Low carb for PCOS?

I don't have a problem losing weight by just eating my calorie goal and not limiting carbs. I am wanting to try low carb to see if it will help with pcos related low energy. In case your not familiar with the subject, pcos causes insulin resistance and that's what causes the low energy. Here is a quote of what happens:

"Insulin Resistance, a condition that vastly reduces the insulin sensitivity of cells, impairs the processing of glucose through the cell wall, obstructing the conversion to energy."

I have no idea where to start. Can you guys please give me some ideas on what amount of carbs to start out with it and some ideas of low carb foods?

Also while doing some research, some people were saying they only cut out refined carbs, is this still considered low carb ? Based on what I'm trying to do, would cutting out refined carbs help? or do I need to cut back on all carbs?

PS. I know it's annoying when people post the same questions over and over, but I am not finding any helpful info on this subject. Even googling it I am just getting alot of advertisements for diet plans and recipe books. The main thing I need help with is where to start and what foods to eat.

edited for spelling mistake


  • nawc
    nawc Posts: 24 Member
    I have two friends with PCOS, and I think what works for them is cutting out white flour and white sugar (refined foods!). Try to make the main source of carbs vegetables and fruits with occasional 100% whole wheat, brown rice, and sweet potatoes and see what happens. Also, I have gone to Max Muscle for protein supplements. They could be a source of help as well.

    Best of luck!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    While I do not have PCOS, I do have a friend that is as well as diabetic family members that follow low carb.

    Here is my suggestion, take it or leave it, but here is the best in my opinion....

    Go to scoobysworkshop.com
    Calculate your TDEE.
    Punch that number, whatever it is into MFP under 'custom' instead of having MFP track you what your calorie limit is
    Put 5% carbs, 60% protein and 35% fat
    It is going to tell you a number probably around low 20 for carbs, depending on your weight.
    Keep in mind this is a goal, a target. If you go over a little it is nothing to punish yourself over.
    Also, watch the protein. Your protein number is going to be super high and maybe hard to hit. Buy, it is a goal. Try to get enough protein.
    Also, add fiber to your watch list. Fiber can counteract your carbs!
    That's right, the more fiber you eat, the more carbs you "earn."
    So, say your limit is 20 carbs and you ate 24. But, you had 5 grams of fiber that day.. You are still under on your carbs!
    Meat is the only thing I know for sure is basically carb free. Some dairy is really low and actually, some fruit is too (the high fiber fruit!)
    I don't have much advice in the way of what foods to eat but just Google for a list of beans, fruits, vegetables, etc ... And their carb count.
    Good luck to you!
    In my non-personal, only from a distance, experience ... Aka, from what I have seen... PCOSers and diabetics do really well, for weight loss, on a low carb diet.