Serious craving for chips



  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    Pretty much the only thing I ever crave is chips. I don't deprive myself or I'd go on an epic binge. I buy the small bags 1-2 times per week and it keeps me satisfied. Also, I love baked Lays!
  • I found that taking Essential Fatty Acids has done it for me. I LOVED chips and fries. No more. I don't go near them. I have plenty around with 5 kids and I don't want them. If it's a crunch in a chip I want, I have gluten free chips once in awhile. Dosage of EFAs is important. If you're interested in what I'm say message me. It works......

    Peace ॐ
  • elaineirene84
    elaineirene84 Posts: 65 Member
    I love chips too and have found one that I like that isn't too bad. For 20 chips it is only 120 calories and 190mg of sodium which is pretty good for a chip. They are air popped instead of baked or fried.
  • llcjmama
    llcjmama Posts: 27 Member
    I still eat chips I just weigh mine and have 1/4 to 1/2 the serving on the bag. I don't have them often but as a treat! I have switched to popcorn you can eat 10 cups popped for 150 calories that's ALOT of popcorn!.
  • hdavis704
    hdavis704 Posts: 3
    Dont know if it will help with other people but i swap crisps/chips with dry variety packs of ceral because they are already measured out and the have a low fat content :)
  • dollienj
    dollienj Posts: 49
    If you don't have a soy allergy, I recommend dry roasted edamame - the lightly salted type is crunchy and satisfies my pretzel or chip cravings. High in fiber and protein, too. Seapoint Farms is quite good - I found them for $1.69 a bag at Wegmans.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    salty and crunchy? popcorn is your friend
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,865 Member
    When I crave salty crunchy I zap some turkey salami in the microwave to a crisp (cover with paper towel). Or seaweed snacks from the Asian grocer. The turkey salami is 90 cals for 3 slices and my grilled Korean seaweed snacks are 30 cals a package.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I, too, am a recovering chip-aholic. A while back I tried the special k chips that are just over a hundred calories a bag and they were pretty good. This time though, I'm trying really hard to stay focused and behave myself so I didn't allow myself any chips for a few weeks. Yesterday I gave in and had a serving (yes, I counted out 11 chips) of the chips they had out on the counter here at work. I found that I didn't really enjoy them like I used to. Either my tastes are changing from eating so much healthier lately, or I have psyched myself out of liking them much anymore?

    One of my ways of abstaining is I literally say NO to foods that are bad for me. Out loud. In saying it aloud I am affirming to myself that I am making good choices. Might seem dumb but it works for me.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    I have the same problem, if I open a bag I have to eat the whole bag and have no control, so if I do buy chips on occasion I will buy snack sized bags to control for how much of them I eat.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Me too, they are my crack...

    I just eat them, but stop at one portion (individual size bag). Family size bags are the devil!!! And then I drink a lot of water. I don't really like sweet things, so I consider them dessert or a treat or whatever....

    Mmmm....salt and vinegar....
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I love chips and fries. LOVE. Snyder's veggie chips are my favorite and to me taste just like chips. for 30 grams(weigh don't count them) you get a good handful, 140 calories and yummy. i just make sure I drink a lot of water with them and savor them. Now all I need is 30 grams.
  • Wizard87
    Wizard87 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh, also kale chips. You can buy them or make your own.
    I second this. Kale chips are great. Lots of recipes out there for them, too.
    I also eat wasabi peas from Trader Joes, as they have a great crunch for little calories.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Another big fan of PopChips. Beware of imitations, not popped chips or poppers or chip pops, but PopChips. 20 real potato chips 120 cal

    Instructions for eating:

    Open the bag
    Count out 20 chips onto a napkin (do not eat any yet!)
    Close the bag and put it away. Far far away, not on the counter. Maybe an upper shelf. Somewhere that you have to reach for it.
    Enjoy your 20 PopChips :bigsmile:
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    Make your own. Google how to make microwave potato chips. Seriously, I do it when I have a chip craving and it is perfect because I only eat the amount that I made. It's cheap because, well, raw potatoes are cheap. And it's easy to change up depending on your seasoning! It's a lot healthier because you aren't loading them with oil and salt.
  • I too am a chip-a-holic , Pringles is my drug of choice! I can put down an entire can of Salt & Vinegar Pringles in one sitting ! I crave the crunch and salt. Lately I have been trying individual bags of rice cakes in savory flavors and Sensible Portions veggie chips and apple straws(they are only mildly sweet but awesomely crunchy). With the sensible portions you can have 38 straws for 130 calories, WHICH IS A LOT BC I ONLY EAT 20!

  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    A snack size bag works for me. I mean the single serving sizes and not those with 3 servings in them. I also found that I just like to eat crunchy things so if I'm not craving salt I grab some crispy celery to chomp down on. If I need something salty, I pop up some popcorn and toss soy sauce, brewers yeast and paprika on it!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Ooooh, I love chips, too. I could live on Andy Capp Hot Fries and Doritos!

    Have you ever tried Mike-Sells Puff Corn? There's butter, cheese, and cinnamon sugar flavors. A serving is HUGE, under 200 calories, and it's really tasty!
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    Oh, also kale chips. You can buy them or make your own.
    I second this. Kale chips are great. Lots of recipes out there for them, too.
    I also eat wasabi peas from Trader Joes, as they have a great crunch for little calories.
    Along the same lines, I make spinach chips.

    60g of spinach (or however much you can spread out in a single layer on your baking sheet)
    one teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of baking soda (takes away some of the bitterness, apparently), and I like to add a splash of soy sauce. Swirl it all around in a bowl so every leaf is just coated.
    Spread on your baking tray (I line it with parchment paper to prevent sticking) and pop in the oven at 120C - about 250F. Watch so they don't burn, they are done when none of them are limp. Mine usually take 25 minutes. Sprinkle with your preferred seasoning. I like cayenne, garlic and sea salt. A little bit of seasoning goes a LONG way since the chips melt to nothing in your mouth.

    Try it even if you aren't a huge fan of spinach, they're not bitter at all and very mildly flavoured. Baby spinach is even better.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I fully admit to having no control whatsoever when it comes to a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips. I had to just stop buying them and didn't replace them with a different snack. I wanted to completely break that evening mindless snacking habit.

    What I did do, though, to help with the flavour craving, was to keep on hand S&V popcorn seasoning. Just pour a little into the palm of my hand. All the flavour, none of the calories. And eventually I stopped doing that, too.

    I'm saving chips for a long-weekend treat now. I buy one bag of my absolute favourite brand and enjoy them.