Checking out/Getting checked out at the gym



  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    Those good looking guys and gals had to start somewhere... Personally I have great respect toward anybody at the gym who is clearly giving it her best effort, sweating by the gallons. I look at them because I want to see how much they change in the next several months. I have no interest in people who do 10 minutes half hearted exercise on the stationary bike while browsing on their ipads or chatting with their bffs.

    I don't mind getting checked out, I used to be so pathetically out of shape that I was practically invisible to the cool people. Just be thankful that you're not so ugly that people would rather not acknowledge your presence.

    There's definitely some inspirational bodies at the gym : ) Im more shy of the fact that Im so out of shape. But its true everyone has worked hard to be where they're at :drinker:
    I've felt the same. I started lifting weights about 6-8 weeks ago. I'm 47 years old, 25 lb overweight with a 44% body fat. I do NOT look good in my spandex workout capris, and the first couple of times working out with my trainer, I was pretty self-concious in the weight room full of bodybuilders.

    But........the other day my trainer and I were working on hang cleans and one of the body builders happened to be using the space next to me. I was getting frustrated trying to follow my trainer's instructions. The BB actually stopped his workout, walked over and said, "Hey, listen, you've almost got it. It is one of the most difficult lifts there is and your form is better than some of these other guys in here, so don't give up. You'll get it!"

    Now admittedly, he wasn't "checking me out" or flirting, but his comments 1) really went a long way in making me feel like I really did belong in the weight room, 2) made me realize that even buff body builder types are approachable and supportive, and 3) helped me get over my fear of the weight room.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    I don't think I check anyone out per se but you can't help but notice other people (we are human after all, we want to know what others are doing or see how someone might be doing something). I don't know if i've been "checked out" but in the past I've been congratulated on my weight lifting. Fact is your going to see other people at the gym and you might see the same people over and over again, who knows you might catch their eye and become a workout buddy.
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    use it as motivation to keep pushing
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    The dreaded walk? Break out that shell!

    I scan the area when I get there. Then I handle my business without a care in the world.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I def get 100% what you are saying.
    I have been going to the same place on and off for a year.
    I see a lot of the same ppl.
    I may talk to one person once in awhile.
    I walk in do what I gotta do and bounce.
    I thought I would have luck talking to ppl and meeting ppl.
    I just don't think I care that much.
    If ppl try to talk to me, Im corgial, but I don't go out of my way ever to talk to anyone.
    With some of us, It may always be that we are loners.
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    As an overweight girl (250 pounds), I get very insecure while walking in the gym. Especially the weight room. I get stared at all the time (especially if I am in the zone) and I also stare at people too when I workout, that's definitely normal. One day after I got done working out, I wiped down the machine and a personal trainer came up to me and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you. Don't you dare give up." That was about thirty pounds ago when I first started. Ever since then, I go into the gym and kill it every time (burning up to 500-1000 calories). I could careless if my face is red and if I am breathing heavily. When people stare, I take it as a compliment and push myself harder. Be proud of yourself and your body! If you've had a good workout, smile as you are getting off the machine and be proud of yourself. The gym is an overall positive place even if there are negative people in it. :)
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    The dreaded walk? Break out that shell!

    I scan the area when I get there. Then I handle my business without a care in the world.

    lol I know Im being silly I need to just break out this shell : D
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    As an overweight girl (250 pounds), I get very insecure while walking in the gym. Especially the weight room. I get stared at all the time (especially if I am in the zone) and I also stare at people too when I workout, that's definitely normal. One day after I got done working out, I wiped down the machine and a personal trainer came up to me and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you. Don't you dare give up." That was about thirty pounds ago when I first started. Ever since then, I go into the gym and kill it every time (burning up to 500-1000 calories). I could careless if my face is red and if I am breathing heavily. When people stare, I take it as a compliment and push myself harder. Be proud of yourself and your body! If you've had a good workout, smile as you are getting off the machine and be proud of yourself. The gym is an overall positive place even if there are negative people in it. :)

    Inspirational! This makes me feel alot better about all of this :bigsmile: because I think thats one reason people look at me sometimes is because Im breathing raelly hard and Im red ALL OVER sweating up a storm! I try to really push myself when I go (600-1000) so maybe people are just watching rather then thinking I look silly as a big girl lol
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    As an overweight girl (250 pounds), I get very insecure while walking in the gym. Especially the weight room. I get stared at all the time (especially if I am in the zone) and I also stare at people too when I workout, that's definitely normal. One day after I got done working out, I wiped down the machine and a personal trainer came up to me and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you. Don't you dare give up." That was about thirty pounds ago when I first started. Ever since then, I go into the gym and kill it every time (burning up to 500-1000 calories). I could careless if my face is red and if I am breathing heavily. When people stare, I take it as a compliment and push myself harder. Be proud of yourself and your body! If you've had a good workout, smile as you are getting off the machine and be proud of yourself. The gym is an overall positive place even if there are negative people in it. :)
    One thing you need to realize is that we, serious gym users, are a small group in society compared to all the couch potatos out there. As the personal trainer told you, people who go to the gym to work out appreciate effort when they see it. We know it's hard work. Sure there are jerks, but that's true in any setting whether it's gym, school, campus, work, mall, you name it.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    I never really talk to people at the gym - only in classes otherwise it's not a very sociable place. As for being checked out, I seriously doubt anyone has ever checked me out at the gym! I don't go to look pretty - I end up bright red, breathless, no make-up, frizzy sweaty hair...lovely! But the people who I respect most at the gym are the people who look like me - don't understand people who go to pose and not actually do much.
  • Belgie_t3
    Belgie_t3 Posts: 28 Member
    As an overweight girl (250 pounds), I get very insecure while walking in the gym. Especially the weight room. I get stared at all the time (especially if I am in the zone) and I also stare at people too when I workout, that's definitely normal. One day after I got done working out, I wiped down the machine and a personal trainer came up to me and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you. Don't you dare give up." That was about thirty pounds ago when I first started. Ever since then, I go into the gym and kill it every time (burning up to 500-1000 calories). I could careless if my face is red and if I am breathing heavily. When people stare, I take it as a compliment and push myself harder. Be proud of yourself and your body! If you've had a good workout, smile as you are getting off the machine and be proud of yourself. The gym is an overall positive place even if there are negative people in it. :)
    One thing you need to realize is that we, serious gym users, are a small group in society compared to all the couch potatos out there. As the personal trainer told you, people who go to the gym to work out appreciate effort when they see it. We know it's hard work. Sure there are jerks, but that's true in any setting whether it's gym, school, campus, work, mall, you name it.

    :drinker: this makes me feel so much better about things. Thanks for all the positive feedback!
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I used to be very uncomfortable even walking into the weight room and would usually turn around and leave. Now I walk in go do what I got to do say Hi to the same guys I see everyday and maybe get checked out because I'm making awkward faces or cursing to myself. But it's not the guppy in the shark tank atmosphere that I kept telling myself it would be. I look at people sometimes (usually a new technique they are using, their form or how much weight they are lifting). Everyone is there to sweat, workout and get it over with. Just go in there do your workout and after a couple of times of going you will feel like that's where you're meant to be :)