Wanting to lose weight for running



  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    I noticed your working out for 2.5 hours--no mention of weight training, but you posted you also weight train. I believe you will need to be as dedicated and patient as possible--your body will not lose nine pounds over a month or two--not if your exercising and burring 1500 calories each workout day and lifting--I'd like to know what strength training your doing. You obviously have a body which is accustomed to the rigors of road work--my hunch is you need to change up your workout routine--spend two weeks strength training the amount of time you put on the road doing cardio and you ought to see a pound or two drop--body is very efficient--it craves change!
  • runninggirl1981
    I'm 5'4-5'5.

    There is plenty to come off around my tummy and bum. I was under 9 stone for a while about 18 months ago but struggling to get back there!

    and your running didnt suffer when you were at that weight?

    i think you should focus on fat loss, and ditch the scales.

    i am not a runner so i dont know how much you NEED to do per day/week for the competitions you do, but given that you do a lot of exercise, you need to fuel your body properly.

    Running was better and easier a little lighter. I had an op and had time off and put weight on and struggling to shift it.
  • runninggirl1981
    I noticed your working out for 2.5 hours--no mention of weight training, but you posted you also weight train. I believe you will need to be as dedicated and patient as possible--your body will not lose nine pounds over a month or two--not if your exercising and burring 1500 calories each workout day and lifting--I'd like to know what strength training your doing. You obviously have a body which is accustomed to the rigors of road work--my hunch is you need to change up your workout routine--spend two weeks strength training the amount of time you put on the road doing cardio and you ought to see a pound or two drop--body is very efficient--it craves change!

    My running performance is more important than my weight loss so swapping running/cardio for strength stuff won't work. To run faster, you need the running miles. I do 3-4 hours workout each day during the week, an easier day on Sat- maybe a run or couple hours on the bike, and on a Sunday- either a marathon or a 200k bike ride. I strength train 3 times a week. Mainly endurance based, so higher reps rather than sets of 10, as they suit what I'm training for better. I'm not weak and feeble, I can comfortably do 100 press ups in one go, and the weights I lift are more than a lot of the guys in the gym. I'm happy with the training I'm doing. I don't want to change that. And I don't expect to lose the 9 lbs in a month or 2. I'd like to be that much lighter in 4-5 months time.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    As far as the conflicting information goes, those telling you not to eat back your calories must not be very active if they feel fine eating the bare minimum...and they don't understand what healthy weight loss is all about. And they also didn't read your post very carefully, they just gave their standard answer for when this question comes up. The rest of us telling you to eat back those calories understand that those of us who are more active and/or doing more intense workouts need those extra calories both to fuel our bodies and to lose the weight in a healthy way so our bodies look the way we want them to.

    It's tough to give you advice because you are an exception to most rules as you are extremely active on a regular basis. I would think the best solution for you would be to follow the "in place of a road map" program that someone posted the link to above. The only other solution I can think of would be to get a nice HRM with a chest strap like those by Polar or Garmin so that you can get a more accurate calorie burn for your activities so you know for sure and can plan accordingly.