Just getting started with a long way to go

Any tips on how I can say motivated beyond week one? I have 60 pounds to lose.


  • dawndawn39
    dawndawn39 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on week two and have been doing great. I am supposed to lose 1-1.5 pounds per week. I am so excited that I am down 7 pounds. Try to think of it as a way to be more aware of what you are taking in. I do not think of this as a diet at all. You can do it. I am a lazy dieter so if I can do this so can anyone. Good luck
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    1: Get friends here.
    2: Support them and be supported by them.
    3: Open your diary to the public so when you have questions they can help
    4: Make sure your weight loss goal isn't set to 2 lbs a week
    5: Set personal goals based on things you can actually do (like logging all your food honestly, or jogging 2 miles 5 days a week) not on things that are results (losing 5 lbs, lowering your blood pressure).
    6: Realize there is more to health than just weight. Don't focus on the effin scale. Resolve to be healthier, not just lighter.
  • beverly185a
    I agree with the previous post. Having a weight loss buddy helps a lot. You can keep track of each others progress and be each others' support system. You can never undermine the effect of having someone to constantly motivate you. I am talking from experience of course as I have my weight loss buddy to thank for the weight loss I have achieved to date. Weight buddies are also an excellent source of advice. I remember when I hit a weight plateau, my weight loss buddy recommended a pill she used called Prescopodene. I completely trusted her and gave it a try too. It worked wonderfully and has helped me shift the weight without any side effects. Now, I am a few kilos away from my target weight. I am aiming to hit the 25kgs marker. A little over 5kgs more and I am hitting my milestone. :)
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Set small goals. Say after 5lb you can buy yourself a new outfit, or something similar. Break it up into small goals, so you trick yourself into thinking you're almost there!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Why do you want to lose the weight? Understand those reasons and use that to motivate you.

    I had two primary motivations. First, I have friends who are having serious health problems related to weight. I started to get concerned, I didn't want to get sick and put my family through that.

    The second thing was immense disappointment over my weight gain. I had promised myself I would never hit 250 pounds. When I saw that number I became very angry. That failure motivated me throughout my weight-loss journey and motivates me still.

    If I could allow such a failure in the past, how can I be sure I won't fail like that again?

    I remind myself of that anytime I feel lazy or am craving something bad. It keeps me very motivated!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Just focus on one pound at a time and be proud of each and every one you lose, regardless of how long it takes. Also don't be in a rush to lose it. The longer it takes to lose it, the stronger your new healthy habits will become.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Set yourself mini goals.I had 198 pounds to lose when I started and if I had looked at all that weight as a big chunk I would have become very demotivated! And embrace every single pound you lose as it's all contributing towards a healthier you!