Anyone want to log their miles in August?



  • BetterVersion
    Aug 4 = 4.25 miles
    Aug 5 = 8 miles
    My Total = 28.75 of 80

    Group total = 306.45
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Ran 2.71 + 10.8=12.51 my total
    2.71+306.45=309.16 group total
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    3.5 miles yesterday
    Group 309.16 + 3.5 = 312.66
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    Only 0.5 miles yesterday I had a bad migraine
    Group 312.66 + 0.5 = 313.16
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Haven't done a whole lot of my regularly scheduled running and walking this week because I've been mostly working from home and it has been MUGGY out so my runs have been shorter than usual.

    I'm at 5.5 miles run and 3 miles walked.... I think. I might be forgetting some walking in there.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Haven't done a whole lot of my regularly scheduled running and walking this week because I've been mostly working from home and it has been MUGGY out so my runs have been shorter than usual.

    I'm at 5.5 miles run and 3 miles walked.... I think. I might be forgetting some walking in there.

    Ok based on Kaitlinj's post, the group is now at 321.66 miles!!
    I cycled today for 25 miles, so the new total is:
    321.66 (group) + 25 (me) = 342.66

    Happy moving everyone:)
  • antiadipose
    i feel bad that i havent contributed since tuesday. i was on a good roll too =(
    but i was stupid and decided to donate blood after a run on tuesday (tho i had a good postrun meal)
    i passed out and seriously injured my knee while passing out.
    so u guys continue on! happy running. put in some extra miles 4 me =]
  • lntbb
    lntbb Posts: 30
    Didn't get to post last night, but I did 5 miles yesterday and 3 so far today.
    Personal total is 23 miles

    I thought I read that we were only counting walked/run miles??? is so the group total is
    321.6 + 8 = 329.6 or
    342.66 + 8 - 350.6 if cycle miles are counted.

    I'll check in later to see what the final tally for the week is.

    Sorry about the knee injury! Hope you're feeling better soon.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Walked 2 miles today for a 7.5 mile total for myself

    Bike miles not being counted
    My 2 miles + 329.6 = 331.6
  • BetterVersion
  • BetterVersion
    Aug 6 = 4.25 miles
    My Total = 33 miles

    Group = 335.9
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Aug 6 = 4.25 miles
    My Total = 33 miles

    Group = 335.9

    Ok, I just came back from a 6 mile run + 1 mile walk.
    Since we are not counting the bike miles, these are the new totals:
    Me (7) + group (335.9) =342.9

    Cheers and happy running/walking everyone
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    2.69 today
    Group = 342.9 + 2.69 = 345.59
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    2.07 today + 12.51=14.58 total
    2.07 + 345.59=347.66 group total :happy:

  • fivedaily
    walked five today.

    my 5 plus 347.66 (group) = 352.66.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    345.59 + 5.56=351.15

    We are moving right along!!!
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Is there someway that my ticker on mileage can update the mileage without me having to go to tickerfatcory, updating, copy and pasting every time......I know I'm giving someone out there a chuckle because I go through this process everyday to update it. :laugh:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Today I ran/walked 5.75miles, which makes my total for August so far - 17.86 miles

    351.15+5.75 = 356.90 for the Group!
  • BetterVersion
    Aug 7 = 5 miles
    My total = 38 miles

    GROUP = 361.9
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Aug 7 = 6 miles
    My total = 36.5 miles

    GROUP = 367.9

    Tomorrow is my Rest day:)
    Happy running/walking everyone
