Your Running History



  • BAMarsh
    BAMarsh Posts: 72 Member
    I began running in April 2011 following the c25k plan

    I completed my first...
    5k in September 2011
    half marathon in May 2012
    triathlon in August 2012
    marathon in November 2012.

    I've done...
    two 5k
    one 10k trail run
    one 15k
    three half marathons
    one marathon
    one triathlon

    Am currently signed up for to still complete this year...
    triathlon (August)
    half marathon (August)
    marathon (September)
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    I just finished week 6 of C25k. I ran my first mile in 6 years on May 17,2013. I ran nearly 2 miles yesterday. I'm so ready for mile 3. I'm doing my first 5k the last week of June.
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    Last September at the age of 63 and weighing in at 309lbs I started jogging. A few hundred yards to start with, then up to a mile in 20 mins. As I lost weight and continued running I got better at it. On Jan 20th I ran my first 10k race in 1hr 17min. On May 5th I ran my second in 1hr 07min. I now weigh under 220lbs and run my first half marathon in five weeks time. I am able to get down to 10 min miles in training now, for short distances, it's amazing what we can do if we try. Good luck with your running.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I come from the school of Go Big, Or Go Home...

    In 2008, I took the family to Disney World. We were at the Hoopdy Do Review and I was picked out of a crowd to participate in their dinner theater. I was picked based on my "Wisdom" a very thinly veiled and humiliating reference to the fact that I was 325 pounds. I have never been more mortified in my life. Oh sure, I knew I was fat... but to have it showcased in front of 300 people... well I left the stage ready to die.

    Since that night I committed myself to lose the weight and took up running. I had heard that your legs offer the largest fat burning engine in your body. I made use of my quads, my hamstrings, and my calves. After losing 40 pounds, I found I needed to keep my motivation up and signed up for Team Diabetes which is a fundraising campaign for the Canadian Diabetes Association.

    11 months after the Hoopdy Do Review incident... with some very hard work, a few injuries, many aches and pains, and most notably people telling me I couldn't do it, I completed the 2009 Honolulu Marathon. It took me 7 hours and I ended up walking a large part of it. But my response now to anyone who says you can't do something is that you tell yourself "Hell Yeah you can!" You just need to believe it. My weight since then has fluctuated never more than 20 lbs... and I've kept running. I am not fast. I will never win any races... but today I am 217 pounds... and I will win my race when I someday reach 200.

    Running is my road to salvation. Without it, I just wouldn't be, me.

    Freakin' aweseome!
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    The fact that your goal revolves around beating Oprah, , , is well, , , , just sad. TURN IN YOUR MAN CARD!!! :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    and whats your time :)

    Ding, Ding, Ding!
    Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just finished week 6 of C25k. I ran my first mile in 6 years on May 17,2013. I ran nearly 2 miles yesterday. I'm so ready for mile 3. I'm doing my first 5k the last week of June.

    You go! I did my first 5K one year after I got out of the ICU. Trust me, finishing is winning!
  • glassxxballerina
    I started running when I was 15. I'm 25 now.

    I didn't start doing races until I was almost done with college. So far, I've completed a handful of 5Ks, 10Ks, a 10-miler and I'm gearing up for my second half-marathon in June. I'm not terribly fast (9:30-10min miles) and it's not my favorite thing to do, but I keep up with it because I am in my second year of seriously competing in local sprint triathlons. After three indoor events and two outdoor events earlier this year (AG and overall medals for all except one that was a DNF due to hypothermia - this race was in May, people!), I have two to three events scheduled per month through September. I'm even challenging myself with two open-water Olympic lengths. :) I really have no desire to do an Ironman, maybe a half in the future.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Started in February of this year. I really, really wanted to do Color Me Rad, so I did. I never thought I could be a runner. I started when I was still 210 pounds! My doctor recommended interval training, which is similar to C25k (I think). That first night I couldn't jog 30 seconds straight. I did the entire CMR race on April 20th in 48 minutes, probably 75% walking and 25% running (I had a much larger friend that I was waiting up for a lot). I was pretty proud of myself.

    I'm signing up tonight for my first mud run/obstacle course. I thought it was 5.5k, but it's 5.5 miles. Oops!

    Today I jogged two miles straight in 25 minutes. It doesn't take long for your body to adjust. I can't believe just three months ago I couldn't jog 30 seconds, and now I can jog two miles!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I ran a little bit in college, but then didn't start running regularly until 9 years ago, at the age of 33. I had a come to Jesus moment with a three way mirror. For the first three years, I just ran about 4 miles at a time, three days a week, and didn't pay any attention to pace. And then in 2007 I ran my first race - a 7 miler - followed by my first half marathon a few months later. Since then I've run something like 15 to 18 half marathons, and a couple dozen other races ranging from 5k's to 10 milers. I ran my first full marathon in September 2011, and will run my second one a week from Sunday.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I ran from the police once while a group of us were TPing houses. That was in the 80's

    I ran after toddlers for about 5 years. That was in the 90's

    I ran from a swarm of bees that were migrating. A few of them bounced off my head. That was just a couple years ago.

    I've run two 5Ks and hope to do more soon. That was this spring.
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Beating Oprah's marathon time ... I LOVE that idea!

    I started MFP when I was about fifty pounds heavier and had just been diagnosed as obese-- in January 2012. At first, I couldn't run... so I did Zumba, walking and yoga, etc. I started C25K after I had already lost about 30 lbs in June 2012.

