Question about getting pregnant



  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    Another thing that is really important is to NOT exercise excessively as this causes stress on your body also- so just doing something mod intensity each day and eating healthy is going to be better for you than going hard core trying to get fit!

    Not even remotely true.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    Go back to 16 and get in the backseat of an Audi? :)

    I'd be screwed if that's how people were supposed to get pregnant... :P
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    After your "fun", put a pillow under your hips, throw your legs up in the air, and stay that way for a while! It helps those little swimmers head the right direction!! :laugh:
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Go to
    You'll get ton of good info.

    To get pregnant: take your basal temperature and use OPK to monitor your ovulation. Eat healthy. Exercise. Lose weight.

    Once pregnant:
    Eat healthy. Keep exercising during your whole pregnancy (Do tons of squats and lunges) This will lower your chances to have a high risk pregnancy. Don't settle for the first doctor you see. Trust your body. I had a natural waterbirth with a midwife and a doula 2 months ago and it was the best experience of my life! No need for drugs! Good luck!

    Also, watch " the Business of Being Born" and "More business of being born" on Netflix.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Just relax and get some. If that doesn't work after awhile, check out
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Relax, add sperm, repeat. The people I know that have the hardest time conceiving are the ones that are constantly obsessing about it.
  • claires89
    claires89 Posts: 10 Member
    Several other people have mentioned it but the best thing to do at the moment is just relax and see what happens. The first important thing to work out is roughly when you are ovulating. Unless you have a really irregular cycle, a lot of the ovulation kits etc are just a waste of money. Apologies if this next bit is a bit patronizing or graphic but it's quite easy to get confused when dealing with these things so here you have a regular cycle? When counting cycles, day 1 is the first day of your period. As a general rule, there are 14 days from ovulation until you start your next period. If you have a regular cycle (give or take a day or so) then you can work out roughly when you'll be ovulating. If you have a standard 28 day cycle, you ovulate around day 14 (so about a week after your period finishes) but if you have a shorter cycle then you'll probably ovulate a bit earlier - for example if your cycle length is 25 days, you'll ovulate around day 11 (25-14=11) but if you have longer cycles, say 33 days, then you'll tend to ovulate a bit later, round about day 19 (33-14=19).

    This is important because once you've ovulated, the egg is only 'good' for around 24 hours - someone mentioned this when they said that if you wait until you get the positive ovulation test, it might actually be too late. Sperm can survive inside for 5-7 days so you don't HAVE to have 'fun' on the exact day of ovulation to actually get pregnant. Just have regular fun in the week running up to ovulation.

    The second important thing to consider is the frequency and timing of your 'fun'. I can't remember who mentioned it (sorry) but it's true that the number and quality of the sperm are reduced if it's too frequent. Now, obviously if your other half is particularly fertile, it wont matter but generally if you're actively 'trying' to conceive, it's advisable to aim for 2-4 times per week as that helps make sure there is a good number of good quality sperm available each time. That includes any 'alone time' your other half may have... Obviously if you enjoy 'fun time' more often than 4 times in a week, that's fine but just remember that when it comes to conception, sometimes less is more and there's no obligation to do it every day or on any specific day!

    When you put all this together, you can figure out that the most important time for having regular 'fun' is really the middle 2 weeks of your cycle (so roughly 2 weeks starting from when your period finishes) but there's no set in stone rules! Just relax and enjoy yourself, and it should happen! In the UK, unless you have very irregular cycles or either of you have a specific medical problem, we wouldn't worry about doing tests until you'd been trying for at least a year as it's not unusual for it to take that long. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me. Sorry for the essay and good luck!
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    chart your basal body temperature. (google it). Like most things in life, timing is everything.

    This times a thousand.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Options You're welcome and can name your baby after me :D
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I know my Husband and I are very atypical. We actually weren't trying yet as our work schedules are so hectic right now, we were hoping to wait until later this year before we started trying. We've been together for 11 years, during that time, no "accidents", a couple of "maybe's" but I've always had irregular cycles (to put it mildly!!) so it was usually a case of "nevermind, false alarm".

    I'll give you the long abridged story... In November last year, I chose to go to a Whole-Foods Plant-Based Lifestyle, I was already almost there (no red meat - stopped enjoying it a couple years ago and I'm allergic to gluten & intollerant to dairy & soy). I had stopped enjoying chicken, fish and eggs, so when I gave it up totally I just plain felt better. In the process, Hubz decided he wanted to be healthier - not fair when his wife is in better shape with bigger biceps :tongue: . While he didn't go completely plant-based, he cut back on animal proteins and glutens: in the process he lost almost 15 lbs that he had gained (unhealthy stomach weight from unhealthy habits). Apparently, our bodies responded really well to this new Lifestyle very quickly... maybe a little TOO well. We're only together a couple times a week due to work, but apparently one of those times the "magic" happened.

    Finding out afterwards from what I was reading to prepare for the next stage in our life and what the Doctors advised us, what you eat is VERY important, especially when trying to conceive. So if you're trying and trying & you know there are no medical issues that may prevent you from getting pregnant, look at what you're eating. Whole-Foods Plant-Based is not for everyone & I wouldn't push it on anyone, but maybe little things like not enough calcium, not enough fats (healthy fats like nuts or avocado), not enough water & too much sugar or complex carbs can interfere with your bodies. Of course stress, whether stress from work, finances, or trying to get pregnant, can interfere as well. So maybe add some form of mediation like Yoga or T'ai Chi a couple times a week.

    Relax, Enjoy and Good Luck!!