Wanna get a six pack abs

:smile: Hi everyone, I'm a mother of 2. I been working out for 15 months and lost 19kg (56.5kg) now ,168cm.i can feel the abs under my stomach but couldn't get it show.please advice.thx


  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Without pictures and height it's hard to evaluate but from what you have said, I think you have more fat to shed off before actual visible abs... You need to have a lowr body fat percentage to be able to see them.
    I general a women can see there abs anywhere below 14% BF I think
  • Without pictures and height it's hard to evaluate but from what you have said, I think you have more fat to shed off before actual visible abs... You need to have a lowr body fat percentage to be able to see them.
    I general a women can see there abs anywhere below 14% BF I think

    This......you can do ab exercises to strengthen the area, but need to reduce fat to see the abs. Continue to exercise and burn more calories than you consume.
  • So you r saying if I consume 1000 calories per day.i need to burn over 1000 calories?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    So you r saying if I consume 1000 calories per day.i need to burn over 1000 calories?


    You need adequate nutrition. Trying to burn what you eat is a way to burn up muscle. You need to eat a moderate calorie deficit. Abs are made in the kitchen eating nutritious foods and fueling your body.
  • wandadars
    wandadars Posts: 25 Member
    I don't think he was suggesting to burn everything you eat. That might not be healthy.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Without pictures and height it's hard to evaluate but from what you have said, I think you have more fat to shed off before actual visible abs... You need to have a lowr body fat percentage to be able to see them.
    I general a women can see there abs anywhere below 14% BF I think

    False. I could see mine at 20%. I am currently around 18% and can see them.
  • Jskelly79
    Jskelly79 Posts: 2
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Everybody has six pack abs, the trick is getting them to show. Like previously said, for them to pop out, its starts & ends in the kitchen. Depends on where & when your body starts to burn the fat on your midsection. Eat correctly and they will come around at some point. How bad you want it is where its at.
  • Thx, my BMI is 20 .should I avoid carbohydrate?(white bread,rice,pasta)
  • if you are truly eating only a thousand calories a day, your body is probably in starvation mode. you need more calories to help lose weight. I know it sounds crazy, but it is true.Denise Austin's website said, "everyone has a six pack, but if you have to much insulation around your abs you just can't see it". Made sense to me! Do some reading on nutrition, I think you will find it is very helpful.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Thx, my BMI is 20 .should I avoid carbohydrate?(white bread,rice,pasta)

    I avoid simple carbs (white rice, pasta, etc...)

    I eat plenty of complex carbs (whole wheat, whole grain, brown rice) Mainly because they taste better to me, keep me felling full longer which helps in on the days I don't burn 1000-2000 calories where I might pack in 5000 calories from the plate.

    Lean meats (fish/chicken), quinoa, red/black beans, turkey burgers, tuna are the main stay in my protein consumption.
  • Thx everyone for the advices. Any good snack idea good for muscle build but low in fat?