hi im new to my fitness pal and confused !!

kellyprati Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
hi all i need some help to work out if i am doing this right or not, im new to this site today previously been using another site to record my calories and exercise on there it said that i should eat

1600 calories a day
10 mins excerise every day
and 2lb a week loss

here is says 1200 calories
10 mins excerise every day
and 0.9 lbs a week

so now really confused which is right i do want to loose as fast as possible but not feel hungry all the time, on 1600 i dont feel hungry really will eat if there calories left

any advice most welcome


  • jelby72
    jelby72 Posts: 1
    You should be skeptical of everything you read on the internet. You obviously left your previous claorie counter site for a reason- maybe this one will be more reliable:)
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I would just use any weight advice as a rough guide. Apparently I should only lose around 1lb per week but I usualy lose between 3 and 4. Only lost one this week, mind!
  • Ok still confused so if i post my weight height etc do you think some one could help me out

    im 5ft 8 and weigh 251 pounds omg first time i wrote that and still wanna cry !!!
  • More then 2 lbs a week is not healthy so I would stick to that, also mine said 1210 calories plus my exercise calories. I would also exercise more then 10 mins because your muscles take at least that long to get warmed up. at least 50 mins a day 4-5 days a week is what you should be doing ( cardio and sculpting) to get the weight off, my best friend was the same weight as you when we started that exercise regime and she has lost 25 lbs since June 1st and she is eating 1200 calories a day and is never hungry, actually she has to force herself to eat that because she gets stuffed alot, 6 small meals a day is best. Look at my diary for foods I eat, not best for everyone but it is working for me at 14lbs lost.... Good Luck!
  • thankyou michelle at least i know i am working towards the right goals , the reason why exercise is so limited i have 3 small kids on my own so don't get out to do much else and i have 3 shattered discs and to much fluid in my spine and constant arthritus so walking is difficult most days let alone anything else would love to do more so put 10 mins as the least i can do for now!!!
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Maybe lower your goal - I was on 2 pounds a week but found 1200 calories too hard to stick to (everyone is different - some people here do fine on 1200 but I was hungry and I want this to be a lifestyle change, not a diet, so I wanted to eliminate any chance of feeling deprived/hungry). I usually go over by 50 - 100 calories as well BUT I'm losing 1 pound a week pretty consistently (didn't manage it this week but the car was in the garage and I couldn't get to the gym, which has taught me that exercise is crucial for me!) I'd rather lose slowly and be comfortable and keep it off! It will work - don't worry - you just may need to spend some time figuring out what works best for you!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I would say 1200 is the LEAST amt of cals you need to consume. Plus if you excercise you will need to eat those cals as well. Depending how intense your workout. (Also bear in mind to really get your metabolism going you need to get your heartrate up for at least a good 15-20 min to see any benefit.) Perhaps instead of working out 10 min a day, everyday, you do 20 min every other. Also remember you should add time for warm up and cool down so count on a good 30 min excercise. Then if you burn say, 200 cals in your excercise you should consume no less than 1400 cals for that day. You will see as you use the system it will aoutomatically add those cals from your excercise to your daily allowance if you put them in. I must say tho, for being a tall girl 1200 cals is really low and may be hard to stick too. I would probably shoot for closer to 1500-1600 plus excercise a few days a week. You don't want to end up sobotaging yourself by eating too little to where you are hungry all the time. It just sets you up for a failure. Keep your goals realistic and make it fun. Reward yourself for small goals. It can help motivate you thru a tough patch.

    Good luck!
  • Shawna35
    Shawna35 Posts: 65
    I would agree with the previous poster. 1500-1600 sounds more realistic for your height. This should be something that you can do for the long-term. I also wanted to ask if swimming might be something you can do as an exercise with less pain?

    MFP is a great tool if you use it and the community is very helpful. Anyway, welcome and good luck!!
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