macros macros macros... no thanks?



  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    just start getting into the habit of weighing and logging your food intake and staying in a certain calorie range FIRST before you even think about macros. once you can handle logging and weighing everything, adhering to macros will be much easier.

    Yep. Macros = too much to deal with when you're first starting out. It might not be a bad idea, though, to try to increase the protein content (in a general way) of your morning and afternoon meals if they're a little light in that area. That could help with cravings/satiety.
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.

    I've heard this before, but it doesn't make any sense, at least for me. As of today, I'm 126 pounds. I've been eating between 1700 and 1800 calories, and I'm still losing weight, which I no longer want to do. If I ate only 1260 calories, I'd be a skeleton.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    thank you so much, everyone! except for bostonwolf... you just sound like a ****.

    You're new here and on your second post, you're already insulting someone?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.

    That's my opinion. My body fat has nothing to do with it. I'm losing slooooooooowly and that's ok by me. I believe in a healthy deficit from your TDEE and not restricting food groups unless there's a medical reason to do so. I also don't buy into the body type bs either.

    But congrats on your 12% ????
  • DoreenCC
    DoreenCC Posts: 9 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.

    I've heard this before, but it doesn't make any sense, at least for me. As of today, I'm 126 pounds. I've been eating between 1700 and 1800 calories, and I'm still losing weight, which I no longer want to do. If I ate only 1260 calories, I'd be a skeleton.
  • DoreenCC
    DoreenCC Posts: 9 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.

    That's my opinion. My body fat has nothing to do with it. I'm losing slooooooooowly and that's ok by me. I believe in a healthy deficit from your TDEE and not restricting food groups unless there's a medical reason to do so. I also don't buy into the body type bs either.

    But congrats on your 12% ????

    Very interesting. I guess the thing is with nutrition, different things work for different people. No wonder everyone is so DAMN confused...LOL. The macros ratio is working for me but then again it may or may not work for everyone. I respect everyone's opinions. As far as the person who "doesn't want to lose anymore weight", EAT MORE! For those who want to lose weight, remember, the more muscle you have, the more calories you BURN. I highly promote weight lifting and tabata (HIIT), it worked for me. Anyone who is dedicated CAN and WILL lose the weight. I used to weight 192 pounds, I did, so can you. Determination is KEY.
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member

    As far as the person who "doesn't want to lose anymore weight", EAT MORE! For those who want to lose weight, remember, the more muscle you have, the more calories you BURN. I highly promote weight lifting and tabata (HIIT), it worked for me. Anyone who is dedicated CAN and WILL lose the weight. I used to weight 192 pounds, I did, so can you. Determination is KEY.

    That's me. I am, and have been, eating more--way above the 10 calories per pound formula. I'm still trying to find the right level. I was just saying I've heard about that formula before, and it doesn't make sense, at least when applied to me. But as you note, everyone is different. It may apply to someone with a lower metabolic rate and perhaps a sedentary lifestyle. But I don't think it works for everyone, and certainly not for moderately active people.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Tell me where I am wrong. Instead of saying no, why don't you prove me wrong. What is your body fat at? Apparently what I am doing is working for me body type. Of course everyone is different. I respect your opinion, but really, what is it?

    Oh, btw, I am at 12% body fat.

    I CUT on 2700 calories and I am 170 lbs. Rule of thumb is not 10 calories per lb of bodyweight. It is dependent on many more factors than that.

    Also, you're not 12% bodyfat.