Where do you live?

HDKay Posts: 34 Member
I'm a nosy nosy person but also wonder if your town is what's tempting you?

I live in a little village in England that's 30 minutes from both Manchester and Liverpool.
Other than being the home town of Rick Astley and the place of the first train (Rock and Roll!) there is little now in this town.

We have a high st that has 7 pubs in the space of less than half a mile, all doing lovely fresh pub grub, a couple of small parks, a really lovely long canal walk that you can follow that takes you past a couple of other pubs and then you get to the other side of town which is more pubs (8 more) , a few shops (mostly charity and nail salons), a weekly market and a hell of a lot of take aways and cafe's.

Social life here everyone meets in one pub or the other as there isn't really anywhere else to go (unless you hop the train) and also british weather is rather sucky, the supermarkets are small sized so you have to head out of town or limit your options (or online shop) the market is brilliant however for fruit, veg and fresh fish and we have a lovely butchers and farm shop but they are more expensive than most people want to pay.

The many many take aways (over 30) are now all in competition to keep customers so most of them now offer a "kids eat free" with a £10 spend, so a family of up to 6 can now all eat for a tenner without mum or dad having to put any effort in, it's scary!

My temptations are to meet up with friends it's often easier for us to just head to the pub for a couple as we all have kids and don't want to be too far out or out too long, slowly switching that to getting a couple of good friends to join the gym with me and after a work out we head for a steam and a gossip but I do have to add our gym is in a hotel and also has a bar attached, ohh and on joining you are given vouchers for the bar!! Ahhhrrrrrrggggggg!!!!


  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    I live right on border of Surrey Quays/Deptford in South East London. It's a beautiful place right by the river, there are several docks and a marina two minutes away from the flat. Doesn't feel like London at all, and it's only two stops away from London Bridge on the tube. Been here for three years now, love it.

    Social life....well... this is London. So that's dictated by your personal friend group not by the area. London can be a very lonely place.
  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    I miss London :-( Grew up there till I was 13 and then Dad's work moved up here, the temptation to bugger off is often high but small house prices, jobs, family and friends would be a massive loss! Seriously though this town it would be so easy to head out for so much fun but getting anyone to go further than the local pub is often a huge wrench! Even if you're talking a 5 min walk!
  • workout_fish
    workout_fish Posts: 67 Member
    I live far away from both of you...in Maine in the good ol US of A! :laugh:
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I live in the Inland Empire which is located in Southern California. I am about forty five minutes away from the beaches. :D
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    SE London, 5 minutes from where the soldier was killed. Such a lovely area, lol.
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    I'm originally from near you - Bolton to be exact. But i moved away about 7 yrs ago and live in France now.

    There are no pubs near us, no take aways, no indian, no chinese, no kebab, no pie shops, oh I've gotta stop, I'm making myself depressed!!! :laugh:

    social life here is going to friends houses for meals - of which is happening this weekend.

    I really miss 'northern' humour, and the people are lovely - can't beat a bit of Peter KAY :laugh:
  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    I'm originally from near you - Bolton to be exact. But i moved away about 7 yrs ago and live in France now.

    Awwwww the ex hubby works in Bolton and I get the joys of going in at the end of the month to do his accounts, you're missing the bin lid breakies aren't you :-)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Luton :/ Quite a bit of pubs/takeaways/nightlife/shops. Also has a university, the reason why I moved here.

    Not much is tempting me to stay here now that's over with though (I'm moving next month!) I recently heard the town is up to it's 10th shooting this year, which makes me even more glad to be leaving. It's also been voted worst place to live in the UK. Bye-bye.

    Place I'm moving to was where I grew up. A little less to do, but I don't mind. Has a few nice pubs, and a big park nearby to take the dog for walks, some nice shops. It's still close enough to London too that if you really wanted to go somewhere good, it's not far. It's also had a lot of filming going on lately for the new Simon Pegg film "The Worlds End" which annoyingly I didn't get to see because I didn't live there at the time :/
  • Naomii101
    Naomii101 Posts: 14 Member
    hi. Im sara. i live in NEW ZEALAND hahaha. thats farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr awwayyyy. use probably won't know where it is :p
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    South Africa !!!!!!
  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    hi. Im sara. i live in NEW ZEALAND hahaha. thats farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr awwayyyy. use probably won't know where it is :p

    Island of the coast of Australia where they filmed the Lord of the Rings :-) I soooooo want to visit your lovely country x
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I live near the Great Barrier Reef and have been to most of the islands off the Queensland coast. It was my dream since I was young and I did it but I also need to see the rest of the world and have been to around 25 countries so far. Love camping in just a little old tent so much but just upgraded to a camper with aircon, microwave, tv.. lots of stuff so I won't know what hit me after I get to have my first trip!
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    Fenton, Michigan, the Great Lakes state. :) I love the BIG waters! \o/
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    hi. Im sara. i live in NEW ZEALAND hahaha. thats farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr awwayyyy. use probably won't know where it is :p

    New Zealand is one of my top bucket list places to want to travel to in my lifetime. :) Also, I'm a huge Fat Freddy's Drop fan. Love Katchafire too. :)
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I live in the heart of Birmingham City Center, in the UK.

    It's called the 'Gay Village' or 'Gay Quarter' where I live. It's next door to China Town. It's a quite area of friendly gay bars and clubs, which suits me down to the ground. It's a little noisy, granted, but I never walk down the road without getting a smile from someone I know.
  • TikiTony13
    TikiTony13 Posts: 323
    North London,UK:)
  • WelshMaid
    WelshMaid Posts: 52
    Anglesey,North Wales....and no I have not bumped into Kate or Wills yet ;-)
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Upstate NY.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Upstate NY.

    Could that be any further from Portland, Oregon? :sad:
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a Canadian living in Mexico. I am about 15 minutes outside of Playa Del Carmen on the Riviera Maya