Looking for advice from women in their 40's.



  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I am 40, I started this new journey when I was 39. I have lost 75lbs over a 16 month period. I did a full life change, full change in food intake, full change in how I prepared food and I started lifting. I feared I would not be able to get the weight off because of my age and used that as my personal reason to just accept the weight I had gotten myself to.

    For me personally I was sooooo wrong. When I started again I was out of shape, and in poor health. I was so depressed that I had let this happen because 5 years before that I was working out until the day I went into labour with my now 6 year old daughter.

    I am in the best shape of my life, I have some toning to continue to get in my best strong form but from my personal experience being 40 does not mean you cannot loose a lot of weight and cannot get in great shape. I have lost 75lbs and dozens of inches all over.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Thanks for all the great comments!!! I will take them to heart and start weight training on my non cardio days. MFP said i should eat only 1210 calories in order to reach my goal of losing 1lb per week. I guess thats why i stuck to that goal. I've seen other websites that say i could eat up to 1400 and still lose 1lb per week. I will have to compromise and maybe move it to 1300. LOL!!!

    I've already hit several plateaus during my 16 week adventure. Hopefully your tips can help me avoid so many.

    Again, very appreciative of your help.

    Hi There!

    Don't make any arbitrary changes without doing proper research as to what your TDEE is! Use the link below to calculate your TDEE then make the appropriate cut to get to your goal. .5lbs/1lbs/week would be ideal and sustainable in the long run.


    MFPs 1200 # is "NET" which means that if you exercise and spend 300 cals doing so then you should eat 1500 to "NET" 1200. I would strongly suggest that you buy a HRM to get more accurate caloric burn #s as Machines and MFP database are notorious for their inaccuracy.

    Note: if you follow the TDEE route then you are already factoring in your exercise so in this case you DO NOT eat your exercise calories back like you would if you follow the MFP route.

    As others have pointed out start weight lifting as it will help maintain and build lean body mass. Make sure that your protein intake is sufficient. To be safe you can try the 40(C); 30(P); 30(F) ratio.

    added link...

    ^^^ Yep to this. I am 44, 5'9" and have lost 67 pounds since January 2012. (20 to go), I do TDEE -15-20% (about 2300 to 2500 cals/day) and am losing about 1.2 lbs/week.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am 45. I feel like I have figured out this weight loss thing. I lost slowly, and I think it's best to eat more calories at a slight deficit than less calories at a higher deficit. It can be done; the only thing stopping most of us is our minds.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    Feel free to add me for support...I'd love to support you and give advice...I am in my 40's...I've lost 25+ pds, did Couch2 5k, and would love to help you...just send me a message reminding me of this post when you add me.
  • Jocmc631942
    Jocmc631942 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the great comments!!! I will take them to heart and start weight training on my non cardio days. MFP said i should eat only 1210 calories in order to reach my goal of losing 1lb per week. I guess thats why i stuck to that goal. I've seen other websites that say i could eat up to 1400 and still lose 1lb per week. I will have to compromise and maybe move it to 1300. LOL!!!

    I've already hit several plateaus during my 16 week adventure. Hopefully your tips can help me avoid so many.

    Again, very appreciative of your help.

    Hi There!

    Don't make any arbitrary changes without doing proper research as to what your TDEE is! Use the link below to calculate your TDEE then make the appropriate cut to get to your goal. .5lbs/1lbs/week would be ideal and sustainable in the long run.


    MFPs 1200 # is "NET" which means that if you exercise and spend 300 cals doing so then you should eat 1500 to "NET" 1200. I would strongly suggest that you buy a HRM to get more accurate caloric burn #s as Machines and MFP database are notorious for their inaccuracy.

    Note: if you follow the TDEE route then you are already factoring in your exercise so in this case you DO NOT eat your exercise calories back like you would if you follow the MFP route.

    As others have pointed out start weight lifting as it will help maintain and build lean body mass. Make sure that your protein intake is sufficient. To be safe you can try the 40(C); 30(P); 30(F) ratio.

    added link...

    Example of what I am doing; pylo today and weight lifting burning total of 1286, this TDEE method says I still eat only 1200 and not the 1286? Just want to make sure I understand that.

    I don't eat those back anyway. But I would if I were wanting to gain muscle mass?
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I am 49, I've lost 28 pounds since January 1. I find that I am losing at the rate that all the calculators say I am supposed to. I eat about 2,000 calories/day. I train with weights every other day, I do 20-30 min cardio afterwards, and I rest completely (maybe take a little walk) on the off days.

    You could probably eat a little bit more and still losem weight.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    One more recommendation if you are not already doing so...

    Fat loss is mostly what you eat and not how much you exercise. Some say it is 80% diet/20% exercise. I would strongly recommend that you get a digital scale and start weighing/measuring everything . You will be surprised how much we under-estimate food intake by merely eye-balling!

