Norma Levitt, who died from a simple blood transfusion. It seems the nurse had warmed the blood in a microwave oven. This tragedy makes it very apparent that there's much more to "heating" with microwaves than we've been led to believe. Blood for transfusions is routinely warmed, but not in microwave ovens. In the case of Mrs. Levitt, the microwaving altered the blood and it killed her."

    This just about killed me, because part of my job is to provide blood products to hospital wards for transfusion.

    NOTICE that it mentions that blood for transfusions is *NOT ROUTINELY WARMED IN A MICROWAVE*. Microwaving red blood cells would likely cause their membranes to break open (similar to what might happen if someone microwaved any other thing with cells), which would release a host of clot-forming substances and if you transfused the whole bag the cell membranes would clog up the kidneys and cause renal failure. So, yes, microwaving the blood altered it, but when you do something as mindblowingly stupid as this, *kitten* like this happens.


    "According to Dr. Lee, changes are observed in the blood chemistries and the rates of certain diseases among consumers of microwaved foods." Let's not forget that a lot of microwaved foods are full of processed junk anyways, so maybe we shouldn't be so quick to panic about how we cook them.

    THIS is why I hold such disdain for junk science--it's based on facts that aren't necessarily 100% true, then skews it to sound more sensationalist than it really is. I'm sorry to come off as such a jerk, but honestly, I feel like we're all being taken for a ride by people who sit and review one or two books or studies and then write a fearmongering article for the fun of it. I don't mean to crab at you, sld21--sorry--but please understand that if you look hard enough, everything is out to get you.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Couldn't read it because a subscription box popped up, had no way of closing, and wouldn't move out of the way. But just the title sounds like a load of crap. You're lying when you say you'll never use a microwave again. :)

    Why does she have to be lying? I threw out the microwave about 7 months ago (when we moved and relocated) and don't miss it.

    I bought these gel heat packs for my DH and my lunch stuff and when we heat leftovers we heat on the stove or in the oven.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Couldn't read it because a subscription box popped up, had no way of closing, and wouldn't move out of the way. But just the title sounds like a load of crap. You're lying when you say you'll never use a microwave again. :)

    Why does she have to be lying? I threw out the microwave about 7 months ago (when we moved and relocated) and don't miss it.

    I bought these gel heat packs for my DH and my lunch stuff and when we heat leftovers we heat on the stove or in the oven.

    I agree, I don't think it's fair to say that a person who you know nothing about is lying about a choice they've made. While I have no intention of getting rid of my microwave, I lived as an adult without one for a number of years and did just fine.
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Couldn't read it because a subscription box popped up, had no way of closing, and wouldn't move out of the way. But just the title sounds like a load of crap. You're lying when you say you'll never use a microwave again. :)

    Why does she have to be lying? I threw out the microwave about 7 months ago (when we moved and relocated) and don't miss it.

    I bought these gel heat packs for my DH and my lunch stuff and when we heat leftovers we heat on the stove or in the oven.

    Same here, haven't used the microwave in a few years. I prepare my foods much differently then I used to.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    To offer something different I am going to give a little spiel from the perspective of someone who has gotten rid of her microwave!

    Okay, well my family has known about some of the potential harm of microwaves for awhile, but we haven't had one in our house since Aug 2001. Honestly, at first it sounds like a huge inconvenience, but you quickly discover that a toaster oven is really quick and usually produces a more desirable effect on the food (for me...). Other things are quickly heated up on the stove :)

    Personally, I really can't say I ever miss having a microwave. In restaurants there are certain items normally cooked by microwave, that I ask the server about, if it is cooked by microwave, I get something different. No biggie. In college if I was at a friends house and they wanted to "nuke" something I rarely ever had to speak up for myself, since my friends all enjoyed informing those not in the know that I don't use microwaves.

    The main thing, health wise, is that there have been a number of studies done indicating possible harm. Not to be a complete conspiracy theorist, but I just truly believe that the industry that is microwaves, and microwavable food (at the grocery store and in restaurants) is too big for the FDA or whoever else to ever be willing to ban it now, unless something drastic starts happening. Money talks!

    Do I know that using a microwave gives you cancer or whatever else?


    I do have reasonable doubt though. So given a possible threat from something which over the last decade has proven to be virtually useless to me I can't say I regret the decision or that I will ever change.

    I mean, yes there is a long long list of potentially harmful things, and it is impossible to eliminate them all, but I think that anyone who has joined this website is taking on a duty to ourselves to try and get rid of those things we can. If you feel you can't, fine, but not using it is really not something that needs to be looked down upon.

    So there it is, my parents, brother and sister and I don't own microwaves!
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    I don't even own a microwave! And haven't for over 17 years. I never used it when I had it so it was just taking up space.

    I make everything from scratch and can't stand frozen or canned veggies! Fresh is best, in everything. I don't eat leftovers either.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    if you microwave gummy worms they melt, and starbursts get like playdough for a little while (super fun), and peeps get HUGE..microwaves are such fun....
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I don't trust this article. Why aren't there a list of sources at the end. I would want to read the original findings myself before making any conclusions, but here are some thoughts i had on it:

    1. Heating anything, whether it be by microwave, stove top, etc. will denature proteins and cause chemical changes.

    2. If you're stupid enough to heat the baby's milk in the PLASTIC bottle and don't bother to test the temperature before you give it to the baby, you deserve a crying baby for the next three days from have a burnt mouth and tongue. (I feel sorry for the child for having such parents without common sense).

    3. The Nazi's did not "discover" microwave ovens. The fact that microwaves heated food was discovered by a guy working with microwave tubes and noticed his chocolate bar melted. Though, of course it has a nice effect in the article, "if the Nazi's created it, it must be bad..."

    4. Our mother didn't trust it, so it must be bad!

    5. microwaving the blood. Let's see, they discuss else where that microwaving breaks down the cell membrane, which happens in any sort of heating, just easier to control in other methods. So if you microwave the blood and all of the red blood cells pop...

    All I'm saying is this is the internet. It is great for gaining information, but you always have to take it with a grain of salt. I'm not saying that everything is a lie, but here is an interesting forum topic discussing this very thing, with one post talking about the "scholarly" articles mentioned:
