Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - please read for your health

I had my period for 11 days, and last Thursday I went to my gyno, and she gave me progesterone and birth control, i am still on the progesterone, once i finish it i start the birth control the sunday after.
last friday i got blood work done to test my thyroid and insulin. yesterday i found out my thyroid was fine, but i had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
i did researched, and it answered all of my questions. PCOS causes irregular hair growth, irregular or prolonged periods, and OBESITY, trouble losing weight, and make it difficult to get pregnant.
my ovaries are covered with cysts. i got the cyst because my body does not know how to properly process sugar and starch, so it builds up in my bloodstream, and somehow creates the male hormone, androgen, and that causes the cysts. since i have male hormones, i gain weight like a man, and it goes to my abdomen, which is very dangerous.
now i am a normal person who likes food, but i would wonder why when i would work out and eat healthy, like i am now, i can't lost more than 10 lbs. i would eat healthy and work out, see my weight didn't change and get upset. i would try and beat plateaus, but nothing worked. i would get upset and have a cookie, and try to work it off afterwards, and nothing would happen. before i started gaining weight, i was 15 and 138 lbs, ran 6 miles (including tons of hills) and ate healthy. i was able to eat a subway sweet onion chicken sandwich, and not gain weight, and workout and still lose weight. i could have cake at a party and work it off the next day. but my body now just didn't do it.
so now that i have my answer i am going to continue with the progesterone and birth control, but on tuesday will ask my gyno for other options too.
please get your thyroid and insulin checked, the sooner you know the better. it scares me i have cysts, and these health problems, and worries me that i might not be able to get pregnant, but now that i am taking charge of it, i hope they will be treated and i can be healthy again.


  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    It sounds like you found out early which is a great thing. PCOS is a completely manageable condition and does not necessarily mean you will have infertility issues. I think a lot of women on this board have it as I've seen lots of topics about PCOS. It's good you're here, you can learn a lot about how nutrition and exercise can help to manage this condition. :smile:
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    You can always try the Metformin. I haven't lost any weight on it, despite eating 12-1400 calories a day and working out. Usually I lose weight so easily. This time, it doesn't seem like it though.
  • maggiekcm
    maggiekcm Posts: 8
    I have PCOS also, and am now trying to get my weight down. I tried metformin but did not like it, I was always nauseous. We will have our ups and downs but we can do it! Good luck!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I had my period for 11 days, and last Thursday I went to my gyno, and she gave me progesterone and birth control, i am still on the progesterone, once i finish it i start the birth control the sunday after.
    last friday i got blood work done to test my thyroid and insulin. yesterday i found out my thyroid was fine, but i had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
    i did researched, and it answered all of my questions. PCOS causes irregular hair growth, irregular or prolonged periods, and OBESITY, trouble losing weight, and make it difficult to get pregnant.
    my ovaries are covered with cysts. i got the cyst because my body does not know how to properly process sugar and starch, so it builds up in my bloodstream, and somehow creates the male hormone, androgen, and that causes the cysts. since i have male hormones, i gain weight like a man, and it goes to my abdomen, which is very dangerous.
    now i am a normal person who likes food, but i would wonder why when i would work out and eat healthy, like i am now, i can't lost more than 10 lbs. i would eat healthy and work out, see my weight didn't change and get upset. i would try and beat plateaus, but nothing worked. i would get upset and have a cookie, and try to work it off afterwards, and nothing would happen. before i started gaining weight, i was 15 and 138 lbs, ran 6 miles (including tons of hills) and ate healthy. i was able to eat a subway sweet onion chicken sandwich, and not gain weight, and workout and still lose weight. i could have cake at a party and work it off the next day. but my body now just didn't do it.
    so now that i have my answer i am going to continue with the progesterone and birth control, but on tuesday will ask my gyno for other options too.
    please get your thyroid and insulin checked, the sooner you know the better. it scares me i have cysts, and these health problems, and worries me that i might not be able to get pregnant, but now that i am taking charge of it, i hope they will be treated and i can be healthy again.

    Welcome to the club! We actually have a PCOS group here on MFP I suggesting checking it out. I was diagnosed at the beginning of this year and started on Metformin, since then I have I adopted clean eating low carb, low gluten lifestyle. I have lost 54 lbs since January with dedication, hard work and researching what is best for my body to eat.

    Good luck!
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Can you only detect it by testing insulin and thyroid?
  • wanttoloseweight4
    what are the indicators? i have ovarian cysts and was hosptilized twice because of it my paps are normals but i do have cysts on my ovaries that my doctor said i have to live with she wanted to put me on birth control but i turn into a b**** so i stopped them however i havent been able to get pregnant and its been a year im worried i wont be able to!
  • TwinMamma09
    TwinMamma09 Posts: 140
    I also have PCOS. It can be manageable. I know that the lower weight I am at, the less symptoms I have. That is another reason for me to keep my weight in check because it directly affects my health. I was able to lose 40ish pounds after I was done nursing my twins (which I had to use fertility treatments to have my girls due to PCOS) Once I lost the weight, my doctor tested me and the PCOS was not detectable. I have since gained back about 12 pounds and I am having a few PCOS like problems so it is so important to lose the weight and keep it off.