    This is absolutely key. My weight loss stalls here and there. But, because I also run and lift heavy, there is always another area in which I'm seeing improvements (getting a new PR, shaving time off of my run, etc.).

    Make sure that you are NETTING your daily calorie goals. You should be eating back the calories you burn, it's how MFP was designed to work. And, please keep in mind that weight loss is not linear.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    I'm 41, 5'7" and started mid-February. I signed up at a local gym, bought personal training sessions and began weighing everything that went into my mouth at the same time. I lift heavy 2x per week and manage to get 1 run or sprint interval session in also. Prior to that I had been regularly doing weights at home and not seeing the scale budge. We're not that far apart in terms of weightloss. I've lost 19.5lbs since midFebruary. I've had to increase my caloric intake twice since then because I'm not keen on losing lean muscle and felt my weightloss was too fast. I think initially I was taking in 1600 calories, then upped it to 1750ish and just today upped it to 2000. On days I lift I eat back my exercise calories and go a couple hundred cals above maintenance. I'm hypothyroid as well so I've been thrilled with my results so far!
  • I'm 45 and have been working out for about 3 years. I started with Zumba for 1 hour a week, then a second class, then a third. When two of my classes got cut, I joined a gym and started lifting weights and using their treadmill, elliptical and arc trainers. While I was doing just Zumba, I lost ~20 pounds (in around 18 months). Since joining the gym, I have lost a total of 50 pounds. I hit several plateaus though, it wasn't until I started seriously logging what I ate when I started losing weight again. You have to be very honest with yourself about recording what you eat, overestimate if you cannot weigh/measure. I sometimes eat my exercise calories, but sometimes I use them to eat something decadent and not just a second helping of supper.

    I go to the gym 5x a week most weeks. I alternate upper and lower body weights, and do 20-40 minutes of cardio every day, plus Zumba once or twice a week for an hour each time. I really like the weight lifting because it is helping me feel stronger and more limber. I started off at just over 300 pounds. I can now jog 6-7 minutes at a time with my kids.
  • nagniho
    nagniho Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for all the great comments!!! I will take them to heart and start weight training on my non cardio days. MFP said i should eat only 1210 calories in order to reach my goal of losing 1lb per week. I guess thats why i stuck to that goal. I've seen other websites that say i could eat up to 1400 and still lose 1lb per week. I will have to compromise and maybe move it to 1300. LOL!!!

    I've already hit several plateaus during my 16 week adventure. Hopefully your tips can help me avoid so many.

    Again, very appreciative of your help.

    Hi There!

    Don't make any arbitrary changes without doing proper research as to what your TDEE is! Use the link below to calculate your TDEE then make the appropriate cut to get to your goal. .5lbs/1lbs/week would be ideal and sustainable in the long run.


    MFPs 1200 # is "NET" which means that if you exercise and spend 300 cals doing so then you should eat 1500 to "NET" 1200. I would strongly suggest that you buy a HRM to get more accurate caloric burn #s as Machines and MFP database are notorious for their inaccuracy.

    Note: if you follow the TDEE route then you are already factoring in your exercise so in this case you DO NOT eat your exercise calories back like you would if you follow the MFP route.

    As others have pointed out start weight lifting as it will help maintain and build lean body mass. Make sure that your protein intake is sufficient. To be safe you can try the 40(C); 30(P); 30(F) ratio.

    added link...

    Example of what I am doing; pylo today and weight lifting burning total of 1286, this TDEE method says I still eat only 1200 and not the 1286? Just want to make sure I understand that.

    I don't eat those back anyway. But I would if I were wanting to gain muscle mass?

    Hmmmmmm..... not sure how you are calculating your calorie burn #s are you using a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Did you use the Scoobie link to calculate your TDEE? I highly doubt that it told you to eat 1200 cals!!! What did your TDEE comeout to be?

    What is your height, age, weight and BF% (if you know) and what activity level did you enter?
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    I am 42 and the weight for me has been coming off very slowly. It has taken me over 5 years to lose 34 lbs and taking the last 5 lbs off that the Dr. wanted is becoming the most difficult. It takes a lot of patience. I try to do at least an hour of cardio most days a week and then 2 days of strength training. My calorie intake is supposed to be 1300 a day but I am not always successful. I am in no way an expert but I just plug away at it and try not to get discouraged.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I'm changed my lifestyle at the beginning of 2013 (I turned 45 at the end of January). So far I'm down 36 pounds. I eat 1800-2000 calories (almost no processed foods) a day, see a trainer twice a week, use Nautilus machines once a week, take a shadowboxing class once a week, take a long walk on Sundays, and in between walk to as many appointments as possible. I go to a lot of business lunches and evening receptions, and I have reduced but not given up alcohol...it CAN be done! I feel fantastic and my triglycerides have already gone from "high" to "normal." Best of luck with your efforts!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    In February of this year, I embarked on a weight loss journey. I'm 5'2" and started at 159.5lbs. I've lost 13 pounds (which I'm happy about). I've been stalking the posts regularly and see a lot of young women that are losing pretty steadily (congrats)!!!

