First week and nothing

Shannon_76 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been using MFP for a week and nothing has changed... I hoped to lose at least 1 lb but nothing. I know results aren't going to come right away but I have to say I'm a bit discouraged. I am proud of myself that I have at least kept tracking my foods and exercise, and that I have actually been more active...

Have a great weekend!!


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've been using MFP for a week and nothing has changed... I hoped to lose at least 1 lb but nothing. I know results aren't going to come right away but I have to say I'm a bit discouraged. I am proud of myself that I have at least kept tracking my foods and exercise, and that I have actually been more active...

    Have a great weekend!!

    Hi, make your diary public, somebody might be able to suggest something.

    You can make it public in your settings x
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Dont give up, just keep going. Your body knows what it is doing and before you know if the weight will begin to fall off. Make sure that you are drinking lots of water and also watch your sodium intake as it can cause water retention. Another thing that may help is to change up your exercise routine, your body gets used to the same exercise and so the caloric burn gets lower as it becomes easier for you to do. Also make sure to take your measurements as sometimes you may lose inches and not pounds by gaining muscle. Be proud of your accomplishment, you have become active and aware of what you put in your body
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    It will happen, give yourself 3 weeks. You are on the right track! You may see it in your clothes and face before you see it on the scale. Stay healthy and you will achieve your goal!
  • I am actually in the same boat. I have been on MFP for 2 weeks. And working out everyday (just had a baby) for 2 weeks now and havnt lost a pound. ok.. i lost . 02.. ugh.. I hate that im trying so hard and nothing is happening.. What exercises are you doing??
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    Your body has to overcome a certain amount of inertia before you can see a difference. IT WILL COME - believe me. Just don't give up. You can't expect your metabolism to crank up immediately
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    your body doesn't officially know that's it's been a week.. lol.. Everyone is different.. Make sure you are watching your sodium and drinking loads of water on those saltier days.. Buying packaged dinners are loaded with lot of sodium, so cook fresh and it will cut your salt way down.. Fiber fiber fiber.. Make sure you are getting AT LEAST 25 grams of fiber a day.. Mine is usually more up towards 40 grams.. Poop yourself thin..

    Good luck on your journey.. There's always ups and downs.. But just keep going and you'll make it.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Like Karma said, it might be water retention. You usually lose excess water weight when you first start dieting, which is way a lot of people say a BIG drop at first. Make sure you drink TONS of water, especially you're working out.
  • jbolm
    jbolm Posts: 1
    In agreement with other responses here, losing weight is not always a consistent thing. I lost about 90 pounds over the course of a year. You may not lose anything for awhile, and then suddenly lose several pounds. Then you might gain back some of it. The important thing is to just keep eating healthy and exercising. What really helped me was the realization that whether or not I was losing weight, it certainly did not hurt to eat healthy and exercise.
  • rodney73
    rodney73 Posts: 15
    I didn't notice anything for 3 weeks, I also started the 30 day shred DVD and I don't know if that sparked something but I def noticed a difference 3 days after starting it
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Just knowing what you're eating and how your body affects your food choices and how your food choices affect your body is a big step. Once you know that, you'll find that things fall into place.

    Agree with everyone else though. Make sure your water and fibre levels are up, balance your intake throughout the day (instead of leaving it all until the end of the day) and just keep doing what you're doing :)
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Don't worry about it - and absolutley do not give up!!!!

    I know for sure how disheartening it is when you don't lose weight (especially when you see people say, 'oooh I've lost 5lbs in my first week,' you want to kill yourself!!)

    I myself didn't lose anything my first week - and then put on a whole KG over the next two. So it was 4 weeks before I was even back to my starting weight!! A very unpleasent experience when I was cutting back so much and exercising so hard!! But ever since then I have steadily lost 0.3/0.4 kg (about 1lb) per week - so it's finally headed in the right direction!!

    Everyone is different - so everyone's bodies are going to change and adapt at different paces. I think you will find that even if you do not lose weight as fast as you expect you will FEEL much better, more energized, happier etc from your healthier lifestyle - so that's worth something in itself!! :happy:

    Good luck!!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I think you should just get rid of you scale and stop weighing yourself, now you pissed because you didn't drop 1 pound more important then dropping a pound is how do you feel this week doing your workouts watching what you have eaten, changing life styles is hard. use that scale to weigh the groceries you just carried.

    One step at a time.

  • Lots of good advice here already.

    Here's my two cents/what works for me:

    Protein, protein, protein. My goal is 40% calories from protein - I get close most days.

    Regarding exercise - and this is a do as I say not as I do thing - WEIGHT TRAIN. It is a constant battle for me but I know that if I am going to make any more progress I need to do more resistance/weight training exercises along with my cardio. Cardio is great for the heart and health, but building lean mass is what will help increase my metabolism and help me lose weight . . . that's what I believe anyway.

    And eating discipline. My diet is by no means perfect, but it's a heck of a lot better than it has been, and if I stay disciplined, it will only get better.
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