Team UK - August2010

James501 Posts: 148
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
As Kp aint posting at the moment and may i add we all miss you hunni, I'll go back to my old job of setting up Team UK till she is back.
Usual score though, targets and support and progress reports for all the Uk members.

I'll get things started.

Last month was great for me lost 12lbs and am now at 11 stone. This months target is to loss half a stone and put myself on taget for the BIG 10stone by October.

How's everyone else? I have had a shocking day, not food but bloody people(don't know why i bother sometimes).



  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Thanks James, and come back soon KP, we miss you! x
    Well done, 12lbs is fantastic, you must feel great! My target for this month, as ever, is 1lb a week, anything else is a bonus.
    It's bleeding freezing up 'ere in good owd Lancashire! So much for the lovely summer weather everyone's supposed to be having!
    Happy August everyone, have a good month x
  • Having a good week so far but have six pounds to lose in two weeks to hit my next target. Going on holiday camping on 15th August with my family and am determined to hit it by then.
  • Hey all,

    Watching what I eat this week, focusing all my energy on going the gym, so hope to see results by tomorrow evening. Not been posting much as been really busy in work, but I'm still around and about and filling out my diary.

    Hope everyone is okay and good luck with whatever targets you have for the week/month! :happy:

    Lee. :drinker:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Found you!

    I've had a bit of a bad month - not lost an awful lot, but to be honest I'm happy with slow at the moment.

    I really need to step up the running training for the half marathon. Got to be more regular with my runs!

    Hope you're all ok,

    Erika x
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I'd like to join in too if that's OK.... I'd like to lose 10lb this month.... I know thats a lot but its the first month of me doing this and so I'm hoping that I will have a bit of a kick start. I'm 1.3lb down already....

    The only problem is that I am going over to Chicago to see my best friend for a week. I'm going to try to keep calorie counting while I'm there but I know its going to be harder.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all, James, thanks for settng up the UK post, I miss it when its not here, love seeing peoples progress!!! And yes KP hurry back!!!

    I seem to be having a run of bad luck, firstly I have injured my ankle so have to take the exercise easy, now have a water infection, which is making me feel really poorly, so cant do any exercise!!!! Had the past two days off work, with nothing to do but watch cr*p day time TV and eat because I am bored!!!!! As you can probably tell I am feeling more than a little bit sorry for myself!!!!

    The bummer is that I go to Ibiza next Friday for my hen do, and had planned another detox, and to hammer the exercise ready for the beach, but unfortunatly, that plan seem to have been kiboshed!!!!

    On a positive note, I am now 10.3, which is the lowest I have been for years, and loving the fact that I am finally a nice comfortable distance from 11, where I seemed to linger for a long long time.

    Fingers crossed my antibiotics kick in so I can get back on my feet soon!!

    Good luck one and all for the month of August.... Cant believe I am getting married next month....... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggh!!!!!

    My goal for August then, is to see my old friends 9 on the scales!!!! That would serioulsy be amazing!!!

    Jo xx
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Bumping for when I'm home at the weekend :)
  • Weigh in this morning sees me under 200lbs for the first time in over two years. I lost 3 lbs this week and need to lose 3 more next week to hit my target of 196 before I go on holiday. Just 2 more pounds and I will be the lighest I have been since I was 15 years old, and that was almost 25 years ago!!

    Ran into work this morning which is just under 8 miles so starting the day with another 1159 calories!! Woohoo.

    Have a great weekend all.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Team UK

    :frown: I only posted once in July I think it was, lost track of this thread for a while, but I'll try and do better this month.

    I've not done too well on logging food or exercise either, I started an exercise routine (first time in many years) and must have strained something or pulled something because I was in agony for a few days and had to stop. I wouldn't mind but I was only on the third day! Of course my intention was to start up again, but so far I haven't managed it :embarassed: I must try harder to fit exercise into my daily routine !

    :smile: :noway: My aim is to get down to 10 stone before the end of the month. Can it be done I ask myself, I'll give it my best shot..

    Weather here in Yorkshire is unsettled, one minute sunny, next pouring with rain! So far this morning it's sunny but you know our weather :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well I'd better get ready for work - Have a good day everyone with healthy choices :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bumping so I can find you later x
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Morning everyone.. well this month is going to be a difficult one. every weekend I am busy with freiends plus i am going away for two weeks on holiday.

    My challenge for this month is to lose 5-8 pounds and I have also set myself the target of going for a run every other day whilst on holiday.

    I hope every one has a successful month
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    tagging for later
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi guys,

    Ive been really struggling recently and its only 3 1/2 weeks till i go to florida.

    So my goal for the month is 3lbs - im not sure what i weight atm, but i'll weigh myself tomorrow and take that as my starting point for the month. Im also going to try and work out more these next 3 1/2 weeks

    Good luck everyone!
  • ChristineKirk
    ChristineKirk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All,

    This is my first post, I've managed to lose 9lbs in the first 3 weeks, would like to to lose another 8lbs this month, but I am going on holiday on 27th August so will have to try and be good whilst away.

    Heres hoping!

    Good luck everyone
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everybody

    This is my first post on Team UK. I've been doing MFP on the iPhone for a while but only joined the community this week and LOVING it! It's my birthday in a couple of weeks and hoping to lose 2lbs before then (already lost 5lbs to get to my half stone target before the big day). After that I'm working towards another half stone to get me back to where I was January 2009.

    Have a great month everyone. Feel free to add me as a friend....

  • Morning everyone, hope you're all having a good weekend.

    I only joined MFP 2 and a half weeks ago but I've lost 10lb already, can't believe it. I did have my first blow out yesterday and had a kfc, but still managed to meet my calorie target so hopefully won't gain any this week.

    My target for august is to up my exercise as I need toning up, also hoping my weight loss will continue but be less dramatic (might sound strange, but I don't want to lose too quickly and end up all saggy, not attractive!)

    Hope you all have a successful month. Also feel free to add me! :)
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Morning Team UK! ...Afternoon even!

    This is the first time I'm posting on Team UK.
    I have been doing MFP for a while now. I'm losing really slowly [less than a pound a week] but the plus side is it's staying off. I'm in no hurry to lose weight. Just wanting to get toned and generally fitter as I would like to do a half marathon next year.

    It's been two weeks so far since I've gone back to the gym with a new programme and have already kickstarted on the Couch to 5K. Currently on Week 2, Day 2. Going to give myself a day's rest of running and will continue tomorrow hopefully if work isn't too busy.

    Hope you all have a brilliant month!!

    Also, how do I find this thread again to keep track?

  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    My weigh in day is Saturday and I've lost 2lb already this month (and 6.9lb over all). Would really like to get to 10lb loss this month but not sure how likely that will be.
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    "Also, how do I find this thread again to keep track?


    Simply go to the community tab of the menu and you will see an option to list the topics that you have posted to.
  • loulouBell72
    loulouBell72 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all!

    I have joined this site a week ago so i am still hooked searching all topics and then i found this one :drinker: I have had a great week and have lost 2lb so i cannot complain.

    Healthy thought s to all

    Oh, i just see everyone has put a target...mine is a lb a week but hopefully more of course :wink:
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