Saturday night with friends

Hey everyone I would love any input or advice on this issue that keeps coming up. On Saturday nights a few friends come over and we usually have a few drinks and chat . I usually put a bowl of pretzels and chips out for the guests but for myself I have a small dish already weighed out to about 100 calories. It's already very difficult for me to resist because pretzels and chips are my drug of choice.( i can devour a whole bag each no problem) SO my friends proceed to tell me "Come on your're with your friends it's Saturday night, you've worked hard all week , I feel guilty and use it as an excuse to dive right in and indulge in both another glass of wine and a quite few more chips. I don't want to be rude or appear to be rigid but what is a good way to deal with this issue. Thanks everyone


  • esjayyy31
    esjayyy31 Posts: 16
    How about making your own veggie chips? I love home-made potato or sweet potato chips. A lot of people like them too, and you could put out condiments like garlic powder and salt and chili flakes to give them more flavor if your friends want.

    Also, I like to divide up my wine with club soda and make it into a wine spritzer. That way the wine is being spread out and you don't feel like you're depriving yourself when all your other friends are chugging away at their n-th glass :) Just some suggestions.

    If you're not a fan of these suggestions, maybe get in a great workout earlier in the day - planning ahead is always a good idea :) Hope that helps a bit! Good luck!