What is your calorie goal?

Just curious about others, what did MFP set for your calorie goal, and how many calories are you actually taking in?And how much weight are you losing a week or a month.. My calorie goal is 1520 and i'm usually taking in 1200-1220...


  • jenilosinfluff
    jenilosinfluff Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is 1260 and I'm usually within 100 calories of that. So far I am lucky to lose 1 a week. Hoping that my increase in activity will pay off. I work 2 jobs 6 days a week in an office and it makes it that much more difficult.
  • 1500 is mine , with high physical activity.
  • Mine is 1,200 according to MFP, but when my scale got stuck at 132.5-136 lbs for about six months, I INCREASED my allowance to 1,200-1,500 and starting losing again. I'm at 129.5 lbs now and the scale is still eeking downward.

    Trying to stay at 1,200 left me prone to binging every week . . .
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Mine is 1200 which seems stupidly low - I was shocked! I am lighTly active, 5'2, and need to loose about 25lb. I am breast feeding, so I have increased my calories by 300, as advised on other threads/ websites. I have only been here 3 days, and so far I have been about 100 cals over every day :(. I am also very hungry!
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    1200 for loss w training, but I find that's too quick and I get tired so I'm aiming for 1300-1500 :)
    If its 1200 I can lose a pound in a day, but that's not sustainable. However I find when I try stick to 1200 I make healthier food choices and am more concentrated on eating healthy things. When I aim higher i feel like its a lot so I go a bit off the rails and eat junk... Really going to work on the 1300-1500 but of HEALTHY food! For me that's low carbs and gluten as I'm sensitive to both, but I work in a cafe where we make our own muffins so its hard!

    Add me too :)
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    1400-1500 with a high activity level here. :)
  • Anywhere between 1300 and 1800 and I am happy (:
  • xynyth
    xynyth Posts: 89 Member
    mfp has me set to 1350 at sedentary but my fitbit compensates for my actual activity level and even on days I don't work out it bumps it up to around 1500. I generally keep to my limits :)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    im 5'6 - 210 pounds
    (u didnt mention your height and weight)
    1720 is my set goal
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    My min is my BMR which is about 1450ish

    My max (on track to lose half a pound a week), puts me around 1800-2000 if I exercise.

    If I don't exercise, 1550 is the goal MFP gives me.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    1700 is my default, I kick the butt out of that during the week (I like to run lean during a typical office weekday) and compensate at the weekends to avoid slowing the metabolism.

    I don't log exercise or booze, I figure they cancel each other out over the course of a week ... Somehow it all seems to be working ...

    Hmmm, another glass of red methinks ...
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Just raised mine to 1800
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    2500 is my daily goal - I eat anywhere between 3500-4200 a day. I eat back my exercise calories.
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    My MFP goal was 1200, my TDEE-20% is 1601 and I consume 1601. I used to do the 1200 religiously, but did my own research and decided that I was going about it all wrong. Took about a month to get my metabolism back and start losing again.
  • MFP put me at 1,200/day. That didn't fly with me since that's what I've also done in the past and failed. I went in and manually changed it to 1380, I got stuck after a little bit and realized I started to go to bed hungry, and upped it to 1480. Now I'm losing again. I take in between 1350-1550 most days. Some days more depending on how hard I exercise for the day.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If I listened to MFP I'd be eating 1700, but I set it to 1920. I usually eat around 2100-2600.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    When I started last August, MFP set me at the ridiculously low 1200 it sets most ipeople at. I thought that sucked, so I raised it to 1650. I went from 235 lbs to 180. At that point I hit a bit of a stall, so I switched to maintenance for a month, which raised it to 2050 calories. This week I decided to hit it hard again, so I brought it back down to 1800. So far so good!
  • bonk102
    bonk102 Posts: 1
    239lb Male, 2,040 a day. I started with 2,200 a day and was at 260lb when i started. So far i've been losing about 4lb a week, but now it seems to be slowing to a more reasonable 1lb.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi my MFP calorie allowance is 1200 per day, so far I am usually just under or over by a few calories. But as I have only started back on Monday (again), I have set my weight lose to zero, as this time I would like to lose that 35 lb's. I am sure once I get back to the gym I can increase my calorie intake :smile:
  • MFP has me at 1830 (5'9", Moderately Active, 259.2 lbs) and thanks to my fitbit one, I end up at at least 2200/day (gross). However, I try to stay between 1800 & 2000 gross (not net). For example, here's my last several days' gross and net cals:

    2058 1459
    1572 1056
    1675 1260
    2128 1301
    1853 1319

    According to FB, I generally burn 3200-3500/day thanks to my walks and general inability to just sit still for very long. Hehe. The last five days for cals burned and steps walked per FB:

    3404 14837
    3268 10436
    3220 8425
    3567 18120
    3333 14753

    ETA: Er, FB was on the fritz a couple of days in there, hence the low steps.