Anyone used/using Alli pills?



  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Years ago I took the prescription version Xanecal (double strength) and I lost a lot of weight. I swear by them. But... the mode of action scares me. They cause the pancreas to act irregularly and it doesn't absorb some of the fat you eat. Pancreatic cancer is not treatable and no one knows what causes it. So I only take them occasionally if I'm having Italian food for example. My husband doesn't like the occasional leakage so he won't take them. It doesn't happen all that much. I admit I do chance it. I once asked a cardiologist what he thought about Alli and he said it was a great medicine. His reasoning is less fat goes into the blood.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I actually had a Co worker who did alli. She had GREAT results. Once she figured out what would cause her to have the leakage that was pointed out, which meant a high fat content, she knew to stop eating those foods which helped her change her eating habits over an extended period of time. It's not pleasant but a good tool to help you change your bad eating habits. It did take a while but she lost about 50 pounds and kept it off for quite some time.

    It's like paying someone to slap you every time you eat too much fat.

    ^ I think I would MUCH prefer a slap in the face.

    True. Slapping doesn't ruin your pants.
  • Vampcitychick
    dontuse them! I know im a little late on this but ive been taking them and this morning i woke,up with nastu oily grease all over my underware! It was so nasty! Im never taking those again.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no but theres no magic pill or anything else so its a waste of money
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I actually had a Co worker who did alli. She had GREAT results. Once she figured out what would cause her to have the leakage that was pointed out, which meant a high fat content, she knew to stop eating those foods which helped her change her eating habits over an extended period of time. It's not pleasant but a good tool to help you change your bad eating habits. It did take a while but she lost about 50 pounds and kept it off for quite some time.

    It's like paying someone to slap you every time you eat too much fat.

    ^ I think I would MUCH prefer a slap in the face.

    True. Slapping doesn't ruin your pants.

    I would much have preferred the slapping too! :laugh: :laugh:

    Even on a low fat diet the 2 weeks I was on those tablets was like the oily anal leakage nightmare from H3LL!! Don't do it!! :noway:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i've heard that globs of fat come through your poors and also end up in the toilet. not even kidding.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Alli is like threatening your body. Eat too much fat? Get ready for some leakage and wet farts!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I actually had a Co worker who did alli. She had GREAT results. Once she figured out what would cause her to have the leakage that was pointed out, which meant a high fat content, she knew to stop eating those foods which helped her change her eating habits over an extended period of time. It's not pleasant but a good tool to help you change your bad eating habits. It did take a while but she lost about 50 pounds and kept it off for quite some time.

    she prolly lossed weight from not eating fatty foods, not a pill. weightloss pills are a joke and waste of money. just eat tasty healthy foods and move your behind around a few days a week. no magical pill needed.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Um how about be patient workout and eat better :) avoid needing to carry a roll of tp in your purse lol
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Why would anyone willingly experience anal leakage? No way!

    ITA. No matter how desperate I may have ever been to drop weight, after reading the distasteful truth about Alli I concluded I would NO WAY never take one of those pills!!!
  • culkin1
    culkin1 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes I used it for about a month. It did work. I dropped a few pounds not only because it doesn't allow you to absorb all the fat you eat but also the fattier stuff you eat..the more...messy you become. Since you don't want that you tend to avoid those foods. But after a while you get sick of that effect so I couldn't stay on it any longer.
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    no not me, but i have a friend who did and she believes they cost her a glall bladder.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Please don't use them. It's another fad diet with horrible side effects.

    Take it from a 58 year old woman who has tried nearly every fad diet invented. The true success for lifetime takes changes in your nutrition and moving yourself off the couch.

    See my ticker below.....done it without surgery, fad diets, etc. I follow the advice of my nutritionist for calories and exercise.

    The last 3 days have been pure mental torture for me, so I let myself go for those 3 days. As of today, back on the band wagon to give those last 8 pounds a whooping!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I actually had a Co worker who did alli. She had GREAT results. Once she figured out what would cause her to have the leakage that was pointed out, which meant a high fat content, she knew to stop eating those foods which helped her change her eating habits over an extended period of time. It's not pleasant but a good tool to help you change your bad eating habits. It did take a while but she lost about 50 pounds and kept it off for quite some time.

    If you dumb enough to need to soil yourself in order to "learn" that too much high fat foods are bad for you, I have very little hope for humanity.....
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Tried them when they first became available. Did little for me. Ends up, I don't eat that much fat.
    Now, if you could make a pill that would cause me to crap my pants when I ate too much sugar, then you'd have something.
  • sznnn
    sznnn Posts: 46 Member
    My sister and I looked it up when it came out a few years ago because someone she knew was using it. One of the suggestions on the site was while you get used to the "treatment effects", think about wearing dark pants to work. :huh:
  • e_is_for_erin
    e_is_for_erin Posts: 83 Member
    Why would anyone willingly experience anal leakage? No way!

    Yeaaaaahhhh... if you want to worry every time you have to fart that you are going to leak yellow oil out of your butt, then go for it. You will need to wear a pad for your *kitten*, get new undies, and worry a lot. And- it doesn't just happen when you pass gas. It happens with no warning.

    You don't even *feel* it either, because it is exactly body temp. It is terrifying.

    Warm stinky oil, leaking out of your butt at any given moment.

    I would rather starve.

    ^^Yep! And the way this was put is funny and true.
  • moonsforeyes
    moonsforeyes Posts: 228
    You do not need pills to lose weight.

    1. Eat sensibly
    2. Move your body

    It will come off with patience and time

    If you feel the need to pop pills in your mouth get some amino acid pills and B100 complex.

    This. Simply and perfectly put.
  • SamanthaMitch1981
    I use the double strength ones perscribed by my GP. I havent had any nasty side effects and yeah the weights dropping off me.