    There are many of us on MFP that have it so feel free to ask questions, you are not alone.
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    what are the indicators? i have ovarian cysts and was hosptilized twice because of it my paps are normals but i do have cysts on my ovaries that my doctor said i have to live with she wanted to put me on birth control but i turn into a b**** so i stopped them however i havent been able to get pregnant and its been a year im worried i wont be able to!

    Everyone has different symptoms but some of them include.... Easily to gain weight hard to loose weight carrying most of your weight in the midsection, irregular periods or heavy periods, hair on your face and neck, thinning hair, acne, anxiety, fatigue, if it comes along with insulin resistant then you may have a large appetite. I personally would have two feelings one was stuffed and one was hungry there was no satisfied. These are not all inclusive there may be more and not everyone has them all everyone is different.

    There are some great resources out there check out PCOSDiva.com, PCOSNutrition.com and conqueryourPCOSnaturally.com for some more information.

    I've been trying for a year too and all though I thought I was ovulating with metformin I'm not sure if I was, I just finished with my first round of clomid. Good luck with TTC.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I had PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I started following a diet for insulin resistance called the "Link and Balance Diet." It taught me the proper way to plan low carb meals and portion control.

    I've lost 94 pounds in just over a year and I no loner have PCOS or Insulin Resistance and I am 100% able to have children. Just stick with it and educate yourself. It can be done!

    Add me as a friend if you need meal idea. =)
  • ItalianFire91
    thank you guys so much for the support! it gives me a lot of hope i can lose weight with PCOS!

    getting my insulin test revealed i had PCOS, it was actually the first time i heard of it when i was told i had it. but i did notice irregular hair growth, the constant struggle to lose weight, having my period for 11 days, and my stomach always felt like it had period cramps.

    what ways did you guys find losing weight manageable? i am cutting out alcohol (not that i drink it often) and all sweets for awhile, and cheese. i mean i just need something extra, because i have been doing the right things, at parties or going out to dinner i have a treat, but thin people do that too, i would try and work it off...but it just wouldn't budge

    so glad i found out, i want to be healthy and have kids
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    thank you guys so much for the support! it gives me a lot of hope i can lose weight with PCOS!

    getting my insulin test revealed i had PCOS, it was actually the first time i heard of it when i was told i had it. but i did notice irregular hair growth, the constant struggle to lose weight, having my period for 11 days, and my stomach always felt like it had period cramps.

    what ways did you guys find losing weight manageable? i am cutting out alcohol (not that i drink it often) and all sweets for awhile, and cheese. i mean i just need something extra, because i have been doing the right things, at parties or going out to dinner i have a treat, but thin people do that too, i would try and work it off...but it just wouldn't budge

    so glad i found out, i want to be healthy and have kids

    I focus much more on the types of food I put into my mouth, I do eat cheese (Like it too much to give that up.) for breakfast I eat egg whites and usually Turkey Ham, for snacks I have grape tomatoes, Sugar snap peas, nuts, unsalted almond butter, celery, apples fruit, sweet peppers, greek yogurt, for lunch I have some left overs, and for supper I usually have some kind of chicken or fish.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    You will have to be careful about what you eat just cause it fits in your macros (chocolate cake) doesnt mean you should eat the full slice just cause someone without PCOS (and without a metabolic disorder) wants you to.

    Its taken me years to get lower, and im still not exactly in 'healthy bmi' (but i got tested, i have an higher amount of lean body mass through training for years, i got told to ignore bmi there and then) but alas dr still wants me in the BMI range grr !

    The sooner you get a handle on your weight, and food, the better since alot of people developed diabetes type 2 without getting PCOS getting diagnosed (first) and it was entirely preventable. x Syndrome/metabolic syndrome and diabeties are my personal main concerns.

    Im low carbing (i tried low gi but couldnt keep it up, i felt horrible eating rice/pasta and bread i've never got tolerances tested though)
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    I have PCOS. Don't worry, your life is not ruined. Basically, you just need to be sensible and controlled about what you eat. To be fair I'm fortunate that I do not suffer the extreme symptoms but I know I can't get away with overindulging regularly. However - I can still enjoy treats within moderation. For me, I eat a diet high in protein, lots of vegetables fairly low starch. Once a week I have a meal of whatever I want be it sugary, stachy carbs, high fat or whatever or some alcohol. This seems to allow me my share of enjoyment whilst maintaining a general good diet. Lots of exercise also helps and makes you feel good :)
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312

    Its taken me years to get lower, and im still not exactly in 'healthy bmi' (but i got tested, i have an higher amount of lean body mass through training for years, i got told to ignore bmi there and then) but alas dr still wants me in the BMI range grr !
    fat per

    I wish the DR's would forget about the BMI and look at body fat percentage only! I think that it's going to be a problem with me too because I have worked out while I gained weight and I have lots of lean muscle as well (I still have more fat that I should) but I have a feeling I will never be within the standard BMI range even when I am at a healthy weight and size.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have PCOS and have lost in excess of 180 pounds. That said it has taken me 6.5 years. I found as my eating got more consistent the better my symptoms are. My cycle is now regular and nowhere near as painful as previously, i have had some limited improvement with hair growth..i very rarely get migraines these days (2 in the last 3 years where as I use to get cluster of migraines every few months)
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    PCOS is can also be caused by obesity. That is why the two go hand and hand. Excess fat on the body causes the estrogen level to increase in the body. The increased estrogen can cause and worsen the PCOS. Sort of complicated but losing weight is one way to help deal with PCOS.