Am I missing something?



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I see people's diaries and they are eating crap. Hot dogs and Wendy sandwiches. Fries. Cookies. But still coming under their calorie intake. I thought the point of this website was to be healthy??

    NOPE! The point of the Website is to make money and attract enough people who find the site useful in fulfilling THEIR personal goals to make that happen. The originator began with a concept in mind that helped him lose weight and/or get healthy. But no one starts a venture like this without the bottom line in mind.

    BTW, some people's idea of healthy is losing weight (calories in - out, healthy food makes no difference to them) or even having a good physique...I have learned that you can not judge a book by it's cover. There are some VERY Un-Healthy stuff brewing under those good looking exteriors and time will be the judge of it. 5/10/15/20 yrs from now when the joint problems from all the crazy exercise routines and running, cancers from all the heavy meat and protein eating, and ailments from all the other crazy diets start rolling in, people will say, "But I'm skinny or my bmi is right..."
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I miss being fatter. I could be at a higher deficit and eat giant meal a day. now the leaner I am, it is much less forgiving
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    There are some VERY Un-Healthy stuff brewing under those good looking exteriors and time will be the judge of it. 5/10/15/20 yrs from now when the joint problems from all the crazy exercise routines and running, cancers from all the heavy meat and protein eating, and ailments from all the other crazy diets start rolling in, people will say, "But I'm skinny or my bmi is right..."

  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I eat generally quite healthy, but there is day where I do a lot of exercise and just need to fill my calories in - this is where Pop tarts and ice cream come in, protein bars, doughnuts, silly portions of nuts, peanut butter and cookies etc etc.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hitting your macros and calorie goals IS eating healthy. Individual food choices are irrelevant. If I can hit my goals eating home made food or Wendy's food, there's no difference from a health perspective.

    THIS statement alone shows the Ignorance about Nutrition. There is an assumption that "Macros" actually matter. What matters most are the MicroNutrients and Phytochems, and they are no where to be found here. Like as if there is such a real bodily need for something loosely named "protein".
  • verndroid
    verndroid Posts: 2
    Actually .. Eating overly healthy can be detrimental to what you want to accomplish. Personally I have never gotten used to the idea of eating like a rabbit. I hate salad and all that jazz. If I couldn't indulge myself from time to time by saving calories for a beer or a piece of chocolate (or both) I would very quickly get sick and tired of it all and drop out of my diet.

    I re-started about 2 weeks ago on tracking calories and have been loosing close to 2 kgs so far. So a bit more than my set goal of 750g a week. I eat salad. Yes. But not much and I never track it. I know it contains a bit of calories but I have chosen to not bother tracking it at all. Carrots, cucumber and salad don't really matter much in the grand scheme of calorie intake in my world. :)

    My biggest hurdle is motivation to actually continue running 3 to 4 times a week and getting my stamina back to an acceptable level.
  • LaserMum
    LaserMum Posts: 133
    My daughter is an athlete who competes at international level and she uses MFP to log exercise and diet to make sure that she's eating enough. She can expend over 6000 calories a day when she's competing. She needs to put ON a bit weight so while that is the case she makes sure that she's eating a bit above her TDEE. When she's competing she'll eat loads of carbs - fast release during the day (what we might think of as crap - Haribo Tangfastics are a favourite) to keep her energy up and then slow release at night (eg: pasta, potatoes, etc.) to replenish her energy stores for the next day. When she's training she eats more protein to build muscles, so lots of chicken, beef, etc.

    I have diabetes so I low carb all the time and try to eat 20% below TDEE as I need to lose weight (a lot of it!). I still try to have a treat most days.

    Neither of our diets are "normal" but they suit our needs.

    It's each to his own I guess.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • maheenkqm
    maheenkqm Posts: 11
    I dont think Wendys and stuff is healthy, and just because you made the calories doesn't mean youre going to loose could be starving your body of nutrients that wendys simply does not provide..But again it could be a cheat day or whatever.
    I do that too..I LOVE WENDYS =(
    Its a weakness=(

    However I still eat chocolates and candy as long as I stay in my 1300 calorie limit im good..

    I also use MFP to understand how calories work, and how easy it is to rack up
    its important for me because it helps me with my food choices.

    Also it gives me an answer when i step on the scale and Im all WTF HOW THE **** DID I GAIN WEIGHT...Then im like ohhhhhh yeee...DAMN IT lol
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I will eat what I want. But thanks
  • maheenkqm
    maheenkqm Posts: 11
    Actually .. Eating overly healthy can be detrimental to what you want to accomplish. Personally I have never gotten used to the idea of eating like a rabbit. I hate salad and all that jazz. If I couldn't indulge myself from time to time by saving calories for a beer or a piece of chocolate (or both) I would very quickly get sick and tired of it all and drop out of my diet.

    I re-started about 2 weeks ago on tracking calories and have been loosing close to 2 kgs so far. So a bit more than my set goal of 750g a week. I eat salad. Yes. But not much and I never track it. I know it contains a bit of calories but I have chosen to not bother tracking it at all. Carrots, cucumber and salad don't really matter much in the grand scheme of calorie intake in my world. :)

    My biggest hurdle is motivation to actually continue running 3 to 4 times a week and getting my stamina back to an acceptable level.

    Yeah I gave up SOOOOOO fast when I was on my Strict diet..i let myself have fun and eat a few junk here and there and i actually enjoy it.
  • Th3stral
    Th3stral Posts: 93 Member
    The way I work it is that healthy food usually has more fibre/protein and potentially less calories (as well as more nutrients, your metabolism won't work without b vits and minerals to act as cofactors) than crap. I can meet my high protein, high fibre, high nutrient (had a baby, lost a lot of blood so rebuilding) needs easily by making healthy choices and there is room for me to have slightly less healthy items in moderation too.

