


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't know if I have confidence or not. What I do know is I have two pair of walking shoes that I am fixing to wear out. They are eating up pavement, everyday. I am the epitome of "Will Walk for Food". I am seriously thinking of putting that on a t-shirt. Any who does confidence matter? I think it depends if you are in a social situation for sure. But, will it matter for a calorie burn not so much, so whatever it is you are going to do for exercise just do it. It won't matter if you feel confident or not, your metabolism simply does not care. If you are confident it will probably be more enjoyable though. It's something to work on for your own mental health, but from a nutrition and fitness perspective meh, just do it.

    And there is one more thing. My scale hasn't moved much in the last month, but I am not going to let that stop me from continuing to exercise, log my food, or trying my best to eat more veggies and other things that are healthier. I will continue to work as if the scale is dropping everyday and I am keeping track of this. If it continues a bit longer I will have a conversation with my doctor, but until then I am staying the course and hoping that the weight will eventually start coming off at the rate it was before.
  • abrandnewme18
    abrandnewme18 Posts: 305
    gurl, u r amazing, just the way u r! cuz i'd throw a grenade for you, jump off a plane for you, honey boo boo CHILD!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Do things that push you outside your comfort zone. You'll realise that most things aren't so scary after all and you'll have more confidence to do it the next time.
  • kokevendingmachine
    kokevendingmachine Posts: 43 Member
    Why not start with the mental affirmation that you are confident? Or you could just say these to yourself everyday:

    - I am SEXAAAAY
    - I am FABULOUS
    - I am all these and SO MUCH MORE

    Honestly, stop telling yourself that you have no zero confidence because that's what will manifest in your behavior. You can't act confident while thinking timid, right?
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    I feel a confidence boost when..
    I overcome my fears
    accomplish difficult goals
    focus less on others' expectations
    I feel I'm contributing something of value
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'm very confident. Not sure how to guide someone to self-confidence, though.

    Here's what I think.

    -Everyone makes mistakes. Don't dwell on them. Recognize it, learn from it, move on and try to avoid making the same mistake twice.

    -Don't get caught up in setting Herculean goals. Set smaller, achievable goals and recognise those successes. Those little successes add up and, with each on, you gain some momentum.

    -Don't compare yourself to others. You're unique.

    -Most importantly, cut those people out of your life that feel it is their job to point out your failings. Surround yourself with people that bolster you, ond, conversely, be a positive influence to those around you.

    -Have a sense of humor.
  • LuHox
    LuHox Posts: 136
    I feel a confidence boost when..
    I overcome my fears
    accomplish difficult goals
    focus less on others' expectations
    I feel I'm contributing something of value

    Good point, short & simple.