Is any other woman...



  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member

    It looks like his torso is sliding off of his legs.

    Actually it looks like he's staring wistfully at his own junk. Kinda weird.

    That's kind of an extreme case - both of the very deep V (I can see why some find this unattractive) and of the exceptionally weird wistful stare.
    Just looks like he's staring wistfully at someone on their knees to me. The falling off the torso comment make me choke on my coffee though
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    OP here,

    No body shaming intended. This was just supposed to be goofy and harmless fun to see if I was the only one (obviously not) that had a bit of a preference away from this type of body definition. Everyone has preferences, nothing wrong with that. I have honestly never seen one in real life and that alone makes me realize just how hard it must be to achieve. A heartfelt grats to all you guys that have put in the hard work to attain and maintain one (and ladies for that matter).

    I made this thread as a goofy response to "Butt or Boobies". I figure if we're going to objectify women harmlessly, we could do the same with men. :tongue:

    Oh, and the "Y" comment made me choke on my coffee.
  • blackmagic25
    blackmagic25 Posts: 227 Member
    all I hearing is hating from these chicks it's awful I thought we were all on here to lift, exercise, and etc. Not to talk about how you hate or dislike someone V???? just saying you sound dumb I'm actually shock this thread hasn't become locked yet
  • its so you can find your way in the dark :laugh:

    You I like. I can take off my hat now?
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    all I hearing is hating from these chicks it's awful I thought we were all on here to lift, exercise, and etc. Not to talk about how you hate or dislike someone V???? just saying you sound dumb I'm actually shock this thread hasn't become locked yet

    I agree mate.

    I LOVE the V it proves the athlete has the lowest body fat through intense training!!!!
  • mmmmmm....i think it's SUPER hot and INCREDIBLY sexy! but to each her own, right?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I like the V, but I won't kick a guy out of bed for not having one.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member

  • Lindaspencer
    Lindaspencer Posts: 226 Member
    I do a V on myself - so I think its incredibly sexy if he made that effort too :)
  • I like the V!
  • bleis71
    bleis71 Posts: 22
    I see all these posts about directions to the goods, but so far in my history, the goods are easily found, and nobody has ever noticed the belly once the good are seen. LOL
  • blackmagic25
    blackmagic25 Posts: 227 Member
    40186763_5243.jpg40186763_3911.jpg I prefer the second me with the V
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member


    ohhhhh god that is sooo hot <3

    P.s how do you post pictures that easily??
  • bleis71
    bleis71 Posts: 22
    @blackmagic25. You have every right to like the second you. It looks like you have worked very hard and deserve to show it off. While I am not shooting for that look myself, I am striving to look better. And no I am not gay, just secure enough to compliment somebodies hard work.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I think the V is sexy.. Until it gets shown too low, then it freaks me out that there's a penis right there. Penises are weird haha
  • blackmagic25
    blackmagic25 Posts: 227 Member
    I think the V is sexy.. Until it gets shown too low, then it freaks me out that there's a penis right there. Penises are weird haha
    haha vaginas are just as weird I love them though :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    not a particular fan of that super cut V down to a man's junk? It's not unattractive and I fully appreciate the work that has to go into getting that sort of definition but my problem? It makes me think of a Ken doll, every... single... time.

    Am I the only one that thinks this?

    You mean like this . . .

    When I see this, the last thing I am thinking about is a dang Ken doll.
    The little happy trail of hair leading to the promise land, makes it even more enticing. At least for me.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I think the V is sexy.. Until it gets shown too low, then it freaks me out that there's a penis right there. Penises are weird haha
    haha vaginas are just as weird I love them though :love: :love: :love: :love:

    Genitals are just weird! hahahaha. only if you think too hard
  • blackmagic25
    blackmagic25 Posts: 227 Member
    I think the V is sexy.. Until it gets shown too low, then it freaks me out that there's a penis right there. Penises are weird haha
    haha vaginas are just as weird I love them though :love: :love: :love: :love:

    Genitals are just weird! hahahaha. only if you think too hard
    now you going to far talking about my balls how dare you :laugh:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member


    Oh my...