24 weeks Pregnant and afraid Of Eating Disorder relapse

So today I am 24 weeks pregnant with my second child. Before I had him my eating disorder was at its worst and I gained crazy ammounts of weight while pregnant with him. I had planned to get healthy and in shape before I got pregnant again but things dont always work out how you hope! So I am now pregnant with our second child.

I was 137kgs before I got pregnant with him and now at 24 weeks I am 139.3. I know that 2.3 kgs is great because of my weight. I think thats why I am scared of gaining. I have developed a fear of gaining but logically I know I am going to. I know I am about 2-4 kgs below what I should weigh right now and I have been eating well and sometimes its junk sometimes its whole fresh foods and its all balanced but i dont know how to shake this fear and accept that 2.3 kgs is actually really good for this far during my pregnancy and actually means I have lost a bit of weight.

I just needed to get this out and ask if anyone could offer any help?

thank you.

(BTW I am not giving in to binge / purge cycle or restricting food as I know my body needs all this for my growing baby and I to stay healthy)


  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    hi. dont know if i can help but i can tell you that i have been there. just want to give you a big cyber hug cos eating disorders suck. i would say dont worry about the scales. you are probably already aware that a lot of weight gain in pregnancy is increased blood volume, amniotic fluid and baby etc. try and relax about food. you are growing a beautiful baby and the food that you eat nourishes the baby. plus you dont have to be thin to be healthy. to be healthy you need to like yourself and eat and exercise with moderation. to that little voice in your head that says that you will only be happy with yourself when...dont listen to it. it lies.
  • bleedingdesu
    bleedingdesu Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I might not be familiar with a pregnancy, but I'm sure as hell familiar with eating disorders, as I've suffered (and I'm honestly still suffering) from one for four years now. If you need anyone for support, feel free to message or add me.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    Hi! I'm 25w pregnant and am in recovery for an ED so I know how hard it is. I gained a lot of weight with my first as well so I've been stressing a lot but trying to focus on fitness, strength, and being healthy instead of weight. Feel free to add me for support :)
  • soontobemomma
    Hi there!
    I am 28 weeks pregnant with my first and have gained 6 kilos so far. I am 5.2'' and was 80 kg pre-pregnancy and now I am 86 kg. I was already trying to lose weight before getting pregnant but then this happened:tongue: Anyways I was obese to begin with. But still I eat fairly healthy, homemade stuff and walk or do yoga for 30 minutes. I know that I am doing the best for my baby and if that means a gain in that number on scale so be it!

    But that doesn't mean that I don't get depressed about my increasing size .. I do! But the thing is I have adopted so many healthy habits that I know that I'll lose the extra weight after the birth of my baby. :drinker:

    So don't worry! Just try to be as healthy as possible and don't worry about the no. on scale. :flowerforyou:
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    I've not dealt with an eating disorder before, but I was pregnant at 128kgs, so I know the emotional ups and downs of being very big and pregnant. It's hard on our bodies, and hard on our minds. We're told to gain a certain amount during pregnancy, but then some doctors will still advocate weight loss during pregnancy. Mine told me to get under 100 before the birth or he'd class me as high risk and move me to a HR ward. I was 132 on delivery, and ended up in the HR ward. My baby was 9lb 10, so not small at all!

    The only advice I can give you is not to stress too much. Eat a well balanced diet, at or just above maintenance calories, make sure baby is growing fine and follow the advice of a GOOD doctor. There's no set amount of kgs that every woman needs to gain during pregnancy to have a healthy baby, and lets face it, a healthy bub is the only outcome that matters at this point.

    After baby, once you've got the all clear, then you can start back again. You need 500cals (roughly) just for breastfeeding, if you plan to do that, so make sure you are eating enough cals (for your weight I wouldn't go under 2000-2200 cals/day while breastfeeding).

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, and I hope all goes well for you :heart:
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member

    I don't have an eating disorder but I just wanted to say that 17 weeks ago I was 40 weeks pregnant and 97kg (or maybe more). I'm now 71kg only 17 weeks later.

    BF really helps with the weight loss, I eat about 1,800 calories a day and loose.

    Good luck
  • lacyjaneful
    lacyjaneful Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for yout support! I am being healthy and eating what I like in moderation.. some days I amd more hungry or less hungry and it really just depends.

    I have also lost a kg and my total weight gain as of today is onlt 1.1 kgs. My doctor is amazing and says that while it is normal to gain weight it is also normal to lose as the body is carrying extra weight and burning calories to support that. I am just happy that my baby is healthy and that this pregnany isnt hard on my body like a lot of other people. I can still walk and things without getting tired.

    for now My goal is to accept whatever happens and know that it wont be there forever!

    thank you everyone! <3