    When I'm getting nutrition on all levels I'm actually struggling to get enough volume into me so I have to have something a bit indulgent (homemade cookies usually) to bump my calories up.

    Whilst I like salad, I certainly don't live off of it! For me choosing whole grain seeded bread over white, whole wheat pasta (or even better, quinoa) over white pasta/rice etc is so filling I have reasonable sized portions for my size and get all the goodness to. I like a lot of raw foods too, so snack on a handful of raw and unsalted nuts rather than a bar of chocolate. It's about making your diet sustainable, if your not getting nutrition on all levels it's not as sustainable long term as you will start to become unwell at some point.

    If your looking for inspiration then look for a group of healthy eaters? Like previously said, everyone has their own agenda and without knowing all the facts/circumstances (perhaps they are pre diet and logging to get a realistic view of what their current diet is actually like?) it's not approptriate to judge individuals.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I will eat what I want. But thanks

    Exactly. I eat whatever I want so long as it fits my goals. Weight loss has been slow, but steady.......down 23lbs in 7 months. And I eat chocolate most days.
  • cisko213
    cisko213 Posts: 10 Member
    The way I work it is that healthy food usually has more fibre/protein and potentially less calories (as well as more nutrients, your metabolism won't work without b vits and minerals to act as cofactors) than crap. I can meet my high protein, high fibre, high nutrient (had a baby, lost a lot of blood so rebuilding) needs easily by making healthy choices and there is room for me to have slightly less healthy items in moderation too.

    When I'm getting nutrition on all levels I'm actually struggling to get enough volume into me so I have to have something a bit indulgent (homemade cookies usually) to bump my calories up.

    Whilst I like salad, I certainly don't live off of it! For me choosing whole grain seeded bread over white, whole wheat pasta (or even better, quinoa) over white pasta/rice etc is so filling I have reasonable sized portions for my size and get all the goodness to. I like a lot of raw foods too, so snack on a handful of raw and unsalted nuts rather than a bar of chocolate. It's about making your diet sustainable, if your not getting nutrition on all levels it's not as sustainable long term as you will start to become unwell at some point.

    If your looking for inspiration then look for a group of healthy eaters? Like previously said, everyone has their own agenda and without knowing all the facts/circumstances (perhaps they are pre diet and logging to get a realistic view of what their current diet is actually like?) it's not approptriate to judge individuals.

    I never passed judgement. Just questioned the motive of logging in junk food. That's it. A question of interest. I could eat French fries and soda all day long. With some excersise I could be under my calorie quota. Is that what this website is about. The name alone has fitness. So that was my question. Are we looking for fitness pals? I guess not everybody is. But to each their own. No big deal. That's why the headline is "am I missing something "
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    It is to be healthy but also to lose weight and those 2 things don't always meet in terms of people's success.
    The right way to lose weight would be to eat clean, work hard, etc. but it's achievable through eating crap as long as you are under your calories.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Lol well you can still lose weight by eating crap, weather you should or not is another topic!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yes, you're missing something.

    Not everyone has the same goal you do. Some people just want to lose weight, so coming in under their calorie goal is all that matters. Worry about your own goal.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I never passed judgement. Just questioned the motive of logging in junk food. That's it. A question of interest. I could eat French fries and soda all day long. With some excersise I could be under my calorie quota. Is that what this website is about. The name alone has fitness. So that was my question. Are we looking for fitness pals? I guess not everybody is. But to each their own. No big deal. That's why the headline is "am I missing something "

    the motive for logging junk food is to make oneself aware of it. Would you rather people ate but did not log the junk food?

    what you're missing is that the site is used for very many different reasons. there are recovering anorexics here, there are athletes, there are people at the very beginning of their weight loss journey who are taking things step by step. And then there are people like me who need to have a little freedom when it comes to eating choices. Sure, I try to hit my macros and calorie amounts but I also know myself: if I go for the OCD approach I'm afraid I'll either take it too far and eventually develop an eating disorder or I'll crack and go back to my old ways where I didn't care at all about what or how much I ate.

    edited to add: The main reason why MFP works for me is exactly that it's not some fad diet thing; it gives me freedom as well as responsibility over my own choices.
  • cisko213
    cisko213 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, you're missing something.

    Not everyone has the same goal you do. Some people just want to lose weight, so coming in under their calorie goal is all that matters. Worry about your own goal.

    You should learn to read. Third post down from the start I replied.(read it) The post you replied about was about somebody claiming I'm judging people.
  • cisko213
    cisko213 Posts: 10 Member
    I never passed judgement. Just questioned the motive of logging in junk food. That's it. A question of interest. I could eat French fries and soda all day long. With some excersise I could be under my calorie quota. Is that what this website is about. The name alone has fitness. So that was my question. Are we looking for fitness pals? I guess not everybody is. But to each their own. No big deal. That's why the headline is "am I missing something "

    the motive for logging junk food is to make oneself aware of it. Would you rather people ate but did not log the junk food?

    what you're missing is that the site is used for very many different reasons. there are recovering anorexics here, there are athletes, there are people at the very beginning of their weight loss journey who are taking things step by step. And then there are people like me who need to have a little freedom when it comes to eating choices. Sure, I try to hit my macros and calorie amounts but I also know myself: if I go for the OCD approach I'm afraid I'll either take it too far and eventually develop an eating disorder or I'll crack and go back to my old ways where I didn't care at all about what or how much I ate.

    edited to add: The main reason why MFP works for me is exactly that it's not some fad diet thing; it gives me freedom as well as responsibility over my own choices.

    Thank you for your reply. It says allot
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    I do what I want!... as long as it fits my macros.
    And it's been getting me results.