flabby belly

I have a saggy flabby belly, I also have a bad back so find it difficult to do crunchs and exercise without pain. any ideas as it really gets me down. im dieting and walking. I drive for a living so im sat most of the day. help me plz xx


  • westhamrangers
    Hi I suffer with bad back and have physio (Lowest disc protruding). I looked up crunches for bad back. I do mine two ways but depends on your back issue. I have to be careful going to far forward. I do crunches with my back on settee and legs up with back of settee under my knees and don't use my back a lot and make sure I use ab muscles. I have also done them seated with arms crossed over chest.

    Diet also comes into this I think. I noticed when I stopped certain foods and beer that I lost a bit of belly fat!

    I hope this helps!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce. As you lose weight, your body will take it from all over rather than from a paritcular area. Crunches will give you strong abs, but will not make them visible unless you lose body weight percentage in general. Resistance exercise is going to be your best bet for reducing body fat (dumbells or body weight exercises are a good place to start).
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Every human being has a six pack. That is how the muscles are. Doing things like crunches, planks or any other core exercise will help with either maintaining current muscle or building more. However they will do nothing, i repeat, nothing at all to reduce the saggy flabby, belly as you called it. That is the fat over the muscle. If you want to lose that then diet is literally the most important thing. Overall body fat percentage is the issue. It takes a long time and in many people the stomach is the last to burn away. However it can be done if you have enough patience, willpower and discipline.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Do something fun like rollerblading, going for long walks, or biking. Burning fat doesn't have to be a painful and strenuous process. Good luck. :smile:
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    The dieting and walking is good! .
    I eliminated white processed foods and grains and its done wonders for my tummy!
  • Nicolawinstanley1
    Nicolawinstanley1 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks everyone for your help, im determind to get rid of the belly. and yes fats going from everywhere other than my belly, suppose itll get there when there"s nowhere else to go lol xxx
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Yoga! No crunches! A good yoga teacher can help you modify poses to work with your physical limitations and still build core strength.

    (My trainer tried to get me to do crunches the other day and I looked at him like he had five eyes--we don't do crunches in yoga!)
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    I had scoliosis growing up and have 75% of my back fused so I can only bend at the neck and hips. My husband got me a stability ball and I have been able to do a LOT of exercising on there in general. As for abs, I have been doing leg lifts and they are awful. And since you do them laying down, it's 0 pressure on my back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHSIerbp-CE
    My belly is very flabby from having a c-section about 2 years ago and not exercising or watching my food until now. Previously, I ate terribly and sat around since I have a desk job 8-5. Good luck!