    Just wondering if there are any other women in their 40's that are out there. Is your weight loss slow??? If not, what are you doing to speed it up??? I'm eating 1200 calories a day and Im on my 2nd week of the couch to 5K running plan.

    Appreciate all your suggestions!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!

    Exercise is good. Not because you burn so many calories -- you don't -- but because it makes you body-conscious in a positive way that may help you control your eating and it provides many other beneficial effects.

    I'm the same height and whenever I'm intent on losing weight I have to be at 1200 or under. I'm a bit older than you and it definitely was easier to lose weight when I was younger. I was more active, I had no injuries, and my metabolism was faster. I've never been overweight because I made adjustments when I saw my weight climbing -- usually after the Thanksgiving to New Year's corridor of holiday eating.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I lost 50 lbs. in 10 months at age 41 and am still maintaining at age 43. 1200 calories sounds a little low for your current weight. I didn't drop back to 1200 until I was about 10 lbs. from my goal weight (around 135 lbs.) A common mistake people make on here is eating too few calories. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Jocmc631942
    Jocmc631942 Posts: 22 Member
    "Hmmmmmm..... not sure how you are calculating your calorie burn #s are you using a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Did you use the Scoobie link to calculate your TDEE? I highly doubt that it told you to eat 1200 cals!!! What did your TDEE comeout to be?

    What is your height, age, weight and BF% (if you know) and what activity level did you enter?"

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1311
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2261
    Daily calories based on goal in step 1696

    I only eat the 1200 calories, I dont eat anything I have burnt off.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I turned 45 last week (eeek!). My metabolism changed when I was 38, along with all those other fabulous changes. Ugh. I sort of just went along with it for several years, feeling overwhelmed by how out-of-control things felt. But then I decided that the only way to not feel out-of-control was to actually take control. That's about when I discovered this site. I've lost 19 pounds (from 187 down to 168) since November, just doing this MFP logging business. I work out usually 5 days a week. I most often do some of the circuit training videos on Fitness Blender...so some light-medium weights and some cardio. And I've gotten a handle of food choices and portion control. My daily calorie goal is 1490, and I always 'eat back' my exercise calories. I'm taking it slowly. I figure it took a few years to get here, it's OK if it takes a few extra months to go back.

    (I always accept friend requests!)
  • nagniho
    nagniho Posts: 132 Member
    "Hmmmmmm..... not sure how you are calculating your calorie burn #s are you using a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Did you use the Scoobie link to calculate your TDEE? I highly doubt that it told you to eat 1200 cals!!! What did your TDEE comeout to be?

    What is your height, age, weight and BF% (if you know) and what activity level did you enter?"

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1311
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2261
    Daily calories based on goal in step 1696

    OK. Then you need to eat 1696cals/day. You are taking nearly 25% cut! How much weight do you have to lose?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm 40! (still can't believe that). I have 30 lbs to lose and am not having any luck. What and how do you lift?

    Find heavy things, pick them up and put them down. You can use your own body weight (push ups, squats, plank), dumbbells, weight bars, or machines at a gym. There are lots of DVD's that you can use for working at home.
  • Jocmc631942
    Jocmc631942 Posts: 22 Member
    "Hmmmmmm..... not sure how you are calculating your calorie burn #s are you using a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Did you use the Scoobie link to calculate your TDEE? I highly doubt that it told you to eat 1200 cals!!! What did your TDEE comeout to be?

    What is your height, age, weight and BF% (if you know) and what activity level did you enter?"

    40 lbs to reach 115, 45 if I want to get to 110. My doctor wants 115 because of my blood pressure issues.

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1311
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2261
    Daily calories based on goal in step 1696

    OK. Then you need to eat 1696cals/day. You are taking nearly 25% cut! How much weight do you have to lose?
  • Jocmc631942
    Jocmc631942 Posts: 22 Member
    "Hmmmmmm..... not sure how you are calculating your calorie burn #s are you using a Heart Rate Monitor?

    Did you use the Scoobie link to calculate your TDEE? I highly doubt that it told you to eat 1200 cals!!! What did your TDEE comeout to be?

    What is your height, age, weight and BF% (if you know) and what activity level did you enter?"

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1311
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2261
    Daily calories based on goal in step 1696

    OK. Then you need to eat 1696cals/day. You are taking nearly 25% cut! How much weight do you have to lose?

    I have 40-45 lbs to loose yet