    I had forgotten how much running can exhaust a person. I had a hard time making it through day one. Still: I pushed myself and finished.

    My first ever actual race was a trail-run, a 10K in October 2012. I finished in 1:08:13 (a pretty impressive time in my opinion). Since then I've ran eight other races ranging from 5K to 10Ks. I've got my tri scheduled in July and my first half scheduled in October of this year.

    I've lost almost another 30 lbs since I started running and am now in the best shape of my life.

    My goal this summer was initially to run at least two races a month... but it's so addicting that I'm on target for running a race every, single weekend.
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    I ran track and cross country for a couple of years in High School. After a car wreck before my Junior year I didn't run again until last spring at the age of 45. I got serious about running around July and have now completed a 5K and two 5 mile races. My first 20K race is coming up on June 1. Throughout the fall I was seeing consistent improvements in my times but a stress fracture in February set me back a bit. My goal for the 20K is 2:00 but after my run this morning (12.2 miles in 2:23) I'm unsure if that is realistic but I'm still gonna go for it.

    A real key to improving is to vary your workouts. Change paces, change paths, and change distances. I've noticed I run better at certain times of the day as well. Unfortunately my best times happen late at night and all the races I found run relatively early in the morning.My goal for the next week is to get out and run early each day to acclimate me to racing early on the 1st.

    Good luck with your running blow Oprah's doors off!
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    I have been running for about 4 years. A friend of mine and I started walking at work. We have a beautiful Riverwalk and it was a great outlet at lunch. The next year, she started running a bit. She had lost over 80 lbs on Weight Watchers and found herself again as the natural athlete she was. She decided to sign up for the Gate River Run - which is the largest 15k in the United States. I signed up for the 5k, told her she was insane for running that distance - why would anyone do that??? And then was immediately jealous. The next year I trained and did the 15k, also. I have now ran it 3 years in a row. This is my longest distance. I have done plenty of 5ks, 10ks, and even a few other "ks" wedged in there.

    I am not a natural athlete, and I am slow! But this is a terrific race which I highly recommend that people come down to participate in. My daughter ran it this year, also. She always swore she would never run! When she started her weight loss journey, she knew she would have to give in. That was my greatest accomplishment was to see her cross the finish!

    I plan on doing the Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon in October here in Jacksonville. That is what I am training for...

    For more information on the Gate River Run, here is the website.
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    It took me about 2 and a half months to complete my first 5K (on a treadmill). I did it in around 33 minutes, but I weighted 110Kgs then (242 pounds). I'm 1.88cm or around 6' 2" tall. So not "obese", but certainly overweight. Prior to that I had exercised on and off, and had player football (soccer) from time to time.

    My longest run has been an 8K, but I've done a dozen 5Ks, a few dozen 3Ks, etc. I started running to lose weight, but now I'm training for a half marathon and then, hopefully, for a full marathon next year around this time. I used to think it was "boring" and perhaps even "stupid", but now look forward to running and just forgetting about the world and all of its problems for that short period of time I run.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Wow, such great stories! I started running 2.5 years ago with C25K. Since then, I have done a bunch of 5ks, a 15k and 2 half marathons. So far no desire to run a full marathon, however, I kind of want to beat Oprah's time too. :laugh:
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    I've been running for about 18 month now (I'm 53). I started by walking for several weeks, but then got bored. I did the C25K thing, and have been running a 5K run at least 3 times/week ever since. I've NEVER run before, even in grade/high school - I couldn't even finish the 600yd run without walking part of it.

    Even though I run 5K several times/week, with an occasional 10K when I feel motivated (1-2 times/month), I've only entered 1 5K race, and I competed in my very first 10K just 2 weeks ago.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    I started running at 59 in an Oct. 2011 5k, I walked parts of it off and on don't remember what I finished at BUT I caught the bug. I had never run before worked out off an on yes..but run NEVER. I signed up for a 5k a month series and within a couple weeks by the next month I won my age category. The BUG got worse my 60 th birthday that May I ran 10 ....10ks in May. On Halloween of 2012 I ran a 1/2 Marathon. I just celebrated my 61 birthday 31 lbs lighter and ran a 1/2 marathon to celebrate!
    I run 10 min miles consistent and can run forever...I only run on dirt or trails to save on my joints.
    You can do anything you believe you can!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I ran from the police once while a group of us were TPing houses. That was in the 80's

    Ah yes! I too had a brief running spurt in the 80s. Except it wasn't while TPing houses ... it was escaping after a kegger got busted. I also climbed a chain link fence, so it was more of an obstacle course.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I've always been a runner. In high school & college I ran track as a sprinter/hurdler. After graduating I took a long break. After a while I'd go for an occasional run but nothing serious. 7 years ago I started running off and on. It was a while before I did my 1st half in 2010. I've done a couple marathons & several more halfs since. I'm considering another full next year.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I ran track in high school, but got burnt out and took all of college off, except for a few runs here and there.

    After college I started jogging on the treadmill again for 10 minutes before and after workouts. I signed up for a 10k with a friend. It was associated with a half marathon, and we saw people getting medals when they finished. Well, we wanted medals, damn it! We signed up for the Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon in 2005. Over the course of training for that, we kicked around the idea of a full marathon. One night, we were drinking, and got emails about the full Chicago Marathon. We both drunkenly signed up for it.

    That was 8 years and 14 marathons ago. I've gotten into trail running recently, and might try my hand at my first ultra soon. We'll see.