Diet to shred the extra pounds please??!!!!

Hi everyone,
I've lost a total of 30 pounds, last year.. but since, I am not losing anything!! I am training 4-6 times a week, cardio for 45 min each time i go, and can NOT seem to lose anymore..

I need a diet that works telling me exactly what to eat and how much pound I should loose.. Im looking to loose a total of 60 extra pounds and I will be good..

thanks for sharing,


  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Congratulations on your initial loss! 30lb is a great start!
    If you would share your current stats, we can give better quality advice. (height, weight, bf% if known, age, gender, calories)
    I think the most successful diet is the one you already have. Tweak it a little each week (eg swapping to brown bread or cereal), in little steps. A big diet change is so hard to maintain. To lose weight you have to eat a bit less than usual and as you know, exercise more. A note on exercise, try to do weight training too. That way you will gain muscle and as time goes on, your metabolism will increase and burn more calories at rest :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Have you put your stats into MFP? What does it suggest as a calorie goal?

    Unless its super-low (unlikely if you've got 60lb to lose) follow that, keep exercising and eating a varied diet. You're going really well, a third of the way to your goal. So you're obviously on the right lines. Maybe try mixing up your exercsie a bit - your body is probably comfortable with what you are asking it. Keep surprising it by doing different activities - got for a really long walk, or do a class in something you haven't tried, or do some swimming.

    If you've stalled, maybe weigh your portions and see if you're really taking the sizes you think - its sooooo easy to creep up (I am manic about weighing cereal and pasta).

    You will continue to lose, but its a long process. If you lose 2lb a week it will still take more than 6 months - its not going to go by next month, that's just mathematics. And once you get to the last 20lb or so you shouldn't aim for more than 1lb a week in the interests of your health. So realistically its going to be New Year before you're close to your goal, but you will see progress.

    We're here for you - and we're all trying to lose weight too (except those maintaining) so we understand. And we all want it to go NOW. But it won't. *sigh* :flowerforyou:
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Don't follow a specific diet. Set your weekly goal with MFP to lose 1.5lbs per week and eat those calories... plus your exercise calories. You don't need to make it complicated. Diets don't work... find something you can do forever that isn't going to restrict you from eating things you love.
  • queenygold
    queenygold Posts: 3
    Thanks all for your help.. so here are my stats.
    height: 5"7
    weight: 235 pounds
    Goal: lose another 60 pounds = 175 pounds

    I know I need to balance and eat well, but why am I not losing a pound?? and I also weight training 3 times a week.. NADA..
    starting to be desperate.. it is the first time that I am NOT faddieting, and honestly im thinking of redoing that technique since its the only one that works for me..

    I also notice that whenever I enter my weight training, my fitnesspal doesnt count the calories.. is there a reason??
  • Weight training is probably the thing making you not see a change in the scale. As you build muscle and lose fat, since muscle is denser than fat, you won't see a weight change -- but your body will still tone down and change shape. If you're lifting enough weights, it could mean you're still losing fat but gaining muscle -- which is a GOOD thing! :) It will eventually work itself out over time, as your muscles adjust to the strength training. That's also why MFP doesn't count the calories while doing weights -- it doesnt really affect your eating habits or lower your calories like cardio will.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Why do you need someone to tell you what to eat? Is that really what you want to have to do for the rest of your life?

    Find what works for you, that you can do forever. for most people this means eating the same foods they've always enjoyed but just a bit less of it.

    Learn what your TDEE is, eat less than that to lose weight.
  • queenygold
    queenygold Posts: 3
    Thanks for your comments .. @karenjanine: you're right, i have to focus and just be careful with my food intake.. thanks to all.. and i have a new state of mind because of your kind words.. will keep weight lifting.. and eventually will see the changes..
  • Jillian Michaels Body Revoulation, will get the weight off, tone, and build muscle. Its a 90 day program, 30 min a day. You will see results it you follow it.